The other thing that I like about the idea of Slash with G2 Grimlock's prototype colours is that it's also a sort of reversal of AOE Slash's colours. Yellow with teal highlights vs teal with yellow highlights.
yellow and teal grimlock all the way!
So I have two Sweeps heads from the LG line. I'm torn on if I should grab two more LG Scourge's to use the heads, and you know, army build, or not.
Worth undertaking the impossible in tracking down Botcon rainmakers, or waiting for a chance they'll be made in War for Cybertron as tetrajet repaints?
Seeking the Following:
- CW Brawl
- Earthrise Runabout
- Earthrise Thrust
Depends on whether you want the actual Rainmakers or cool variants of the Classics Seeker mould.
Botcon's Sunstorm, Bitstream and Hotlink are apparently not the same green, purple and yellow Rainmaker characters you get to see for 30 seconds in "Divide and Conquer".
They're actually supposed to be the generic background Seekers from episode 1 that you see for 2-3 seconds:
変われ! ヘッドマスター! Kaware! Headmaster!
戦え! ヘッドマスター! Tatakae! Headmaster!