Well I need a day to think about it, but intial reaction seems to be that it was good possibly even damn good (For a TF movie anyway), although is it because ROTF lowered my expectations?

I shall post a more detailed review of what I liked and didn't like later in the day.

Quote Originally Posted by Paul Agnew View Post
As with everyone else so far, got back from the midnight screening and loved it utterly. Yes it borrowed elements from The Ultimate Doom and Megatron's Master Plan, but that's part of the overall charm. Wish it went for another 2 1/2 hours.

Michael Bay, please don't leave the franchise. Though if you are, then you have made the perfect send-off. 12 out of 10 from me.
Yeah this does look like Michael Bays last TF movie, seeing as how it ties up the TF story pretty much, if and when they do do a sequel they'll have to pick up from scratch a bit. So perhaps this is good and bad, perhaps I'm bothered that this movie may actually have been good enough to have a sequel despite leaving no threads to pick up on, unlike ROTF which you didn't really care about the sequel despite there being threads left to pick up on.

Am I making any sense, or is it too early in the morning.