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Thread: Board relocation failed! Now for plan B, or C, or something...

  1. #1
    Join Date
    24th May 2007

    Default Board relocation failed! Now for plan B, or C, or something...

    The relocation of the board to the new server host failed, and it is my fault for not reading the 'fine print'.
    The new server host is one of the leading web hosts in the country, with very comprehensive features and services, and is one of the longest running in Australia.
    Unfortunately, when I read that they supported MySQL (the database for this board) as an add-on feature, I never thought that there would be any size restrictions to the database, because this is one of the leading web hosts in the country.
    Since they offer their own web-based forums, they only support a limited access to PHP based Databases (MySQL), on a different server (which was only mentioned when I rang up to ask why there was a size limit). In the fine print of the server host, it says that they can only provide 15Mb space for the Database, and a maximum of 10 connections. Our (small) board is currently using 40Mb of space, so even if I trimmed down the bulk of the board to a third of its size, it would only allow a maximum of 10 people on it at a time.

    They do list the Microsoft version Database as an alternative, but the cost to add it on is about $140, and there is no guarantee that the existing board files and postings would work on the different database format. Since I've already spent $160 to create an account at this server host, I'm not too keen to risk an extra $140 just to test out the only option I have left at this new server.

    I was really caught out on this one. I mean, all the really cheap server hosts offer a range of Database options, that draw on your monthly Disk Space amount (400Mb is the space I have on the old server), so why would one of the most expensive, leading server hosts, have limited Database options that don't draw on your Disk Space because it is hosted on a separate, smaller Server that limits you to just 15Mb.

    I really screwed up by not spending hours reading through every little detail, and just expecting certain standards to the 'add-on' features.
    I am really sorry about this new hurdle to a better messageboard. As this drags on, I'm sure I'm losing people every day. Not to mention the fact that no one has been registering, which suggests that it is one of the functions that doesn't work on the old server host.

    Okay, so what's next?
    I have to spend most of today investigating new server host options. Thanks to Kurdt_the_goat, I have one option already checked out. And if I can't find anything in Brisbane, I will probably go with his Perth host.
    I will report back by 3pm my time, on what is being decided.

    Until then, and until I can actually relocate this board to somewhere that actually works, you will need to use the old server host address now for this board:

    The address *should* redirect to that IP number address, but in case it doesn't, copy and paste that number address into the URL bar of your browser.
    Do not use the temporary domain link quoted in the previous posting/email, as it will either redirect to the old server, or, show a page that says 'website under construction'.

    When the redirection starts taking affect, it may or may not affect parts of the board, more than it already is being affected. That's because there are multiple components within the board that use the domain name in them, and the auto-redirect may not affect those components.
    Jaydisc has suggested a web-tech option to limit this, and I will see if that can be used while the transition between 3 servers occurs over the next few days.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    29th Dec 2007


    No worries Grif, we won't blame ya as I knew nothing about hosting a board.
    At least, thanks for ur efforts spent in the midnight.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    9th Mar 2008
    Mannum, South Australia


    it happens, dont panic about it. Im sure everyone is cool with it.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    29th Dec 2007


    Yeah these things do happen, it is easy to fall into a trap like that.

    The problem is that in Australian IT, the bigger and more reknown/expensive the company is the crappier the service.
    Last edited by kup; 17th June 2008 at 09:34 AM.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    7th Jan 2008


    Cheer up Griffin. We cannot thank you enough for the hardwork you've done for all of us Aussie fans. No one has the right to blame you. I'm of no help and wish I have some IT knowledge, but am glad others have come forward and offered their help.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    28th Dec 2007


    Don't stress about it, boss bot. We're a patient mob so u shouldn't have to be such a worry wart.
    Collection Count (w/ a 12.42% upsize): 3053
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    Current Desires: Japanese BW Optimal Optimus
    The Holy Grail: Ultmetal Optimus Prime

    Visit the Wonderful World of: The Iacon City Hub-Capital Collection

  7. #7
    Join Date
    5th May 2008
    Clifton Hill, Melbourne


    At least the board is still up and running.
    And don't worry about the fine print, they were probably asking for more as well.
    I usually find that it is the area they ask for your soul

  8. #8
    Pulse is offline Rank 1 - New or Inactive
    Join Date
    18th Jan 2008
    at one with the matrix...


    It's all good Mate . I don't think you've lost anyone over this - We won't leave ya .

    Hell, I was also up til 5 this morning I made some more space in my room, then TFed all 20 of my Alts/Binaltech & then finally re-arranged my TF Shelves some 3 times until I was finally happy .

  9. #9
    Join Date
    27th Dec 2007
    Chadstone, Vic


    I think we're making do all right Griffin so there's no rush, but I can understand how frustrating it is for you. We'll get there!

  10. #10
    Join Date
    27th Dec 2007
    Sydney NSW


    Would it help if you offered voluntary sponsorship from members? Back in ye Olde days before the Internet when I was logging onto local dial-up BBSes, I was a member of one Sydney based BBS (Active BBS) where members were given the option of making donations to the board to keep it running. Donors were given special privileges such as unlimited log-on hours (although that's irrelevant now w/ the internet) and access to certain sigs (Special Interest Groups) that non-paying members didn't have.

    Perhaps donors here could have the privilege of having customised "ranks." So instead of just "Member" we could customise it to "Dark Lord of the Dance" or "Supreme Monorator" or something - anything we like (within reason - of course mods can still change them if they're offensive or something).

    We could have real ranks (Administrator, Moderator) in red and/or italics to distinguish them from these "faux" donor ranks so that new members can keep track of which members are actually part of the board staff.

    How does that sound?

    I'd donate maybe $15 a year to this board for that privilege.

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