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Thread: Transformers VS. GI Joe (IDW)

  1. #21
    Join Date
    2nd Jun 2011


    Quote Originally Posted by Paulbot View Post
    Yep. And it was nice that I could read part one for free and won't waste any money on this series.

    I don't mind new/different takes, but this feels like a mocking parody of both franchises.
    Quote Originally Posted by Verno View Post
    I really can't see people lining up to buy this steaming pile each month. There is stylised artwork, and then there is a total abandonment of artistic progress. It's disappointing.
    Quote Originally Posted by griffin View Post
    My eyes, my eyes...

    WTF did I just see?

    The art style is so two dimensional, it looks like a kid was doing a bad impression of early 80s comic style.
    Even if it was intentional, that just looked so bad, I skipped over half of it because it was too bad to follow.
    And the "translated cybertronian".... really annoying the way they did that.
    I can't imagine this comic going beyond the first issue. If they hadn't given a sample on FCBD, people might have pre-ordered the first issue on faith.... but now I can imagine a lot of people cancelling their orders, or just not buying it at all.

    It wasn't good for either GIJoe or Transformers.

    Really really bad.
    Quote Originally Posted by Verno View Post
    I hope not But it's possible.

    Let's just hope they pull the plug on this.
    Quote Originally Posted by Sinnertwin View Post
    I think that's a given from what we've seen.

    Quote Originally Posted by Sam View Post
    Assuming you haven't read the preview pages yet, check them out first, because you may want to bleach your eyes after reading the whole thing.

    Preview pages:
    Quote Originally Posted by CBratron View Post
    And here it is. Read at your own peril fellow trans-fans.

    Five minutes later:

    Well, I hate to dissapoint you good folk, but they have just announced issue #1

    Quote Originally Posted by UltraMarginal View Post

    but I'm not about to rush out and buy the trades. this will be the first transformers comic in I don't know how long that I won't be buying in some format.
    Yep, same here. I missed out on issue #0 on Free Comic Book day and had already decided from the sneak peaks, before I read all the negative reviews, that I would bypass this. Looks like I had the right idea.

  2. #22
    Join Date
    24th May 2007


    Well... I did say "not beyond the first issue", as it would take a "sellable" issue to lose enough money for comic stores not to order any more in. The FCBD could get some feedback, but isn't a financial risk to comic stores.

    Now to see if we get a second issue... or see if Issue 1 sells enough to even rate on the top 300 monthly list.

  3. #23
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    2nd Jun 2011


    Quote Originally Posted by griffin View Post
    Well... I did say "not beyond the first issue", as it would take a "sellable" issue to lose enough money for comic stores not to order any more in. The FCBD could get some feedback, but isn't a financial risk to comic stores.

    Now to see if we get a second issue... or see if Issue 1 sells enough to even rate on the top 300 monthly list.
    Ah, I was thinking of Issue 0# as the first issue - makes sense for them to see if they can get some money out of it first I guess and if it would actually sell, though you would think they may have heard all the negative feedback and maybe not bothered.

  4. #24
    Join Date
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    Chadstone, Vic


    It will sell due to name/brand recognition but for many people who want to read a Transformers/GI Joe crossover it wont be what they expect.

  5. #25
    Join Date
    2nd Jun 2010


    i read it again and you know what its worse then i fiirst thought.....

    crappy art

    crappy story

    the crappy way they made the tf speak and then translate what they say what a waste of space...

    it really is a bad book

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  6. #26
    Join Date
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    Sydney NSW


    I missed out on #0, and today I picked up #1.

    ...not sure if I wanna keep getting any more issues or just stop now...
    The art is just so BAD. I can't tell if it was drawn by a kid, or a MAD Magazine parody artist. Half the time I feel like I want to fold the pages in.

  7. #27
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    24th May 2007


    IDW have said a number of times that it had pre-sold more copies of this than any of their recent issues of Transformers comics... so if that is true, we should see it reflected in the weekly stats, and, if the sales figures continue over the next few issues, a lot of people must be liking it for some reason we are missing.

  8. #28
    Join Date
    19th Jan 2008


    Yeah I don't think this series quite does it for me. I can deal with the retro art, but combined with weird colouring and hodgepodge story it's not working. The over self congratulatory notes at the end didn't help either.

    I recognise that IDW need to do something new with GiJoe TF crossovers, because Marvel, Devils Due and Dremawave have already flogged them to death, but this isn't working for me.

    Sad thing, as much as the art is jarring with it's absent perspective, I can't help but note that this guys humans actually look more consistent than many TF artists. I'd be happy if this artist keeps drawing the humans and gets someone else to do the backgrounds, props and Transformers.

  9. #29
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    24th May 2007


    Quote Originally Posted by griffin View Post
    IDW have said a number of times that it had pre-sold more copies of this than any of their recent issues of Transformers comics... so if that is true, we should see it reflected in the weekly stats, and, if the sales figures continue over the next few issues, a lot of people must be liking it for some reason we are missing.
    Looks like IDW were telling the truth on this, as Issue One sold about 23,009 copies to comic shops (not to customers), which is about double the other three Transformers titles at the moment, and one of their best numbers for Transformers since Infiltration was selling 25,000 copies in early 2006, and the Movie prequel selling 23,000 copies in mid 2007.
    In comparison for July...
    MTMTE sold 10,063
    Windblade did 9,130
    RID did 8,706 (not looking good, as they stopped doing Movie comics when they got down to 6,000 copies)

    The site does note that the GIJoe/TFs comic allowed for returns - I think that means that comic stores are allowed to return any unsold copies if they want. If that is what that means, I think comic stores would have ordered more if there was less risk... so I'd be wondering how many of those 23,000 ended up being sold to customers.
    Next month's stats should be more accurate if the "returns" option isn't there.

  10. #30
    Join Date
    7th Feb 2013


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