If you guys watch Transformers, ROTF, Bad Boys II and DOTM you'll notice something - The way the first movie and ROTF are filmed and edited are very similar to each other in that the pacing of cuts and editing of music follows the flow of the storyline, despite ROTF having such an incoherent plot. Both movies I felt had so much better editing done, even ROTF which kind of also had an abrupt ending too.

The way DOTM is edited together is so similar to Bay's Bad Boys II in that the shots and how they are cut together are so out of sync to how the story flows which actually kind of ruins all those explosions and robot kills. Michael Bay is a great special effects visual artist, in fact the best of Hollywood and his editing had improved so much since Bad Boys II when the 2007 movie and ROTF came out but in 2011 with DOTM I can notice that his bad editing habits have returned.

After some rethinking this is a good conclusion to the Bay Transformers era. And good is a generous enough term for me but like Christalcase I had very high expectations of this movie as Bay and co had said that the issues of ROTF would be fixed in DOTM - well to a certain level they were right as the story was more coherent but at the same time the movie suffered from faults that you'd think Michael would have learned from in the past.