(Please post photos, comments or even a fully comprehensive review - these are just brief details to get you started)

SAM-34 Decepticon Jet Vehicon General (Minicon)
Size/class - Deluxe
New/remould/redeco - extensive remould (Minicon is a redeco)
Released here - Not here (Released in Japan 2012-2013)
Approximate Retail Price - ?yen
Approximate Size - 14cm (Vehicon)
Allegiance - Decepticon
Alt-mode - Winged Car (Vehicon), gun
Main Colours - silver / grey (Vehicon), Dark metallic grey (Minicon)
Main Accessories - Micron

Jet Vehicon General is an extensive remould of the very well constructed Vehicon. It is missing all wheels, which are replaced by long forward facing wings.

Overall the jet is all the same matte grey/silver colour with black windows and some red/maroon highlights on the wings. The wingtip colours are provided by stickers.

In robot mode, the colours remain mostly the same matte grey, with some gunmetal grey parts around the elbow and knee joints and the hands. The chest has a translucent black section as well. Light piping does not work.

Transformation is similar to the regular Vehicon, if not a tithe shorter due to no wheels needing to be displaced, move the wings back pull out the side panels, a few folds of the chest/hood to become legs and voila.

Pros: Sleek looking in both modes, metallic paint on the head and chest, has a great "swooshing" ability in alt mode and nice articulation. minicon is fun to build.

Cons: bland as any figure I've seen in recent memory, stickers are annoying to place, minicon is very meh.