I watched the first three episodes from the Singapore premiere on Friday, and wasn't overly impressed... because this is already a quarter of the final season, and even though we see three new characters introduced, I don't think we will end up seeing a whole subgroup of Predacons... leaving us with a Beast Machines scenario - a heap of ugly non-show toys that will shelf-warm.
For a quarter of a season, not a lot really happens. The three new characters could have been introduced in one episode, and the story arc for this season needed to get going. But we still have the Autobots divided, and Megatron in an even stronger position of power.

I hate it when a new character is introduced as being indestructible, no matter what is thrown at them (Predaking was unscratched by some major explosions), because it cheapens it later if they are easily defeated, when the focus is on a new character/toy.
TFs cartoons in the past have done that, and it makes the introductory episodes look wrong and inconsistent. If they actually keep Predaking indestructible (like Gen1 comic Galvatron), we only have 10 episodes left to feature the toy/character and find a plausible method to defeat him.

The Forge of Solus plot-device (only having a limited amount of power left in it, so couldn't rebuild Optimus) didn't make sense, as this is a device from millions of years ago, created by "gods" with the power to build countless devices.... and only now it is out of power? That's the most stupidest plot device I've heard, just to hint at another possible "death of Optimus Prime".

(I find it strange that there was so far ten times more screen time for Megatron than Optimus, and yet we have no Megatron toys (yet) this year, but already have at least 4 BH Optimus toys so far)

And I wonder if we'll see the spiky forms on the cartoon of the regular characters, or if they are just a toy concept "to keep the line fresh" for the retailers.