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Thread: Does anyone else just not care anymore?

  1. #11
    Join Date
    27th Dec 2007
    Sydney NSW


    I've never ever lost interest in Transformers. I started collecting Transformers in 1984 and I haven't stopped since. Sure, there were times when my collecting reached low points - particularly during G2 and in 2002... but it didn't mean that I lost interest in Transformers. It just meant that my collecting slowed down.

    But for me, being a Transfan isn't just about constantly buying new toys, it's also about playing and enjoying with the toys I have and not just "I'm done with you now," then shelving the older toys away and waiting for new ones to rock along. I know that getting new toys is really exciting and all, but so is enjoying what I have.

    For the past 27 years I've never stopped caring about Transformers, and I don't intend to start any time soon!

  2. #12
    Join Date
    12th Mar 2010


    At first I loved collecting and I still do, but it's getting to the point where I'm running out of room and spending is just getting ridiculous. I too might start selling off some of the TFs I don't want in my collection.

  3. #13
    Join Date
    11th Mar 2009


    Quote Originally Posted by liegeprime View Post
    I think most of DOTM figs are butt ugly
    to call the DOTM butt ugly would be a compliment to toys. I never cared much for the toys. I try and keep my collection relevant to my experiences (i.e i only collect, the classics and animated (and bit of titanium).

    I think Transformers Prime is doing a great job with story and animation (i'm not sure if i'll collect the toys (but then again i'm always a late bloomer). I'd recommend you check it out as it might "spark" things up again.

    I dont think the fandom is constrained to collecting ... The hobby is equally as fun when you watch the series, Draw, read etc ...
    So in short. DOTM and movie line is OUT! Transformers all together? ... i still love it.
    "I was expecting a giant car."


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  4. #14
    Join Date
    22nd Aug 2010
    Covington KY


    Never really lost my passion for Transformers overall (aside from the odd sidestep into other franchises involving yellow electric mice, golden-haired monkeys, and buildable bionics, most of the above occuring only when Beast Machines was around. Go fig.), but I really would appreciate going to a store and finding a DOTM toy that isn't either something I already own, or Bumblebee.

  5. #15
    Join Date
    27th Dec 2007
    Sydney NSW


    Quote Originally Posted by Paul Agnew View Post
    Never really lost my passion for Transformers overall (aside from the odd sidestep into other franchises involving yellow electric mice, golden-haired monkeys, and buildable bionics, most of the above occuring only when Beast Machines was around. Go fig.),
    I "sidestepped" into Car Robot when BM was around. Although the Aussie Dollar dropped below 50USc at the time which made importing toys from overseas prohibitively expensive. Thankfully Hasbro released RiD a year later... even if they weren't as good as CR. Ah well.

    Quote Originally Posted by Paul Agnew View Post
    but I really would appreciate going to a store and finding a DOTM toy that isn't either something I already own, or Bumblebee.
    Don't forget the endless repaints of toys you already own!

  6. #16
    Join Date
    19th Dec 2008


    Meh, it's a hobby. I have quite a few of them and besides politics they tend to come and go in intensity.
    But yeah, DotM is singularly uninspiring.

  7. #17
    Join Date
    14th Aug 2009


    yeah DOTM is pretty terrible especially in case of this being Australia and our Hasbro screwing us over.

    They're taking too long to bring out new stuff (like HA Roadbuster, Leadfoot) and the 1st wave shelfwarms like crazy.

    Then there's the TT exclusives that we have to import and its all really just tedious collecting the DOTM line.

  8. #18
    Join Date
    24th Nov 2009


    I've never lost interest in Transformers, only collecting the toys on occassion. During these times I find myself revisiting toys in my collection, reading the old Marvel series, or watching the cartoons.

    Transformers has been far too important throughout my life and I can't ever see myself loosing the passion for the brand. I'll be buried with them
    New Acquisitions:
    TR Astrotrain, Skullsmasher, & Hardhead
    Scouting For:
    G1 Boxes & Cardbacks
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  9. #19
    Join Date
    8th Mar 2010
    Central Coast


    Im a lifer I have not stopped since 1984 and still going strong

  10. #20
    Join Date
    23rd Sep 2010


    PREAMBLE: now that I've finished this, it's kind of long. sorry it it goes on a bit or is a bit boring. I guess I needed to get it off my chest.

