Quote Originally Posted by Sinnertwin View Post
i prefer Pepsi Max over Coke 0.
Pepsi Max is good for pouring into drinking devices (like cups or glasses), as it has a lot more gas fortified in it than other soft-drinks... but not good to drink straight from a bottle (because of all that gas it releases as you drink it).

Coke Zero was only created to combat the rising threat of Pepsi Max against Coke's monopoly of the Cola market in this country. Pepsi was insignificant in our Country before they created "Max" (it does better as a brand in America though)... and even still, the regular Pepsi variety hasn't really benefited from Max's success. If it wasn't for Pizza Hut and KFC exclusively stocking Pepsi brands, it probably would have disappeared as a product long before Max was created to save the brand.

And now, a couple months ago both Coles and Woolies introduced a "Zero" generic brand cola despite already having a "diet" variety that is basically the same thing, especially when it comes to generic branded softdrink.

I know way too much about junkfood...