I got my FoC Shockwave shipped in with Wave 1 from the states about a month ago because I simply couldn't wait! I do like the figure, was not sure about his alt mode but then I suppose it is a good take on the 'flying gun' mode. Was much happier with him than FoC Optimus who I don't think looks nearly as impressive as WFC Optimus, and there is something about Jazz's legs and face that make me rate him 2nd to Shockwave as well.

Liked the FoC Shockwave that much I have gone online and bought an Alternators: Shockblast, so I can have my own little Shockwave display. Anyone know every iteration of him? Think I'm missing a few

I have:
G1: Shockwave
Energon: Shockblast
Animated: Shockwave (Purple)
DOTM: Shockwave (Voyager)
Robot Heroes: Shockwave
Kre-O: Shockwave
Alternators: Shockblast (in mail)
(DOTM Shockwave Lollipop head)

I don't have:
Action Master: Shockwave
Animated Shockwave (Longarm colours)
DOTM: Shockwave with fusion tank

I'm sure there are prob some others I'm not even aware exist lol Out of the one's I am aware I am missing I think I only really want the Action Master