Line: Masterpiece.
Line #:21
RRP: ~4000yen
Released: Japan 29/11 Aus ??/??
More later when I remind myself what they are.

Thought I'd pop in and drop my thoughts on MP Bumblebee and Spike.

Turns out he's just as nice as Wheeljack. He is very small, but his size works really well for the other Masterpiece figures in robot mode. Transformation is fun and friendly though with some really clever parts that made me go "Ooooh!" SPike is a bit 'Meh' not bad, but not great. Pretty cool, and I like him as I see him as an accessory for Bumblebee and the other Masterpiece Transformers.

His car is really small and definitely not in scale. It is cute though, even though not very Choro-Q ish.
My thoughts are on my blog

But here are a few happy snaps to get the talk a happening! Click for a bigger picture, or better yet, go to my blog ha ha ha ha

I love the old looking up at the camera classic 'Bee look! H's also very cute, like a kitten asleep in your palm.

He is really small though, even in robot mode, but there is some nice TFing touches in there.