Since there are so many videos and demos being released for the upcoming Fall of Cybertron game now, it's probably best to just group some of them together... especially if they don't show anything significantly new.

So these are some that I found in the last week, and one or two may be in some of the existing news topics.

Metroplex's transformation sequence, plus Q&A with Matt Tieger:

- More "Big Bots", fans have responded well to Brutics and Metroplex, not all have been discussed
- Unlockable G1 Optimus Prime for both single and multiplayer, completely new model, the only truly classic unlockable model that can be confirmed at this time
- The story was developed in association with Hasbro and is canon, no association with the films
- Gameplay is longer than Transformers: WFC
Ultra Magnus in the game? "I can say that Hasbro has confirmed an Ultra Magnus toy. That could be a hint about his role in game."
- Online trophies - yes
- The song in the new trailer - Cities in Dust by The Everlove

Gameplay footage from E3 with commentary by Matt Tieger.

Videos OF Grimlock & Vortex.

Videos of Starscream Optimus Prime, Metroplex & Warpath.

Playstation's Channel interview with Matt Tieger.

Videoes of Grimlock, Megatron, Escalation & interview with Matt Tieger on design and abilities.

And FOC is announced "best of show" by Gameinformer at recent E3 Computer Games convention.

(does anyone else think that Metroplex sounds like the new Cybermen from the recent Dr Who series?)