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Thread: DOTM - not excited? [possible spoils]

  1. #61
    Join Date
    28th Dec 2007



    Still have some stuff for sale. Free pickup at Parra Fair

  2. #62
    Join Date
    12th Feb 2009


    For example, if Allied Forces had managed to capture Hitler, would they execute him on the spot or arrest him so that he can stand trial for war crimes and crimes against humanity?
    Back then, i'd say 99% chance they would of placed a bullet in his head, and i would do the same. Waste of time and money putting him on trial, just like 99% of todays criminals.

    The movies are getting over-analysed and compared to old-school TF. 90% of the audience probably haven't seen G1 so they don't care if Prime doesn't have a heart. Kids these days want tough good-guys, not by-the-book heroes. We don't what prime went through in-between movies. Maybe he was tortured by Demolisher so this was payback, or maybe there was a bounty out on his head for his death. All this shows us is that Prime is serious and wants the Decepticons gone or dead. Yes he's changed since the first movie but that's life. Move along.

  3. #63
    Join Date
    23rd Sep 2010


    Quote Originally Posted by kurdt_the_goat View Post
    This comic springs to mind whenever i see discussions like this

    +5 internets to you sir

    I never thought I'd write this but her goes,


    that is a cracker.

  4. #64
    Join Date
    29th Apr 2008


    Quote Originally Posted by Gutsman Heavy View Post
    My issue was that it's a massive cop out, lets have the biggest con ever, that would make an awesome fight! But instead they snuffed him with an with a pew pew cannon. It was BORING.

    Surely no one enjoyed seeing a cannon (regardless of location) kill devastator. It's the new definition of anti-climax.
    I thought the rail gun was awesome, because rail guns are awesome. Movie Devastator kinda sucked so I didn't mind him dying to it terribly.

    I've seen some comments from that time from non-fans who were like "HOLY CRAP DID YOU SEE THAT RAIL GUN? THAT WAS AWESOME!", the Transformers Wiki - Serious intellectual discussion about transforming space robots.

  5. #65
    Join Date
    24th May 2007


    Considering the rendering of the Devastator character was so memory intensive that it actually destroyed computers at ILM, I'd imagine that it was necessary for it to be destroyed so easily, because a full-on fight scene wouldn't have been possible to render.

    BTW, if 1986 Optimus were just as callous towards Megatron as 2009 Optimus was to Demolishor, he would have shot him as soon as he pointed his rifle at him, instead of covering him like police do of a surrendering offender... long enough in fact for Megatron to stall and grab a weapon. IMO

  6. #66
    Join Date
    6th Oct 2008


    I love that this thread began with "I don't wan't to start a fight but...", and here we are 7 pages and many LOLs later.

    From reading these posts, I conclude that the movies are the shattered glass universe. The Autobots are clearly the bad guys, they remorselessly kill many, many Decepticons over the course of the films. The Decepticons only kill Jazz and wound Jetfire. And to be fair, Megs wasn't thinking straight when he killed Jazz. He just woke up after being frozen in ice for years, and probably had one hell of an ice-cream headache.

    The Decepticons allegedly start a civil war on their home planet, but who tells us this? Prime does. That's the evil Autobot propaganda machine at work fellas. Don't trust the lies! The lies!

  7. #67
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    29th Apr 2008


    I'd consider ILM's claims that rendering Devastator "destroyed" computers to be hyperbole for the sake of marketing hype. To my knowledge, modern desktop computers, unless they are very poorly ventilated and poorly designed, will usually automatically shut down if heat becomes a dangerous, critical issue.

    I'd expect ILM's renderfarms to have these basic self-preservation features, and be housed in climate-controlled conditions., the Transformers Wiki - Serious intellectual discussion about transforming space robots.

  8. #68
    Join Date
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    Sydney NSW


    Quote Originally Posted by shokwave2
    The movies are getting over-analysed and compared to old-school TF. 90% of the audience probably haven't seen G1 so they don't care if Prime doesn't have a heart.
    But even if you'd never heard of Transformers before seeing the movies, ROTF Prime still has a contradictory character shift from TF1 which doesn't seem to make sense.

