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Thread: Random Stuff

  1. #751
    Join Date
    26th May 2009


    I got my astro zucchini shot today. I can't stop shivering. I guess the 5g nano bugs are fusing to my skeleton.

  2. #752
    Join Date
    5th May 2008
    Clifton Hill, Melbourne


    Quote Originally Posted by griffin View Post
    Anyone who has watched British comedy game shows on SBS or ABC in the last 10-15 years, would probably know who Sean Lock is... well, he has died of cancer at age 58.
    I thought he was one of the funniest British comedians for his dry humour, and was best known for his appearances on "Cats does Countdown" and QI.
    I thought he was an amazing comedian with such a sharp wit.
    He will be missed.
    |Buy ALL my things!|Collection Thread|Current Collection Count: ~661|
    |Wants|Galaxy Force Blue Rumble|

  3. #753
    Join Date
    9th Apr 2008


    Oh I watched him on cats countdown, funny guy

  4. #754
    Join Date
    24th May 2007


    Quote Originally Posted by DELTAprime View Post
    When you said Optimus spoke to the guy I didn't expect it to actually sound like Optimus.

    Also, ads? What ads? Just use UBlock Origin and the ads are gone.
    I don't go on youtube much lately, but yesterday was checking out some trailers and breakdowns of trailers, and everything I was clicking on was now held up by advertising of up to 3 minutes. It's gotten so bad that they don't even give you the option to skip the advertisement or fast-forward it.
    Obviously my version of adblocker doesn't block youtube commercials (and they probably re-work their coding to block those add-ons, who then have to update their coding to get around the youtube updates - kinda like a video capture program I use, which keeps needing to update itself when youtube finds a way to block it).... however, I think I stumbled on a way around the compulsory commercials at the beginning of the youtube videos - click on the next video tab at the bottom left of the video screen, and then click your browser's back button, and youtube thinks you already watched the commercial, and starts playing the actual video.

  5. #755
    Join Date
    4th Aug 2008
    The 'Riff


    I hate those YouTube ads. Especially when you get multiple ads pop up whilst watching the same video. Or even music videos. All to try force people to pay for their premium service

  6. #756
    Join Date
    30th Dec 2007
    Japanicus Minimus

  7. #757
    Join Date
    24th May 2007


    Did anyone in Melbourne feel the earthquake today?
    The news programs quoted 5.6 to 5.9, a couple hundred kms north east of Melbourne cbd, which was strong enough to damage at least one (brick) building in the city.

    For those of us who don't live in earthquake zones (like NZ, Japan and LA), it is a unique experience if it isn't too big... up to about magnitude 6, which is a rumble like living on a major road and had a big heavy truck rumble past, shaking the house.

    Tonight I was looking up the time I was in Japan in November 2013 and had a small quake of about 5.4 while I was 8 floors up, which made it more noticeable... and came across another one that I had forgotten about, from July 2015 in Brisbane, which was a 5.3 quake a couple hundred kms north.

    Quote Originally Posted by griffin View Post
    I only found out about this a few hours ago because I didn't catch the news last night... yesterday morning (Thursday) at around 9.41am, there was a 5.3 earthquake off the coast of Fraser Island... and it made sense of something from yesterday morning.

    I was on the north side of Brisbane doing a First Aid course on the fourth floor of a building, and I remember feeling a vibration during our first session between 9am to 10am - the sort of vibration you get when a heavy dual-trailer gravel truck drives past you or your house... and I dismissed it as something like that, but looking back, we were too far away from a major road, so after hearing tonight about the earthquake, I recalled what I felt in the Earthquake in Japan in November 2013, and it was the same sort of feeling (just more intense)... and it now made sense.
    And what I posted about the Japanese one...

    At about 8.50pm here (that's about 9.50pm in Brisbane... 10.50pm if you aren't lucky enough to live north of the border ) there was a slight vibration, and then the room shook with a rumble, like a heavy truck driving across the room above.
    I'm on the 8th floor of an 11 storey hotel too, so there would have been extra movement.
    It was scary not knowing if it was just the start of something bigger, because I'd be screwed up this high if the building collapsed.
    I grabbed my important stuff (passport, phone, wallet, money) and headed down to reception to check if that was indeed an earthquake. (I've lived on major roads, so that sort of rumbling and shaking is not new to me... but since this hasn't happened so far in my 3 days here, I didn't think it was a passing truck or train)
    They said that they get those small tremors about twice a month, so I guess I'm lucky. (I was always wanting to have one happen in LA, but with all my time there, it never did)

    Now to hope that this wasn't just the warm up for something bigger later tonight.
    And about 4 hours later when I felt an aftershock...

    After feeling a small aftershock about 20 minutes ago, I looked it up.

    Looks like it wasn't just a small tremor after all. It was apparently a 5.4 magnitude and was just on the outskirts of northern Tokyo (I'm on the south where the cluster of whitish dots are to the left of the bay), with about 5 aftershocks (so far) reaching up to 4.2.
    (the map is of the Tokyo bay area, with the city on the western side. Each dot is a measuring station, and the ones near me registered 4... the aftershock registered a 2 near me, so that means I can feel a 2 and know what difference a 4 feels like).

    Apparently this is the third mid-to-large one to hit Japan in the last three weeks, so I'm lucky it wasn't as intense as the one three weeks ago (which was a 7.1 earthquake).
    If that had hit here where this one did, I think I'd be in a bit of trouble, as this 5.4 didn't do any damage, but did suspend high-speed trains (hopefully not for long) to check the tracks. A 7 earthquake is 100 times more powerful than a 5... and that would have done a lot of damage all across the city.

    Going back over previous earthquake reports (from the first two links and this link), it looks like a number of 4 to 5 magnitude earthquakes had occurred in the last 36 hours, along the fault-line from the north of Japan.
    Well, I found it all fascinating...

  8. #758
    Join Date
    27th Dec 2007
    Chadstone, Vic


    Yep. Shook my house, a few things fell. Long, loud and unexpected.

    Basically everyone in Melbourne felt it. Was a nice break from talking about the protests.

  9. #759
    Join Date
    12th Jun 2011


    We have had a few earthquakes up here in Central Queensland in my life. I have never actually felt any of them because by a random coincidence they all happen in the middle of the night while I'm asleep. But we did have a meteor go directly overhead a few years back and I felt that one.
    I have a list of all G1 characters that have been released in CHUG form. You can find it here. Please feel free to let me know if I got anything wrong so I can fix it.

  10. #760
    Join Date
    4th Aug 2008
    The 'Riff


    Quote Originally Posted by Paulbot View Post
    Yep. Shook my house, a few things fell. Long, loud and unexpected.

    Basically everyone in Melbourne felt it. Was a nice break from talking about the protests.
    Did see a joke floating around saying the earthquake was caused by all the drunk bogans marching.

    Don't think I've ever felt am earthquake, missus did when she was over in San Fran 2 years ago though

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