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Thread: Questions that need Answering

  1. #41
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    Quote Originally Posted by Verno View Post
    So when G1 Megs says "but I know that TransWarp technology is being developed" in the messsage, was he just guessing, or was he paranoid? Or we're the Autobots really working on it that early?
    Do we know that Transwarp was necessarily Autobot tech? Spacebridge technology was Decepticon tech in the G1 cartoon and developed by a neutral unaligned Transformer in the G1 comics (who became enslaved by Decepticons and thus the tech fell into their hands).

    It's possible that Cybertronians were looking at improving Space Bridge technology into Transwarp Drives... thus allowing individual ships to jump through self-generated worm holes rather than having to rely on a kind of gate like the Space Bridge. The theory for transwarp drive probably existed long before it could be made into reality because often you have to wait for technology to catch up. It often happens here on Earth with science and technology, why not on Cybertron? Look at Leonardo Da Vinci... heck, the Indian scholar Pingara developed a system of binary numerals (11000010101110100111) around the 5th-2nd centuries B.C.E. -- long, long, long before the advent of modern computers today!

    Quote Originally Posted by Verno View Post
    Didn't he get his grey gun mode back at some point and Galvatron became a force unto himself?
    In the Anglophone cartoon continuity - never. In the Japanese cartoon continuity - umm... he became Super Megatron and Ultra Megatron but they both look substantially different from his original Megatron form which is what we see in the Golden Disk recording.

    In the G1 comics the events of Transformers The Movie never occured in the main continuity proper, rather in alternate future continuities - which where Galvatron and Galvatron II came from. But neither of them reverted back to being Megatron (Galvatron was sent back to his original time stream and Galvatron II was buried under ice after a pretty awesome fight with Fortress Maximus ). Megatron lost his original gun form in 1993 when he elicited COBRA to rebuild him as Generation 2 tank Megatron... although we're gonna see a continuity split from this later this year when IDW releases their G1 #81 which will continue from where the G1 comics ended and looks set to ignore G2.

    But as it stands now, in the Marvel comics the last time we saw Megatron in his original gun form was in 1993 and the last time it was seen in the cartoon continuity was in 2005. So no later than 2005.

  2. #42
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    Will you also be looking at explaining why the Vok disk is so similar to the Human disk, Verno?
    Or is it just a common storage medium/device civilisations use throughout the galaxy, kinda like Windows being common here.
    Bob & Larry never explained why they were so similar, and there had to be a reason... as they were both written into the cartoon by Bob (Ep 1 & Ep 24), so couldn't have been a plot or animation error. (at least on this rare occasion)

  3. #43
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    Quote Originally Posted by griffin View Post
    Will you also be looking at explaining why the Vok disk is so similar to the Human disk, Verno?
    Or is it just a common storage medium/device civilisations use throughout the galaxy, kinda like Windows being common here.
    Bob & Larry never explained why they were so similar, and there had to be a reason... as they were both written into the cartoon by Bob (Ep 1 & Ep 24), so couldn't have been a plot or animation error. (at least on this rare occasion)
    I was going to concentrate on getting Cybertron's affairs in order before tackling loose ends like the Vok disk, but seeing as though the Vok are so pivotal in my post-BW fiction, I guess I should look a little harder at the issue.

    If Bob and Larry still had notebooks lying around from their BW writing days, I would love to bury myself in them, but I'm sure I'm not alone there.

    So I guess the answer to your question Griff is Yes.

    TRANSFORMERS: DEICIDE -- The Beast Wars 20th Anniversary Comic Book series that could have been...
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  4. #44
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    Alright, the solution is coming along nicely Griff, but I'm just sorting out a few details. A hint though - there are 4 disks...

    One more thought on Megatron and his gun mode however - I'm not sure what continuity ties into Furman's unofficial Alignment story (I assume it's the Marvel stuff) but Megatron dies in the battle at the Hub. Megatron, not Galvatron. So Megatron is back, and if so, in what form would he have been in when he died? Surely not the G2 green tank thing.

    I realise Alignment isn't Canon, but the stories leading up to it (with the Liege Maximo and the Cybertronian Empire) are, so we have something to work with and draw conclusions from.