    Quote Originally Posted by shokwave2
    Kids these days want tough good-guys, not by-the-book heroes.
    I don't agree. You have your archetypal heroes (e.g. Superman, Captain America etc.) and you have anti-heroes (e.g. Batman, Wolverine etc.). Optimus Prime is traditionally meant to be a hero -- the Messiah Archetype. The movie universe retained a lot of this aspect with Prime's repeated compunction to sacrifice himself (e.g. wanting to merge the Cube with his chest, sacrificing himself to save Sam in the forest). So in many ways the movies establish Prime as a hero, not an antihero... yet what he did in Shanghai was more of an antiheroic act. Now if movie writers want to establish Optimus Prime as an antihero in their universe, okay... just do it. The issue I'm raising here is that MOVIE Optimus Prime (ignoring all other Optimus Primes) is heroic in the first movie and for most of ROTF... then he decides to execute Demolishor. Right.

    Quote Originally Posted by shokwave2
    We don't what prime went through in-between movies. Maybe he was tortured by Demolisher so this was payback,
    Cos revenge is such a heroic trait. For the record, DemolishOr never tortured Prime. Demolishor certainly was a mass-murdering terror during the Cybertronian wars as he was a shock trooper who specifically set out to slaughter settlements of Autobot refugees. One of the few (if only) survivors of his onslaught was Sideswipe.

    Quote Originally Posted by shokwave2
    or maybe there was a bounty out on his head for his death.
    Not as far as we know.

    Quote Originally Posted by shokwave2
    All this shows us is that Prime is serious and wants the Decepticons gone or dead.
    Yes but the Optimus Prime we knew from the first movie would only kill if he felt there were no other option.

    Quote Originally Posted by shokwave2
    Yes he's changed since the first movie but that's life. Move along.
    Unexplained/illogical character change = BAD story telling.

    You can have characters change, but they need to explained to the audience. For example:
    1: Anakin Skywalker.
    Phantom Menace = selfless innocent child... separated from mother
    Attack of the Clones = frustrated gifted youth who has feelings of greed (re: being held back) and attachment (re: mother)
    Revenge of the Sith = feelings for attachment (re: Padme) and feelings of impotency lead to his fall to the Dark Side

    2: Frodo Baggins
    A naive and innocent youth whose contact with the One Ring gradually instills him with greed (it could have eventually made him like Gollum if he'd kept it long enough)

    If they want to change Optimus Prime from being a hero (as seen in the first movie) to an antihero, then the audience deserves an explanation. It's just basic story-telling.

    Quote Originally Posted by Oilspill
    The Autobots are clearly the bad guys, they remorselessly kill many, many Decepticons over the course of the films.
    There's a big difference between killing an enemy combatant in the middle of a fight, and executing a P.O.W.

    Quote Originally Posted by Oilspill
    The Decepticons only kill Jazz and wound Jetfire. And to be fair, Megs wasn't thinking straight when he killed Jazz. He just woke up after being frozen in ice for years, and probably had one hell of an ice-cream headache.
    Jazz was attacking Megatron when he got killed. Jazz presented Megatron with lethal force and Megatron returned in kind. Jazz was KIA as a soldier... he was not an executed captive.

  9. #69
    Join Date
    28th Dec 2007


    Back onto DOTM which I believe was the original point of this thread, One thing I am excited about is the wreckers. A couple of things have taken some of the excitement away from me.

    -I thought the wreckers would be like the awesome commando group thats why their alt modes were armed to the teeth. Since seeing Bumblebee with just as many guns it almost seems to take that something special away from them.

    -Their robot modes. Having seen some toy images of the bot modes making them look like redneck NASCAR fans. Mullets, beards, it even appears that Leadfoot has a beer gut for crying out loud.

    There are many liberties that Michael Bay takes with the Transformers franchise that I have let slide because I am a fan of the movies. This however is not ok IMO. The wreckers are commandos. Seeing these bot modes makes me think they'll be redneck cowboys that will rush in and get themselves killed.

    On that thought I do think they need autobot casualties to make it more real since the Decepticons are the fighters and the autobots aren't. I remember thinking after ROTF "Hang on not one autobot died in that. If the autobots could handle the cons this easily wouldn't the war have ended a long time ago?"

