View Poll Results: TFPrime Dlx Airachnid - worth buying?

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Thread: Toy Review - TFPRiDE Deluxe Airachnid

  1. #1
    Join Date
    19th Dec 2008

    Unhappy Toy Review - TFPRiDE Deluxe Airachnid

    Sorry, no pics as yet. She's not worth the effort of getting out of storage. Anyone really wanting to see pics can find them at and/or at Once we get the official info please move this post to below the usual opening post @the Mods.


    I opened her last night, and TFPRiDE Airachnid is just a terrible toy.
    She has a meh alt-mode with pretty obvious robot feet, gimmicks that do nothing for the toy and don't appear in the show, and an altmode that can't stay level on a flat surface and has no landing gear. It is of course tiny, but that's kind of a given for deluxes these days so I can't really count that against it. On the upside, the rotors spin well and with a bit of fiddling it clips together pretty tightly without any overly obvious panel lines. Aside from the feet the robot parts are reasonably well concealed, with it only being obviously a TF from underneath. You can a bit of her breastplate peeking out from the bottom of the the helicopter from the side, but 1) it's actually kind of funny, and 2) the aforementioned tiltiness helps conceal that as long as she leans the right way.

    Transformation is boring and fiddly.

    FailRobot Mode
    The robot mode, though, is where the awfulness truly appears. The chair-head slides up out of the torso, simultaneously restricting movement and making it nigh-impossible to mod. The backpack conceals/ruins the character's distinctive silhouette from the show, as well as the hourglass body-shape of the torso. Unlike a femcon such as Strika where not looking especially 'feminine' is actually kind of cool, here it's just lazy, especially since if the designers had sacrificed the pointless headchair gimmick and put the backpack on a double hinge joint (i.e. the ones with a bar/strip between 2 hinges) the shape of the backpack could have kind of worked with the torso shape rather than against it, as well as lengthening her too-short coat-tail-appendage thingies (those bits that stick out behind her legs). Speaking of legs, she could really have done with the yellow knees she has in the show - that purple and hint of yellow makes a surprising amount of difference to her appearance.
    Movement-wise, G1 Ultra Magnus has better poseability than this agile-in-the-show bot. Her arms are somewhat reminiscent of G1 Swindle inasmuch as the arm attachment to the body is located below her pecs (well, robobosom, but same difference), and her shoulder joint is placed closer to where the elbow should be on the arm itself. Coupled with the backpack this renders the ball joint they're attached by pretty much useless in terms of motion. Her clumsy elbow joints' vertical-only movement is hindered by the fact she has stubby dwarf forearms, and their contours ensure that her crappy hands can't actually straighten out from her forearms. The helicopter blades/spider rotors don't really help her to overcome this - they're short, squat, and being free-spinning can't be kept in position anyway. EDIT - apparently they can, there's a tab for the top blade on the helicopter cockpit you can tab it to. So that's a plus, which takes my revised score to...still 0, adjusted for rounding. Amusingly, two of the rotors are on ball joints, but the locking tabs are located under the blades, and thus prevent them from moving forwards to help reduce the impact of their stubbiness. Her legs make PRiDE Soundwave look like Classics Mirage by comparison - their balljoints are too close to the body, and the alt-mode plating bumps into the backpack (oh how I hate that backpack! ). Her robo-stilettos are all one piece, which coupled with her back-heaviness and high center of gravity gives her little to no stability - they only really qualify as 3-dimensional by default.

    The bit that really makes it so bad, however, is that looking at the mold you can see it could easily have been a decent toy with a different design. If they'd:
    -scrapped the expense of the Cybertronian badminton racket/weapons and opening cockpit/headchair gimmick in favour of a backpack that folded down and slightly away from the body at her robobooty end,
    -given her better shoulders that transformed out of the front of the alt-mode like in the show (with hands that don't look like she crushed her wrists and had the cast set by a drunk potter),
    -had the ball joints connecting the legs to the torso reaching further out from the body, and improved the knee swivel-joint's range of motion,
    -given her feet more like those of FE Starscream, with better stability...
    ...Airachnid could have been a solid toy with good screen-accuracy and decent poseability.

    All in all, it's hard to believe this crappy toy came from the same line that gave us the excellent Vehicon mold. It's like the designer set out to make the worst toy with the the most redundant gimmicks s/he could.

    I rate this toy a 0/5, rounded to the nearest whole number.
    Buy it if 1) you're an OCD show-completist, 2) you like blowing your money on crappy toys, 3) as a birthday present if you have a young relative who's getting interested in Transformers and you want them not to be, or 4) you think I'm exaggerating and no modern toy can possibly be as much of a fail as I and everyone else who has it claims. Even then, do yourself a favour and wait for sales.
    Last edited by Ode to a Grasshopper; 29th June 2012 at 11:37 AM.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    24th May 2007


    That post can stay at the top, since it is more thorough than anything I post up. These are just the usual brief details for others. I'll add a poll and update the title though.