    TRANSFORMERS: DEICIDE -- The Beast Wars 20th Anniversary Comic Book series that could have been...
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  5. #45
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    Quote Originally Posted by Verno View Post
    One more thought on Megatron and his gun mode however - I'm not sure what continuity ties into Furman's unofficial Alignment story (I assume it's the Marvel stuff) but Megatron dies in the battle at the Hub. Megatron, not Galvatron. So Megatron is back, and if so, in what form would he have been in when he died? Surely not the G2 green tank thing.
    Megatron looked like this in Alignment:

  6. #46
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    Quote Originally Posted by Sky Shadow View Post
    Megatron looked like this in Alignment:

    Well there is a toy that needs making.

    The VernoVerse version of how the Golden Disks came to be can read HERE!

    I figured it best to put it in the right section and keep this thread on topic.

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  7. #47
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    Q: How did Tarantulas have knowledge of the Vok when no one else had ever heard of them?

    A: Tarantulas and the Tripredacus Council were members of the Cybertronian Empire who reassimilated back into life on Cybertron after they were reformatted after a run in with Unicron, and the Hub being destroyed by the Autobot/Decepticons alliance. Double-whammy.

    However, during his days as a loyal CE troop member, the scout ship he was assigned to (to find planets to be techno-formed into the Hub) discovered a world that also had Vok installations on its surface to test the indigenous life forms. It too was seeded with raw Energon.

    They made to take over the planet, but the Vok were notified by one of their traps. The planets' moon opened up and destroyed the planet.

    Thus why Tarantulas was so keen to get off Earth when it became evident that Earth was to be destroyed - he'd seen it all before.

    So he knew of the aliens, hated them, but didn't find out their names until he met Tigerhawk.


    TRANSFORMERS: DEICIDE -- The Beast Wars 20th Anniversary Comic Book series that could have been...
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  8. #48
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    I took Tarantulas' statement "(we) are from a different origin" to suggest that they weren't Cybertronian at alll... because if they were just reformated cybertronians by Unicron, they would still be affected by any temporal changes on ancient earth... unless you're saying that they were reformatted before the Beast Wars occurred thousands of years ago?
    Either way, if they were created by Unicron or just reformatted cybertronians, I'd be guessing that they could have been "uploaded" with what Unicron knows, and he'd be expected to know about just about everything, including the Vok. (which allowed Tarantulas to recognise them, not by his own experience, but through his shared memories from Unicron)

    Although, your version makes for a more interesting back story... which is always better for padding out a story with more depth than just the present.

  9. #49
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    Yeah, I took the comments about, and made by, Tarantulas during the BW at face value. 1. That he and the Tripredacus boys wouldn't be affected by the Time Storm, and 2. He was Unicron Spawn.

    The whole 'Unicron spawn' thing was more than likely Megatrons way of calling someone a son of a b!+c#, but I always liked the idea of linking him in somewhere.

    The idea of non-Cybertronian entities in Cybertronian bodies is an intriguing one, especially when said figures gain control over one of the factions, but I personally felt that Tarantulas's origins were on Cybertron, albeit it several millions years ago, long before Prime left on the Ark, thus why he wouldn't be affected by the time storm. A gamble, for sure, as who could really know the full extent of the time storms damage, but Tarantulas was pretty confident about the whole thing, so I have to trust he knew what he was talking about.

    Again time travel rears its ugly head as a means of confusing everyone, but if I could draw you a map of the events, or even better, a timeline, it would show that it all works, I think.

    TRANSFORMERS: DEICIDE -- The Beast Wars 20th Anniversary Comic Book series that could have been...
    TRANSFORMERS: UNITY -- the BotCon 2016 Comic Book that should have been...

  10. #50
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    I suspect that Tarantulas didn't already have prior knowledge of the Vok, because he seemed to also regard them as a 'mysterious' alien species and indeed simply referred to them as "aliens" along with the other Transformers... and later mocked the Vok's name when he learnt of it from Tigerhawk ("such a simple name for so arrogant a race").

    Unicron isn't one to usually go and share everything he knows with his minions... unless you're name is Megatron, then he'll happily tell you that the Matrix is his only weakness.

    Tarantulas has been studying the Vok for a long time independently in his lair - and for a long time we saw that Tarantulas had his own plans for the Vok... which we saw come to fruition when he extracted the Vok influence from Tigerhawk -- absorbing Tigerhawk's Vok into himself (which later ressurected him in a blasphemous state of undeath).

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