    Still have some stuff for sale. Free pickup at Parra Fair

  10. #70
    Join Date
    2nd Jan 2008
    Quakers Hill


    Quote Originally Posted by Gutsman Heavy View Post
    Hot dog! We have a wiener!

    No doubt hasbro loosened the strings when their purse was bursting at the seams thanks to Bay.
    +1 yep he's raking in the cash why spoil it ei? Hasbro is after all gonna need cash to keep on going globally.

    Quote Originally Posted by Gutsman Heavy View Post
    My hatred was rather well documented at the SA meets (Ranting lunatic is probably an understatement)
    My general distaste for ROTF can be summed up as such.
    Devastator was killed by an off-screen cannon.


    Weak man, f'ing weak.
    Guess they havent yet earned enough dough to "invest" on wide screen cameras... blame it on the director...oh wait everyone already does heheh

    Quote Originally Posted by Doubledealer View Post
    Guys, guys, guys....This isn't your daddy's Transformers. It's a different interpretation of the Transformers universe including changes to certain characters personalities (look at Jetfire ferchrisakes!), so if you can't handle that then I suggest going home and crying to mumma.

    I don't actually believe Prime was being unbotmane anyway. He basically had to totally **** Demolishor up before he would stop killing you, your family and your little pet Catilla too. What was he meant to do with the fubar, no doubt beyond repair Demolishor once he was finally stopped? "Oh come on guys, he's 10 times our height and weighs the same as a small country but come on, let's muck together and carry him home where we can start on the repairs!" *cue BB shooting himself in the face*

    Yes, the execution itself may have seemed a bit psycho at the time but Prime's all about saving humanity and just witnessed hundreds of human lives go down the proverbial. Can you blame him for being a bit pissed?
    +++1 why bother lugging the big thug, just blam hmand get the useable parts... wouldnt want that tech going into the hands of the primitive flesh creatures with the great capacity for war, right... I support Bayprime on this... it's war people not a playdate... killing is part of war. Best cannon ever IMO they shouldve made a toy for it, Id get one.

    Quote Originally Posted by Sky Shadow View Post
    DEMOLISHOR: I know you're not going to kill me, Optimus. Freedom is the right of all sentient beings, right?


    PRIME: Now you're free, bitch.
    Heck yeah!! You never know that might be prime's ( this one version) interpretation of his "motto" when applied to 'cons after all he is "alien". Who can say that isnt how he interprets it. Warpath is his best bud.

    Though it wouldve been nice to have tortured him first for more info of what he was ranting about this "fallen" guy...ah well. oh and Jetfire's still a decepticon - who happens to help them so yeah ... Thanks old guy (Prime in his mind thinking silently, mebbe) you served your purpose ( then Prime discrads the used up husk of Jetfire heheheh) but IM IN THE MIDDLE OF GETTING A BUTT KICKING FIGHT TO WORRY ABOUT YOUR BODY PARTS GETTING ITS DUE. After that, well not that interesting enough to warrant a whole scene added to the film, so mebbe that's been edited out by Bay - after all an honorary funeral wouldve been "weak" in his "directorial eyes" seeing as there's no ""SPLOSIONS" .... ROTF is a weak film with little plot for profit purposes guys deal with it otherwise go be G1 Ultramagnus' drinking buddy.

    DOTM - no Im not excited,Ill go see it once the DVD comes out cheaply.... I watched ROTF on he last week of it in theater's when I was soooo bored at home and needed to get out, ended up sleeping on some parts of the movie - particularly the desert running , running,running,running so freakishly slowmo you want to shoot them and be done with it. Oh also just FYI you dont use the "paddles" to someone who flatlines, you do CPR.... but then that wouldnt be as dramatic and all that.... again this DOTM movie is as ever will be a "weak film with little plot for profit purposes" so No Im not excited.
    Wanted AM partner Vanguard, Myclones Dirge, G1 Victory Leo, e-hobby Dark scream ( the black version), e-hobby Magnificus
    Parts- AM partner Basher-side guns, G1 Actionmaster Elite Windmill's blades[I][B]

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