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Thread: KOs worth it?

  1. #51
    Join Date
    10th May 2013


    Quote Originally Posted by GoktimusPrime View Post
    Because when I see people talking about obtaining pirated wares, I think, "Why don't you just buy the real thing?" -- when it comes to content that isn't available, the answer is simply, "Because the real thing doesn't exist." But this isn't the case with KOs. Maybe if people were to starting counterfeiting toys long before they were officially released, then that would be a different issue. So again, I'm not saying that I think that downloading content is some kind of innocent and saintly practice by any stretch of the imagination... but I think it's a different kettle of fish than buying KOs, because with the latter the choice of purchasing the legit product already exists.
    Still legally and ethically wrong. Regardless. I hate to break it to you, but just because something exists, doesn't mean you're entitled to have it.

    What do you guys think about downloading scans of comics that are long out of print? e.g. remember when certain web sites used to host scans of the entire Marvel G1 comic book run (both US and UK)? These sites have since been shut down or removed all their scans since Titan Books acquired the licence to reprint the Marvel comics (and now it's IDW). I'm happy to buy these reprints (though IDW's quality is pretty shocking and nowhere near as good as Titan's). There used to be a time when you'd come across someone who's unfamiliar with the G1 comics, and you could direct them to one of the fan sites that hosted the scans. Nowadays I just tell people to go buy the reprints.

    But what did you guys think about these sites BEFORE Titan acquired the reprint licence and they desisted from sharing their scans? I remember when they took their scans down, some fans were livid... but I was in support of that decision because it made perfect sense that once a company acquired the licence, it meant that the content would soon become commercially available, and thus the administrators of those sites stopped sharing the content.
    It's still piracy, plain and simple. The sites were filling a need, that's a certainty, but it was illegal and whoever owned the rights (and didn't take action against the sites) were okay with turning a blind eye.

    It comes back to the argument that just because something exists or has existed somewhere, doesn't mean its your right to access it and get it whenever you want. The sense of entitlement (across society, and please, I want to be clear that I'm not targeting you personally) across society is fucking disgusting these days. The "I want my Transformers episode now!" mentality is fine, but you didn't make it, you haven't accessed it through the channels that it has been released (because it isnt available to you, through no fault of your own), and you aren't entitled to it.

    While personal use is (generally considered) acceptable by licence holders, there's a difference between a mate taping a show and shipping it to you (or the modern equivalent of him/her recording the show, capturing it, encoding it, uploading it, and sending you and only you a direct link to their personal website hosting it), and someone capturing a show and uploading it for all and sundry to take what they want.

    As I said, it would be hypocritical for me to complain about piracy, but the blasé attitude some people show towards it isn't something that should be tolerated by default just because someone doesn't know how it affects people/industry.

    Put it this way. If a new show plays and only one person watches it, but they pirate it and everyone else watches the pirated copy, the following happens;

    - the network can't sell ads, so they can't make more episodes, they also lose the investment they made in the initial episode(s).
    - the hosting company that is hosting the pirated file makes money off advertising.

    Explain how this is fair?

    If it's available on Hulu or Netflix, get a VPN, pay for Hulu or Netflix, and at least you're ethically in the clear, even if you're technically going against the terms of service because of geography. At least the money is going to the people it should be going to.

    Otherwise, don't try to justify behaviour under a cloud of ethics and legality when it's wrong on both counts.

    Alternatively, accept that what you do is wrong (though hardly a blight on society) and come to terms with the fact that you're (like pretty much everyone in some manner) a flawed human being. :P We have club cards, lanyards and everything. :P

    I'd also like to say that I've really enjoyed this discussion, and appreciate that the mods/admins haven't kicked this threads' ass yet. Many boards would have.

  2. #52
    drifand is offline Rank 6 - Dedicated Member
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    20th Jul 2013


    So I read on the other transformers forum that many supported the KO mp 10 if its released simply because they can't be stuffed with inflated prices.

    For me, I missed mp-10 because I hated the idea of getting another prime. I can live with it until a reissue with a comfortable price I am able to buy it. IMO mp-10 will be reissued again and again, come on folks, its the autobot leader. Yes I saw the HK version but those prices were again just not right just for a fancy stand.

