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Thread: How to get MP Megatron shipped to Oz?

  1. #31
    Join Date
    24th May 2007


    Quote Originally Posted by Kapryiath View Post
    excuse me whilst i necro this thread, but if i'm not mistaken masterpiece megatron is defined as a replica firearm yes?
    then how is he illegal in qld if this is accurate?
    I remember posting somewhere else on this site, that replica weapons (like Megatron gun toys) may not require a permit to own, but it is illegal carrying it in public.
    (and the permit for ownership can sometimes be up to interpretation, depending on who you call up to ask)

    Plus, it is still worth considering that most of the international mail comes through Sydney to be processed by Customs, so while it is currently in NSW, they will treat it as illegal the moment it gets into that jurisdiction. But if you write to them if they notify you of the seizure, they should release it to you.

  2. #32
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    So the theory would be then that its illegal to import it but once its here its legal to own ? Am I reading that right?

  3. #33
    Join Date
    8th Dec 2013


    The restrictions are on a state-by-state level. MP-5 was able to be imported into WA, then sent to other states.

    You would of course still be subject to your own state's laws if the updated Megs still qualified as a replica firearm.

  4. #34
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    Quote Originally Posted by Kapryiath View Post
    So the theory would be then that its illegal to import it but once its here its legal to own ? Am I reading that right?
    Importing it is not illegal in itself. But depending on the state, you may require a replica firearm permit to get it released from customs should it be identified as a replica weapon and held up. NSW has strict requirements in this regard, as noted very early in this thread.

    If it somehow makes it into your hands, then the likeliness of anything being confiscated drops dramatically. But if you don't satisfy the state replica weapon laws, it is still illegal to possess.

  5. #35
    drifand is offline Rank 6 - Dedicated Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by unexpectedpanda View Post
    The restrictions are on a state-by-state level. MP-5 was able to be imported into WA, then sent to other states.

    You would of course still be subject to your own state's laws if the updated Megs still qualified as a replica firearm.
    At your own risk. Do not assume that once in Australia means it is safe to buy from another state.

  6. #36
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    I know for a fact something about the Customs scanning that explains why some people have gotten gun TFs into the country without problem through the mail over the years and it's getting worse the more volume of mail comes in. It is actually kinda worrying as someone that doesn't like the idea of actually dangerous items getting into the country.

  7. #37
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    Quote Originally Posted by griffin View Post
    I remember posting somewhere else on this site, that replica weapons (like Megatron gun toys) may not require a permit to own, but it is illegal carrying it in public.
    One of my Xbox live friends that I know in person and lives here in QLD also is a sporting shooter. He has all sorts of guns including some antiques. He told me that Megatron should fall under the replica gun category and not require a permit in QLD. But don't go showing it off in public.

    Under Peter Beattie's government the rules were much stricter, the police said without hesitation that MP-05, G1 Megatron and Browning were all illegal.

  8. #38
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    Just putting this out there, and I know to some it will seem very controversial, but the question is not just a legal one, but a moral one as well. Are you really comfortable, for the sake of your collection, bringing a replica firearm into the country? If so, are you going to do the right thing and comply with the laws about keeping it locked up? There are good reasons why firearms and replica firearms are restricted: they are dangerous items. I speak as someone who once owned Masterpiece Megatron (in the UK), but ended up moving it on because I wasn't comfortable holding on to a replica firearm. More than any other toy, I feel you take on a certain responsibility and moral obligation when it comes to any of the figures that transform into real world weapons, and a lesser one when you bring in any of the futuristic/cybertronian weapons, that just isn't there with replica cars, planes, and tanks.

    In my opinion, it's not just a matter of how to get it into the country, but whether or not you really feel that you actually should.

  9. #39
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    Quote Originally Posted by Zommael View Post
    Just putting this out there, and I know to some it will seem very controversial, but the question is not just a legal one, but a moral one as well. Are you really comfortable, for the sake of your collection, bringing a replica firearm into the country? If so, are you going to do the right thing and comply with the laws about keeping it locked up? There are good reasons why firearms and replica firearms are restricted: they are dangerous items. I speak as someone who once owned Masterpiece Megatron (in the UK), but ended up moving it on because I wasn't comfortable holding on to a replica firearm. More than any other toy, I feel you take on a certain responsibility and moral obligation when it comes to any of the figures that transform into real world weapons, and a lesser one when you bring in any of the futuristic/cybertronian weapons, that just isn't there with replica cars, planes, and tanks.

    In my opinion, it's not just a matter of how to get it into the country, but whether or not you really feel that you actually should.
    You know what constitutes a replica gun in Queensland? Any toy gun that looks like a real gun. So the toy AK47 and CAR15 I had as a kid are replicas under the current law and under those current gun laws legal to own without a permit.

    At Crazy Clarks a couple of years before they went bust I saw toy MP5 sub machine guns on the racks that were black with no orange tip if they weren't legal any cop walking through the store (which the do regularly in shopping centres to catch shop lifters) could bust them for it. Also MP Megs makes a terrible replica because he is so freakin huge compared to a real P38. I remember on the Ages 3 and Up Podcast the guy that owns the A3U store had to show MP Megs off to the Canadian authorities before they would let him into the country. The Mounties laughed at how ridiculously over sized Megs is in gun mode and let the guys shipment into Canada.

    I see zero moral problem owning a toy gun.

  10. #40
    Join Date
    27th Apr 2012


    Zero dilemma in owning these.

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