    Series - TFPrime
    Sub-line - Robots in Disguise
    Size/class - Deluxe
    Wave - 4
    New/remould/redeco - New
    Released here - Unknown (Released globally May)
    Approximate Retail Price - $24-30 (US$12)
    Approximate Size - 14cm?
    Allegiance - Decepticon
    Alt-mode - Helicopter (with giant hedge clippers)
    Main Features/Gimmicks - (spring-loaded element of conversion?)
    Main Colours - Purple, black, gold
    Main Accessories - 2 guns

    (photoshop-coloured toy below... official pic will replace it when they are released)

  3. #3
    Decepticon Guest


    I will say yes it's worth getting. Don't have it but will get it.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    19th Dec 2008


    Quote Originally Posted by Decepticon View Post
    I will say yes it's worth getting. Don't have it but will get it.
    Yeah, that's what I thought before getting it too. Do yourself a favour and wait for the TT version - you'll at least get a Minicon with it which will mitigate the suckiness somewhat.
    I want to like this, to find just one decent redeeming feature, I really do. I'm a sucker for fembots, especially Decepticon fembots just because they're so rare, and I was looking forward to this one since we first saw pics for it a few weeks back. But having it in-hand it's just needlessly disappointing on pretty much every level. I can overlook the small size and the poorly realised spider-legs/alt-mode blades 'cos that's to be expected, but when the base toy is as needlessly poor as this it's just not on.
    I'm gonna keep it because, well, evil fembot, but it really is a case study in how to ruin a potentially good toy due to poor design choices.

  5. #5
    Decepticon Guest


    But can it be any worse than some of those movie deluxes such as Blazemaster? I detest that thing!

  6. #6
    Join Date
    19th Dec 2008


    Quote Originally Posted by Decepticon View Post
    But can it be any worse than some of those movie deluxes such as Blazemaster? I detest that thing!
    I've never seen or handled Blazemaster out of package, so can't help you there.
    I guess the best way I can put it is like this: a punch in the face is arguably better than a kick to the balls, but that still doesn't make me want to be punched in the face.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    27th Dec 2007
    Sydney NSW


    That's disappointing considering how cool Animated Blackarachnia was. Still... I'ma show completist, so it's on my to-get list.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    27th Dec 2007
    Sydney NSW


    So I've opened her up and had a fiddle. She's actually not that bad! Maybe it's because I had really low expectations for this toy before opening it. I like how the cockpit can open up to reveal a pilot's seat - a neat Diaclone-esque homage (intended or not). The purple chopper blades/spidey legs looks weird, but I can understand why they did it as it really helps to break up the monotony of all the black on this toy. And it spins really well too. The helicopter mode itself is pretty decent -- reveals a relatively small area of robot kibble on the underside. It does a much better job of concealing the robot than the Deluxe Seekers. I also like how the toy incorporates the vehicle parts into the robot, and avoids making this toy into a massive shellformer. In fact, the only left over alt mode kibble is the cockpit section, which is easily acceptable to me. Now the way that this kibble is attached to the head so that it has to be raised in order for the head to come out is something I'm not fond of. I'd rather they just leave the kibble on the back and have the head raise independently. I like how the aft roof panels split to form two of the arachnid legs in robot mode - I thought that was a clever way to incorporate those panels into the robot mode rather than just have them dangle as useless kibble.

    The arms are by far the weakest part of the toy. They're essentially just the side panels with an elbow connector and hands. I don't think they're terrible though. They do function just fine as arms; the elbows bend and the hands can hold weapons, so they're adequate - just not great. Another weird thing is the Decepticon insignia... there's a teeny weeny Decepticon logo sculpted on the centre of the chest, but it's unpainted, and on such a black toy it just gets lost and easily unnoticed. I'm impressed that this toy actually has a sculpted insignia, but a TINY drop of paint would really make it look better. How cheap are Hasbro for not even giving us that much?!

    The legs are spindly as one would expect. I haven't tried putting her into dynamic action poses yet, but she stands just fine on my TF Prime Decepticon shelf. She stands better than Transmetal 2 Blackarachnia! The weapons are fine. I prefer them over an Arms Micron which would just be oversized... and personally I don't like those things because they feel more like little model kits (like the kind you get with chewing gum or lollies) than proper Mini-Con action figures... then there's the stickers So I'm personally quite glad that I managed to pick up the Hasbro version and I was able to cancel my Arms Micron order. Getting it locally also means that I didn't need to pay for postage (or wait for shipping -- although I did have to wait a day for my Arms Micron cancellation confirmation to come through )

    I was pessimistically expecting this toy to be as bad as ROTF Scalpel (just an awful excuse of a toy based on a difficult media model) or optimistically as good as Injector (a "nice try but awful results" action figure) -- but I find Airachnid to be, by far, MUCH better than either of those toys! Unlike Scalpel her robot mode is solid, and unlike Injector she doesn't look f'ugly in either mode. Yeah sure, the spider leg blades look odd, but they work as helicopter blades... and considering the show model that this toy is based on, it's perfectly understandable why they did this. Yes, having black blades would make the toy look more uniform and show-like, but it would also make the toy look monotonously dull. It's a nice pale lavender and not some bright garish colour, so I think it works well with the black.

    This toy is another example of why (IMHO) Transformers toys shouldn't be based on cartoon models, but rather the cartoon models should be based on the toys. *sigh* But given the ambitious concept of adapting Airachnid's show model into a Deluxe Class figure, I actually think this is a pretty nice toy. I don't think it's necessarily worth paying the full $30 Deluxe RRP for, but it's quite a nifty toy for $23~25 (or less ). I would be more scathing of this toy if I'd paid above $25 for it.

  9. #9
    Join Date
    12th Jan 2009


    I don't find her horrible. Just a poorly executed toy that had a lot of potential. No spider mode which could have been incorporated in some fashion (don't ask me how, I'm no engineer)
    The reason I dislike mine is she has 2 right (or left) hands and I'm to lazy to send her back.

  10. #10
    Join Date
    28th Feb 2009


    I'm waiting for the cyberverse version of this character.

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