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Thread: Olympic Glory

  1. #11
    Join Date
    24th May 2007


    Heard about this today on TMZ, which is disappointing that they don't respect the purpose and protocols of the Olympic games, to salute the host nations and dignitaries. Every other country apparently does.
    The games are intended to be "politics free", and aside from a few individuals making statements (as well as the agenda of the 1936 games), this is one political statement that is intentional and pre-planned.
    If a country has a political issues, or agenda (or just mere arrogance), at least boycott the games, so that it doesn't spoil it for others.

  2. #12
    Join Date
    2nd Nov 2008


    Quote Originally Posted by griffin View Post
    Heard about this today on TMZ, which is disappointing that they don't respect the purpose and protocols of the Olympic games, to salute the host nations and dignitaries. Every other country apparently does.
    The games are intended to be "politics free", and aside from a few individuals making statements (as well as the agenda of the 1936 games), this is one political statement that is intentional and pre-planned.
    If a country has a political issues, or agenda (or just mere arrogance), at least boycott the games, so that it doesn't spoil it for others.
    Interesting read. Though I don't see a problem with the United States dipping their flag at the 1936 Olympics. To salute a tyrant would go against everything the stars and stripes stands for

    [edit] don't see why they continue to do it however...does seem a bit arrogant

  3. #13
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    24th May 2007


    I agree with not saluting a tyrant... but the concept is the athletes collectively saluting through their flag, the host nation, through it's current representative. It was unfortunate that Hitler came to power after Berlin/Germany was chosen, but the athletes are saluting the host city/nation, not its leader. (how many games have even been hosted by the leaders/head-of-states who obtained the games for their country... probably one or two - so saluting a current head of state doesn't make much sense if they had little or nothing to do with securing the games)
    And just about every Olympics has had at least one country participate that had some ideological/political dispute with the host nation, but their athletes are there to compete, not make political statements.

  4. #14
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    20th May 2009


    I'm in Manchester now, head to London on Monday for 3 days of full events, should be amazing


    No new TF sightings over here but with the $AUD not bad at the moment there are some nice prices.

    Oh Lego fans, they do have Lego UK Olympic mini figs series in the Lego store which was cool
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  5. #15
    Join Date
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    Guh... enough mud-flinging at Shiwen Ye already... she's passed every drug test that's been thrown at her, so as far as anyone knows, she's clean. Innocent until proven guilty -- unless someone can provide concrete evidence that she's cheating, then I say she deserves to have the benefit of the doubt and just let the girl enjoy her victories.

    As far as I can see, there's only two possibilities here, either:
    A) She's using some kind of drug that can't be detected by current testing methods, or...
    B) She's clean and just a damn good swimmer!

    ...but until anyone can actually PROVE that she's cheating, I say critics should just kindly take a cup of STHU and just celebrate this girl's achievements.

    Anyone else tired of hearing people criticising Australians who "only" get silver?? This puts things in a bit of perspective.

  6. #16
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    7th Mar 2012
    The Moon


    Quote Originally Posted by GoktimusPrime View Post
    Guh... enough mud-flinging at Shiwen Ye already... she's passed every drug test that's been thrown at her, so as far as anyone knows, she's clean. Innocent until proven guilty -- unless someone can provide concrete evidence that she's cheating, then I say she deserves to have the benefit of the doubt and just let the girl enjoy her victories.

    As far as I can see, there's only two possibilities here, either:
    A) She's using some kind of drug that can't be detected by current testing methods, or...
    B) She's clean and just a damn good swimmer!

    ...but until anyone can actually PROVE that she's cheating, I say critics should just kindly take a cup of STHU and just celebrate this girl's achievements.

    Anyone else tired of hearing people criticising Australians who "only" get silver?? This puts things in a bit of perspective.
    There is one more option, one that I have suprisingly heard on and off from a few different sources for quite a few years now.............. SHE IS THE FIRST OF A RACE OF GENETICALLY ENGINEERED SUPER HUMANS BRED EXCLUSIVELY TO DELIVER MASSIVE AMOUNTS OF PWNAGE TO AUSTRALIA AND USA IN ALL SWIMMING EVENTS!!!!!!!!11!!!!!!1!!!1!!!!!!!!!1!! NEXT IS THE SYNCHRONISED SWIMMING!!!!!!!

    Throw my vote in that camp

    And as far as I can tell, the media are the only ones upset about our lack of gold. Channel 9 would be especially bummed because now they actually have to show more of the track and field events next week as opposed to just replaying OUR MIGHTY GLORY AND ALL CONQUERINGNESS OF THE SWIMMING!!!! and passing it off as olympic coverage.
    Dovie'andi se tovya sagain

  7. #17
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  8. #18
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    Quote Originally Posted by GoktimusPrime View Post
    Guh... enough mud-flinging at Shiwen Ye already... she's passed every drug test that's been thrown at her, so as far as anyone knows, she's clean. Innocent until proven guilty -- unless someone can provide concrete evidence that she's cheating, then I say she deserves to have the benefit of the doubt and just let the girl enjoy her victories.

    As far as I can see, there's only two possibilities here, either:
    A) She's using some kind of drug that can't be detected by current testing methods, or...
    B) She's clean and just a damn good swimmer!

    ...but until anyone can actually PROVE that she's cheating, I say critics should just kindly take a cup of STHU and just celebrate this girl's achievements.
    Ever heard of Marion Jones or Michael Johnson? These were favorites and expected winners. Marion enjoyed the victories but admitted later she was taking the "clear". Even these cheated.

    Having some unknown beat her personal record by 7 seconds in the olympics is just somewhat suspect. To be considered faster than a man, it's definitely possible but unlikely. That's why we separate the men from the women. If men and women were physically equal, then we'd only have one event instead of two.

    The only reason why people can't accept this is because she wasn't on the radar of contenders. If people knew about her before the olympics, this would be a non-issue even "if" she was cheating.

    Only time will tell when a whistle blower or she herself admits if there's truth to these allegations or not.
    Last edited by jazzcomp; 2nd August 2012 at 09:42 PM.

  9. #19
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    We could potentially find out up to 8 years from now as they take and store blood and urine samples to test with the more sophisticated methods that the future will bring. So watch this space.
    Dovie'andi se tovya sagain

  10. #20
    Join Date
    31st Dec 2007
    Western Sydney


    I hope that Ye is clean, but surely 7 seconds is more than "olympic hype" can bring. Saying that, she is only very young and has the perfect body shape for a swimmer, from the underwater shots she looks like a seal. Her power to weight ratio would be enormous, so her very smooth technique just glides her across the water.

    Sadly the French team has been a much larger surprise packet, China has a history of decent swimming results in recent times, whereas France has come from nowhere, yet no drugs allegations on the French team (nor should there be).

    China's drug addled past, and constant stories of ex Chinese medicos and trainers talking about rampant drug use in beginning athletes in dubious media circles keep fuelling these fires.
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