And of course, who didn't see this coming?

Leaked Script from Mr Bay himself.

"Some Internet sites this morning reported that some document recovery guy has found a legitimate 120 page script of Transformers 4. I can absolutely 100 percent say this is completely false. The only two people in the world that have our unfinished script are Kruger and myself. Also we are only up to page 70 in our T4 script. Maybe this guy has a cartoon or something else – but definitely not our movie!"

Moving on, here's another (very) small interview with Mark:

Exclusive: Mark Wahlberg Updates on Transformers 4 (, 14/12/2012)

"I'm really excited about 'Transformers,'" Wahlberg says. "Michael Bay and I just did 'Pain & Gain' and we had such a good time making it. He came to me and said, 'I'm kind of doing a whole different reboot on 'Transformers.' Are you interested?' I said, 'Yeah, I'll do it!'. I loved the idea and I think we can make something really cool and kick-ass. This is not something where it's already established and I'm just in there to get a paycheck. I'm thinking this is the most important role of my career and I can do something really special."