I own both moulds (Green Giant and Perseus) and there are good points to both. GG is definitely the more solid of the 2. The hips in Perseus (who I've repurposed as classics Sixbuilder) are pretty weak. He has trouble doing anything more than the standard A-stance. That's not to say more dynamic poses aren't possible, but due to his… floppiness it can be difficult. GG on the other hand is only limited by gravity.

The bot transformations are quite involved on GG where as Perseus bots are more in line with a typical HasTak voyager. But they are quite blocky and not as appealing aesthetically. They are however more fun and easy to handle.

In the end if I had to pick one over the other, GG would win all day long. But that's just me and I can definitely see why people would prefer Herc. I still think Perseus is great though. I love how everything can be integrated.