I'd rather not discuss that publicly. As Mr Miyagi taught us, we train to fight so that we may never have to. Learning self defence is a lot like buying insurance or wearing a seat belt... you hope that you'll never need it, but when it happens you're mighty glad that you have it.

When buying insurance you want to get something decent. Fortunately safety equipment and devices like seatbelts, helmets etc comply to a regulated government standard. There is no such standard for martial arts.

If you're interested in training for practical self defence, I would personally recommend training in a traditional style and preferably at a school whose students do NOT compete in matches/tournaments. I'm quite skeptical of this whole "mixed martial arts" business. It promises a lot but I've yet to see any substantial delivery - and in an age of post-submachinegun warfare, I doubt we'll ever see that promise fulfilled.

Competition fighting: Not recommended in a real fight

Traditional fighting: Battle-hardened and proven in centuries of warfare