Today's browsings while shopping...

Kreo Combiner Superion
Kreo Combiner Bruticus $11
Kreo Combiner Predaking $11
(note - no Devastator in stock... BBTS has all four for $10 each, but Amazon should be cheaper after shipping, especially if buying other items)

Kreo Beast Hunters Optimus $25 (instock 19th Feb)
Kreo Beast Hunters Bumblebee $20
Kreo Beast Hunters Ripclaw $20
(note - BBTS has Optimus at $26, but the other two at $18... I think shipping for the three would be more than $3 cheaper at Amazon)

Generations FOC Voyager Soundwave $23

Art of Cybertron (FOC artbook) $25 (from $40)
TFPrime Season 2 DVD $20 (from $30)
TFPrime Season 2 Bluray $44 (from $60)

Quite a few IDW compilations are listed at close to half price, but don't buy with toy items, as they end up just floating around loose in a big box. Plus, you have to pay shipping, so compare to bookdepository's prices who have free shipping.