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Thread: MP Bluestreak & Prowl fully revealed

  1. #101
    Join Date
    5th Apr 2008


    The diecast alone tends to make the BT's seem more worth the price, but as toys (elegance of transform and play) i think MP Lambor has it beat.

    The Viper mould (fantastic as a car of course) is probably one of the least impressive of the BT robots - his beer gut is pretty ugly and proportionally looks all wrong cause of the tyres on his shoulders.

    Surely the BT's feet and knees give you more trouble than MP Lambor's shoulders?! And are you seriously risking the beautiful diecast during play? Maybe the Alternator version....

  2. #102
    Join Date
    27th Dec 2007
    Sydney NSW


    Quote Originally Posted by kurdt_the_goat View Post
    Surely the BT's feet and knees give you more trouble than MP Lambor's shoulders?!
    Nope. BT Lambor's feet and knees don't dislocate or pop out when I play with the toy. As dirge's review states, the rear panels give sufficient clearance for the legs to move about without being impeded. So nobody else has experienced MP Lambor's shoulders dislocating during play? I don't mean 'careful posing while fiddling,' I mean proper toy play where you're making MP Lambor do full on fast action fight moves etc. (e.g. punching, arm swings etc.) ... if I pose the toy slowly and carefully, it stays in place, but when I play with the toy at full speed, it dislocates.

    I'm not saying that the shoulders don't lock in - they do, but I find the locking to be inadequate. It's only sufficient to hold it in place for careful posing, but not enough for actual proper playing. For that reason I find MP Lambor to be my least liked MP (I don't hate it but), and I find BT Lambor offers superior play value. I've experienced this with my MP Lambor and someone else's MP Lambor too.

    Quote Originally Posted by kurdt_the_goat View Post
    And are you seriously risking the beautiful diecast during play? Maybe the Alternator version....
    Only the paint apps on BT Smokescreen is highly susceptible to chipping. Takara improved their paint quality after Smokescreen and subsequent BTs have had more resilient paints that don't chip so easily. I once dropped BT Dead End on the footpath (I was playing with it while walking from Central Station)... no chipping. I didn't see the need to purchase an Alternator when I could get a BT for about the same price (Alternators retailed here for about the same price as BTs). The only exception was Wheeljack, cos I wanted to repaint Alt Wheeljack as Alt Slicer... but that never happened and I ended up selling my Alt Wheeljack.

  3. #103
    Join Date
    5th Apr 2008


    Regarding the BT's feet, i guess i meant how finicky he is to even stand up. You play on the carpet right? I imagine he spends most of his time playing dead :P

    Agree to disagree!

  4. #104
    Join Date
    29th Dec 2007


    Gok you are probably the only (employed) adult collector that actually smashes your toys in to each other and makes them do karate. This is a compliment, not an insult.

    Most people aren't going to notice as many bits popping out as they will be a bit less rigorous.

  5. #105
    Join Date
    27th Dec 2007
    Sydney NSW


    Quote Originally Posted by kurdt_the_goat View Post
    Regarding the BT's feet, i guess i meant how finicky he is to even stand up. You play on the carpet right? I imagine he spends most of his time playing dead :P
    Remember that when you play with a toy, it's "in motion," it's not the same as posing a toy for say taking action shots where the toy needs to stand balanced. When you play with at toy, it's being supported by your hands anyway, so you can pose them in whatever position you want. I often have toys lying around when I'm not playing with them... it doesn't matter what the toy is doing when it's not "in play" (like an actor for a play being off stage).

    Quote Originally Posted by llamatron View Post
    Gok you are probably the only (employed) adult collector that actually smashes your toys in to each other and makes them do karate. This is a compliment, not an insult.
    I don't physically smash them together. I'm more like Andy from Toy Story[1]^Dark Helmet from Spaceballs[2] (only without the rigorous physical contact ). I've never smashed my toys, not even as a kid (hence most of my childhood G1 collection survived relatively unscathed... those that are broken were mostly broken by other children! )

    Quote Originally Posted by llamatron View Post
    Most people aren't going to notice as many bits popping out as they will be a bit less rigorous.
    That's fine, however as I said on the Do You Play w/ your TFs thread, I'm more appreciative of the opinions of collectors who are able to examine the play value of a toy - irrespective as to whether or not they are active players or not.

    [1]What I think I do
    [2]What I actually do

  6. #106
    Join Date
    29th Dec 2007


    That's fair enough - just from a design perspective the MPs won't be made to withstand as much punishment as, say, a RescueBot Hero (or whatever they're called).

  7. #107
    Join Date
    24th May 2007


    Some more images released, focussing on their weapons.

  8. #108
    Join Date
    15th Aug 2010


    Great to see Prowl has rejoined the highway patrol Not convinced on the whole attach the rifle to the car roof thing though.

  9. #109
    Join Date
    27th Dec 2007
    Sydney NSW


    Quote Originally Posted by Ultra Mackness View Post
    Not convinced on the whole attach the rifle to the car roof thing though.
    Looks like they wanted to give Prowl a form of "attack mode". It does make it consistent with MP Lambor and Alert who also have the same feature. I don't mind it -- judging from this image of the vehicle mode without the weapon, it doesn't seem like the gimmick affects the look of the vehicle mode. So if you really don't like it, just don't attach it. There doesn't appear to be any unsightly ports or anything like that.

  10. #110
    Join Date
    7th Mar 2012
    The Moon


    Quote Originally Posted by GoktimusPrime View Post
    Looks like they wanted to give Prowl a form of "attack mode". It does make it consistent with MP Lambor and Alert who also have the same feature. I don't mind it -- judging from this image of the vehicle mode without the weapon, it doesn't seem like the gimmick affects the look of the vehicle mode. So if you really don't like it, just don't attach it. There doesn't appear to be any unsightly ports or anything like that.
    I like it as a method of being able to have all the parts attached in both modes. Makes it harder to lose
    Dovie'andi se tovya sagain

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