After two hours of note-taking, that's a lot of product for this year.
And now the official product images are being posted up too, to save.

Heaps of kids stuff this time, which we knew about... so it might make it better for us older fans, in that "our" figures shouldn't be ruined by gimmicks, and that there will be less for us to choose between to buy if they just do one or two "premium" cast character toys as "Generations Movie" toys.

The gimmick stuff though will leave parents with more to have to work out which one to choose for their youngen. One-step, Stomp & Chomp, Flip & Change, Quickdraw, Spin Attack, Race & Spark, and non-convertible figures.... in addition to the "Generations", Construct Bots and Kreo Movie product.

Too bad for those trying to avoid movie spoilers, as the non-movie stuff is so interwoven with the movie displays and photos... it's almost impossible to go to a link without seeing some Movie characters.

Nice to see another wave of Microchangers (but only 6 are named, and I could only work out 1 of the others), and another 4 Combiners (which are all unique characters now... after all nine of the early Gen1 combiners were done).
Good to see the Generations Legends on display - it means they are still available to all Retailers... and I hope they are at our Toyfair as well, so I can harass the local retailers to get them.
Roadbuster and Sky Byte look okay, but have their flaws. I'm not liking the random shiny parts on Jetfire, and would have preferred a Skyfire design to be honest. This mutated form of the two doesn't look right in either toy or cartoon sense.... but is likely to be Hasbro's way of giving the finger to Harmony Gold by maintaining the toy aesthetics instead of the comic/cartoon look of the character.
(which actually goes against my usual policy of going with toy versions if there is conflict between toy and story - like Rumble & Frenzy)

The 3rd size of Construct-Bots (Dinobot Warriors class - not the ones found in Adelaide yesterday), have the smaller Dinobot beast be pulled apart and become the armour of the larger figure in the box... a bit like Optimus & Jetfire in the 2nd Movie. And it looked like a single 4th size class on display as well... which could be very expensive here based on the prices of the smaller classes.

At least the Movie toys in "Generations" is just a sticker on the window... so that Generations fans can still ignore them as not being part of the "real" Generations line. (provided that the real Generations toys aren't just the same packaging)

Not surprised by this year's theme, but I'm not happy that MP Grimlock is being reissued, in what looks to be identical to the previous Hasbro release. I might just see if I can buy the box from someone who gets the toy... as it will go with the set of MP boxes, without having to buy an identical toy.
Between the movie Dinos, MP Grimlock, the Kreo Grimstone combiner and the Rescue Bots Dinos, I'm really feeling hopeful that TakaraTomy pulls out some Dinobot Reissues this year.

At least we now know who the white cab-truck and black/grey cab-truck are that we saw on the film shoots... but those name details are for the Movie section.