Quote Originally Posted by 1AZRAEL1 View Post
But just as a big side note, our industrial actions are way more than just pay disputes. They're trying to bring in unsafe trains by cutting the guards important role out to save money. And they are finding it cheaper to pay out compensation to familys if someone is maimed or killed because of the operating of these trains. Imagine that, putting money as more important than lives. Yep, our government sucks.
I have no doubts about the public safety concerns. I'm in a different aspect of public service but the community benefit still ranks very highly in everyone's mind - it's what keeps people involved in lower paying roles - the public role they serve (plus a little more flexibility).

There's history in other industries though - Ford is famous for the Pinto in the 70's. The fuel tank was susceptible to bursting into flames if ruptured in a collision. They had worked out it would be cheaper to fight / pay out compensation than delay production / recall the vehicle to fix the problem.