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Thread: Transformers the Movie is now 25 years old!

  1. #21
    Join Date
    7th Jun 2011


    Quote Originally Posted by 5FDP View Post
    Yep, I remember that as well. I got my 3D glasses from Pizza Hut - when you could actually sit down and eat in there just like a restaurant
    well i was only 2 then, but i do remember watching a nightmare on elm st movie at the cinema in 3d too when i was about 10.

  2. #22
    Join Date
    29th Jul 2010
    Sunshine Coast Qld


    I'm glad a lot of people still think this movie is awesome. I have to admit when it was first released on DVD on Madman back in 2003 I was horrified by the image quality. I thought 'oh no, when new younger fans watch this they're gonna say "oh this movie is old and grainy looking, it's crap by todays standard..."'. Thank god for the special edition and blue ray release a couple of years ago. Now we can watch it in all its bright vibrant and colourful glory

  3. #23
    Join Date
    24th May 2007


    I was lucky enough to see it at the theatre when it came out in 1986. But purely by accident. I knew nothing about it at the time.
    My family had just moved to Ipswich a couple weeks earlier and we were staying at a motel near a Movie Theatre. I had just met this other TFs collector at the Motel, and we played with our toys every day.
    At the time, I only knew of the cartoon. I had no idea that there was a movie until Ben (my friend) said that it was on and that we should go see it.
    I was like, okay sure... not thinking it was probably anything special. We thought it was probably just like another episode of the cartoon.
    How wrong were we.
    Within minutes of it starting, we had carnage and slaughter of the characters we knew and loved for the last year or so, and then it focussed on characters we didn't know.
    But I think we were both so excited about seeing new Transformers action, at a Theatre, that we didn't get too upset about the deaths. And we still had comics and cartoons to play out with our battles around the Motel.
    Back then, Ben was a bigger fan than I was, with just about every toy released, but I lost contact with him a couple years later... so don't know if he ever gave up collecting.

  4. #24
    Join Date
    1st Jan 2008


    I remember seeing it first at a friend's place on his VHS tape. He recorded it as it was played on TV one time, so it was quite a few years after the movie came out in the cinemas.

    I was very curious about the whole thing, especially when I saw the fight between Prime and Megatron and thought it was awesome!

  5. #25
    Join Date
    2nd Jan 2008
    Quakers Hill


    I saw the movie on 1988on TV. It didn't get shown in theaters in Manila. Well, not that I'm aware of movies at those time anyways. It wouldn't get release anyways on it's official year there, as Philippines was having the EDSA People power revolution at that time. Marcos was being thrown out of dictatorship after 20 years in Martial law power. This was also the time Don Figueroa's family I believe decided to migrate to Canada since Philippines was in turmoil. It was shown on TV 2 years after it's release (more peaceful time after the bloodless revolt).

    Shown on a weekend night, I had a good fight with my brother coz he wanted to watch something else (he's not into TFs- I know INFIDEEEL!!) so he kept changing the channels while it was on commercial break, which is why I missed some parts, but I did get to see Prime die. Didn't get upset but I was more irritated by my brother changing channels and me missing bits of the movie. Anyways, after a few bawling and tantrums , mom handed to me a small B & W TV ( the one you can use for camping - 6x6 inches screen) and I watched it from there in peace in my room, and let them have the big TV so they can watch a singing contest. I was kinda annoyed more actually that Starscream got killed off. I didnt like the new TF characters they introduced since I didn't know who's who, but I still watched it through as I was curious about Unicron. Even though they said their names in the movie, not being able to repeat watching it, the names didnt stick to memory so when I was discussing it with friends the next few days we were all going by visual description of the robot (e.g.the one who was old and kept telling stories with the dinobots - yay these guys survived!!). GiJoe the movie was shown the next weekend. That I was able to watch complete and in peace.
    Wanted AM partner Vanguard, Myclones Dirge, G1 Victory Leo, e-hobby Dark scream ( the black version), e-hobby Magnificus
    Parts- AM partner Basher-side guns, G1 Actionmaster Elite Windmill's blades[I][B]

  6. #26
    Join Date
    22nd Jun 2009
    Western Australia


    25 years

    I was 9 at the time. I didn't quite lock myself in my room over the death of Optimus prime as some kids apparently did, but I was devastated nonetheless.

    I loved the movie though. I was in awe of the sweeping changes it made to Transformers (deaths of many of my favourite Autobots, change of leaders etc...) and the after effects in the cartoon and the Marvel UK comics.

    I have the Special Edition DVD and the old VHS, but I think I'll get the Blu-Ray in honour of the 25 years anniversary !

  7. #27
    Join Date
    13th Nov 2008


    I was a child in my mother's womb at the time the movie came out, though remember my amazement when I, at about 6 years old found a copy of the movie at the local video rental place, and then my shock as not only Ironhide, Prowl, but Optimus Prime died!

    I remember crying throughout the rest of the film, then being partially comforted by the words "And the greatest Autobot - Optimus Prime - will return!"

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