    From lesson stand point, always buy it first out. But we all know we have budget and limited cash thus why sometimes things are missed out and we pay premium.

    It is respectable that a lot of forum members sell these pieces lower than what online are currently selling.

  3. #53
    Join Date
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    Sydney NSW


    Quote Originally Posted by millhouse View Post
    Still legally and ethically wrong. Regardless. I hate to break it to you, but just because something exists, doesn't mean you're entitled to have it.
    I never said otherwise. I was speaking about ethics, not legality. Legal issues are clear cut black and white, either something is right (lawful) or wrong (unlawful). Ethics and morality are different issues with varying "shades of grey." I never said that downloading content was "right", but I said that I see it as a "different evil" from KOs.

    Quote Originally Posted by millhouse View Post
    It comes back to the argument that just because something exists or has existed somewhere, doesn't mean its your right to access it and get it whenever you want. The sense of entitlement (across society, and please, I want to be clear that I'm not targeting you personally) across society is f***ing disgusting these days. The "I want my Transformers episode now!" mentality is fine, but you didn't make it, you haven't accessed it through the channels that it has been released (because it isnt available to you, through no fault of your own), and you aren't entitled to it.
    I'd be willing to be more patient if it weren't for inconsiderate US fans who feel the urge to throw spoilers about the place without warning. As I said, during Beast Wars, Beast Machines, Car Robot etc., I patiently waited for friends to tape the eps off TV and send it to me. I was able to avoid spoilers because modern social media outlets as we know them today didn't exist then. Even Hasbro themselves released a spoiler about the end of TF Prime Season 3 with news about an upcoming toy (with a spoilerish gimmick) that they posted on social media.

    Quote Originally Posted by millhouse View Post
    While personal use is (generally considered) acceptable by licence holders, there's a difference between a mate taping a show and shipping it to you (or the modern equivalent of him/her recording the show, capturing it, encoding it, uploading it, and sending you and only you a direct link to their personal website hosting it), and someone capturing a show and uploading it for all and sundry to take what they want.
    As I said, I was UNAWARE that anyone was making any money from sharing content. I thought it was a free service by fans for fans. But if what you guys are saying about that is true, then I shall reconsider my options and perhaps go back to having mates directly send me recordings (thus it's completely not-for-profit).

    Quote Originally Posted by millhouse View Post
    As I said, it would be hypocritical for me to complain about piracy, but the blasé attitude some people show towards it isn't something that should be tolerated by default just because someone doesn't know how it affects people/industry.
    I don't think that I "tolerate it by default" at all. I have openly criticised people to their faces about what I consider "unethical download practice" (e.g. downloading content that IS already commercially available here because they can't be bothered paying for it, or downloading it before release and then not purchasing it later etc.).

    Quote Originally Posted by millhouse View Post
    Put it this way. If a new show plays and only one person watches it, but they pirate it and everyone else watches the pirated copy, the following happens;

    - the network can't sell ads, so they can't make more episodes, they also lose the investment they made in the initial episode(s).
    - the hosting company that is hosting the pirated file makes money off advertising.

    Explain how this is fair?
    In principle I agree with what you're saying, but I think with Transformers the majority of the audience are younger kids whom I imagine would be less likely to download the content and more likely to watch it when it airs on local television. But we live in a world now where fans around the world are connected via the internet and modern communication networks. Popular shows that air in one country will very quickly be discussed by other fans globally. The BBC has recognised this w/ Dr Who, hence simulcasting it here, the rerunning it and making it available to view (but not download) on ABC2's site. Other shows do Fast-Tracking, allowing audiences here to view it only a few hours after it's aired overseas. I think this is a more pro-active way of addressing the issue, rather than simply chasing violators which is a reactive response. I'm NOT attempting to justifying illegit downloading here, but crime prevention is better than "cure" (i.e. crime response).

    Quote Originally Posted by millhouse View Post
    If it's available on Hulu or Netflix, get a VPN, pay for Hulu or Netflix, and at least you're ethically in the clear, even if you're technically going against the terms of service because of geography. At least the money is going to the people it should be going to.
    Okay... that was like reading a foreign language. (no offence to you, as I said, I'm extremely noob and ignorant about downloading ).