    I can kind of see where you're going. on occasion, your expectations of a toy line just aren't met, and it's disappointing.

    I started collecting in the Early 80's with G1, and didn't mind when the vehicles got a bit unrealistic towards target masters and headmasters, as I was at the age when it was still cool.

    But then G2 came around, and the dinobots were green and red and prime had a black trailer and there wasn't much on the shelves. where I was, it just slowed down in availability, (country Victoria). I had no internet, as far as I knew it was all over. I was disappointed, I felt it had died before it's time and most other toys just didn't do it for me like transformers had.

    then in 97 I went to Uni in Sydney, I spend a bit of time looking around toy isles here and there, all I could see was Beast Wars and Beast machines etc, and I couldn't figure it out, why was optimus prime a monkey? I don't think I was even aware of the show. I was very uninterested in figures where you could clearly see arms and legs of the robot mode in the beast mode, I figured it was cheating going from four legged mode to four legged mode. I just didn't get Beast Wars. ( I have since seen the entire series on DVD and I really enjoyed it but I'm not going back to collect the toys).

    My interest sparked back up when I found a re-issue Hot Rod at parra TRU for $25, I didn't even consider not buying it, I'd always wanted a hot rod and for that price it was a steal. Alternators came out !!! I got back into collecting but I was being selective, I only went after new alternators molds and the occasional re-issue that wasn't way overpriced.

    Even during the era of alternators though I was often disappointed with toy isles as all that was generally in them was hound and some Unicron Trilogy stuff which I just didn't get. Who announces their weapon as they fire it and why are these vehicle modes so unrealistic when there is gold like Alternators out in other parts of the world. I was totally unaware of RID as well.

    My collecting since the dawn of the classics line though has reached a fever pitch, I have most if not all of the classics deluxes and Voyagers, I have all my preferred incarnations of the so far released movie characters and I can't wait for Prime to come out.

    I have had mixed feelings about the movies and related toys, and I have just like most people been rather uninspired by the DOTM toy line but I think most of the reson for that is I already have a great version of most of the characters, so far I've picked up Leader Ironhide and Sentinel, voyager megs and shockwave, deluxe jolt because I never wanted the one from ROTF, a couple human alliance figures and that's about it.

    I don't mind that there is a bit of a lull though. I think it is easy to reach a point of saturation in a franchise where it either needs to rest for a while or change enough that it becomes fresh but risks becoming unrecognizable.

    Star Trek had a period where there were 2 new series for almost 7 years. It was time for a break before they started Enterprise and if they had left it a couple years before starting Enterprise I think it would have been received a lot better and would have been much more successful.

    Transformers has had some very big changes over the last 6 years, and while there are aspects of the movies that grind, more good has come of them than bad. Without that popularity we probably wouldn't have had anywhere near as many Classics figures in the last couple years. And the Engineering of Transformers has only been getting better in strides. just look at the differences between the first movie toys and the third movie toys. Don't forget the incredible Aesthetic design in Animated!

    We have been living in a golden age of transformers, and to maintain that, we need to slow the pace a little I think.

    I have been collecting so hard over the last 2 years that I have not been able to un-box figures as fast as I've been buying them, if I didn't buy another figure I could probably open a new one every week for the next year. Once we move to our new home I'm going to have a bit more time for that hopefully and time to enjoy and savour the moments as well.

    Like the others have been suggesting, perhaps you need a rest, or you might find more enjoyment out of your current collection a bit more if you take this spare collecting time to appreciate it. Use the time to save your dollars for the next big purchase, perhaps Amazon Unicron, MP10 or MP9.1. In my eyes being a collector doesn't mean you have to buy something every week, it means you buy what appeals to you and fits into your space, the one in your head and the one you live in. or just wait for what comes next, you might find in six months that something comes out that you just can't get enough of and you'll need all the money you don't spend now on stuff you only sort of want to buy something really cool that you would have otherwise had to pass up.

    PHEW, rant over, can anyone tell that I've had down moments about Transformers in the past.
    My Fan interview with Big Trev

    my original collection from when I was more impressionable.
    My Current Collection Pics (Changing on occasion)

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