Ive seen KOs ( and shamelessly bought some waaaay back in Phils) of beast wars as they sell really cheap - about AU$3 at the time. These first released ones are of almost the same size ( a few micromillimeter thickness in some) and packaging wise is just like your normal bubble carded beastwars, but you can easily tell coz of
A) the cheaper feel of the plastic, some of the mold edges are thicker and not well defined
B) the clear parts are painted of the same hueonly, instead of being clear
C) the more deep colored paints and hues of the original are lighter in KOs
D) they dont have the BW faction symbols or crystal symbols - only a round bare or flat colored area where it should be.
E) Instead of the usual ratchets and sprews used in the original figures, the KOs tend to use ordinary screws mostly.
F) For those with supposedly transmetalized parts, not all are copied in the KOs
G) the packaging looks really dubious in most

This is just based on the ones I owned and left back in Phils, hope this helps.