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Thread: (MAR-2013) Generation 2 Characters - Best and Worst

  1. #1
    Join Date
    24th May 2007

    Default (MAR-2013) Generation 2 Characters - Best and Worst

    Generation two series

    Who are your favourite characters in this era, and why?

    Which characters were disappointing or under-used?

    Who would you have liked to have seen more of in this Series?

  2. #2
    Join Date
    2nd Dec 2010


    Who are your favourite characters in this era, and why?
    Skram - Was purchased for my birthday by my aunty from Melbourne when I was in grade 1 and I carried it around religiously for a long time.
    Leadfoot - See below
    G2 Optimus - A kid at school had him, and I thought the black trailer was amazing! Always wanted one but he was out of our price range.
    Ramjet - Loved the CG fight opening, so Prime and Ramjet were characters I always longed to own. Never did end up getting them during my childhood though.

    Which characters were disappointing or under-used?
    The Spark/Pyro toy was disappointingly flimsy and broke on me within hours of opening it back when I was 9.

    Who would you have liked to have seen more of in this Series?
    I remember really loving the Rotor Force gimmick when I was a kid.... until I lost the rotor

  3. #3
    Join Date
    2nd Jun 2011


    As the only time we really got to see G2 characters shine (rather than as a toy on a shelf) was in the comics so I'm going to answer along those lines.

    Who are your favourite characters in this era, and why?
    *The introduction of Jhaxius (I know Im probably spelling his name wrong) as a character that has now resurfaced was very cool.
    *The usual Starscream, Megs & Op (in that order)

    Which characters were disappointing or under-used?
    *A lot of the new toycs/characters were never really fleshed out and only got a panel or two, though it was nice to see a couple change from Con to Bot.
    *The Combaticons as a team show up and then as quickly get demolished
    *Quake - Quake ALWAYS dies!

    Who would you have liked to have seen more of in this Series?

    *Combiner teams - never got to see a Gestalt
    *Hook, besides one group shot we never see him, I never understand why we don't see more of the chief surgeon of the Decepticons. Rumble and Frenzy were used more as medics in G2 than he was!
    Last edited by BigTransformerTrev; 13th March 2013 at 08:43 PM.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    27th Dec 2007
    Sydney NSW


    Who are your favourite characters in this era, and why?
    - Matrix/Warworld Starscream... I liked the dichotomy of Starscream finally gaining omnipotence, only to have to voluntarily surrender it because it was turning him good!
    - Ffffrrrreeeennnnnzzzzzyyyyyy!!!
    - Jhiaxus. Dude deserves a Generations toy, damnit! (if Straxus could have one, why not him?)

    Which characters were disappointing or under-used?
    - Dreadwing... deserved more characterisation
    - Skram (he's my favourite Axelerator)
    - Smokescreen - needed independent appearance and exposition

    Who would you have liked to have seen more of in this Series?
    - Liege Maximo

  5. #5
    Iriorne is offline Rank 6 - Dedicated Member
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    31st Oct 2012


    It's hard to separate G2 from G1 as they share so much in the cartoon and toy lines.

    I would have loved to see a lot of the newer toys pop up in the fiction. The rotor force and laser rods showed up in the comic but many of the others never got a chance, most likely due to the abbreviated comic run. With many older characters being killed off there would have been some space in the ranks and I think the darker tone of the comic could have introduced some interesting character dynamics. The cartoon was just reruns of the G1 series so that was never going to happen there.

    IDW have continued the G1 comics with Regeneration One, maybe we'll get Regeneration Two some time? *fingers crossed*

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