    Quote Originally Posted by millhouse View Post
    Otherwise, don't try to justify behaviour under a cloud of ethics and legality when it's wrong on both counts.
    We really shouldn't be confusing ethics and legality here -- that's like mixing oil and water. With the law, you're demonstrating whether or not something conforms with set laws or not, but ethics and morality are based on subjective personal values -- so what's "right" or "wrong" depends greatly on our own personal set of values (re: ethical/moral subjectivism vs objectivism).

    Quote Originally Posted by millhouse View Post
    Alternatively, accept that what you do is wrong (though hardly a blight on society) and come to terms with the fact that you're (like pretty much everyone in some manner) a flawed human being. :P We have club cards, lanyards and everything. :P
    Yes, I've said that in my previous posts. But I also said that I don't feel that it's the same "sin" as KOs. And sure, this is just based on my own personal subjective opinion, as are everyone's personal values. I'm NOT at all pretending to be presenting solid facts!

    Downloading content w/o express permission is unlawful <--- fact
    Such behaviour is "right" or "wrong"? <--- matter of opinion


    At any rate, none of us can change the past, all we can do is try and improve our behaviour in the future. So as I said, I will be reconsidering my options for accessing future TF content and try to find hopefully more ethically acceptable methods. I think there's a significant difference in unknowingly/unwittingly doing something that's ethically dubious as opposed to continuing to do so with full knowledge.

  4. #54
    Join Date
    27th Jan 2008


    From what I've seen, KO's (have not willingly bought them, have been tricked into believing they were legit though) and downloads, the majority of the reason for doing so is price.

    They're either cheaper, or just free.

    A good part of TV/Movie piracy is the delay in release time. "Fast tracking" is a wonderful idea, and I'm happy to support it, to a point. I'll tell you now, new Doctor Who episode? Unless it's simulcast, I'm downloading it.

    And then watching it again when the ABC airs it. (I'm just that dedicated )

    Other shows ... I'll catch them again on free-to-air (provided I'm actually at home to catch them because I don't have a PVR), some I'll even go out and buy the box sets.

    As for movies, well ... given it's an hour long drive to the nearest cinemas that show the latest movies, downloading really is a hell of a lot easier (that being said, if I had a cinema in town I'd be there on a regular basis).

    Same with comics, a good hour's drive away. Oh and of course there's the price. Nearly $8 for one comic? ugh ... and I'd be a week behind. Good thing those sites still exist!

    So for me ... price and convenience. But KO TF's? If I can't get an original release then fine, I miss out completely. Because while I will support pirates, I won't support plagiarists.

  5. #55
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    3rd Jan 2008


    Quote Originally Posted by GoktimusPrime View Post
    Even Hasbro themselves released a spoiler about the end of TF Prime Season 3 with news about an upcoming toy (with a spoilerish gimmick) that they posted on social media.
    what is this regarding??

    One thing about Season 3, what does the BH toys got to do with the cartoon?? Especially those with the loads of new extra weapons and armours.

  6. #56
    Join Date
    8th Jun 2012


    Quote Originally Posted by tron07 View Post
    what is this regarding??

    One thing about Season 3, what does the BH toys got to do with the cartoon?? Especially those with the loads of new extra weapons and armours.
    They had to release something, since they are all the same except for Optimus and 3 predacons, so why not just retool the moulds with beasty type stuff to fit the name?
    Seeking the Following:
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  7. #57
    Join Date
    7th Feb 2013


    Quote Originally Posted by tron07 View Post
    what is this regarding??

    One thing about Season 3, what does the BH toys got to do with the cartoon?? Especially those with the loads of new extra weapons and armours.
    The BH version of the Weaponizer Bumblebee has a feature where he talks -something not seen on the show until it was advertised on his box art

  8. #58
    Join Date
    24th May 2007


    I totally forgot about that... Hasbro issued a public press-release about Bumblebee speaking in the cartoon BEFORE it happened (it wasn't a plot spoiler though, as it didn't relate to anything important), but I can't remember if the talking Weaponizer toy was related to that press-release (especially since the toy phrases don't even appear to be from the cartoon, or be by the Voice Actor either).

  9. #59
    Join Date
    3rd Jan 2008


    Ah... I totally forgotten about the talking bumblebee... it was totally insignificant for me.

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