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Thread: Diaclone Battle Convoy remake

  1. #1
    Join Date
    24th May 2007

    Default Diaclone Battle Convoy remake

    For those who don't know, in the last five years TakaraTomy have been doing a rebooted Diaclone toyline, based on the original Diaclone toys from the early 1980s in Japan... which was a toyline that Hasbro borrowed several robot toys from, to create the Transformers toyline in America.

    Even though TakaraTomy have done a rebooted Waruder toy (FunPub did a homage to it for BotCon 2015), we now have a reboot toy coming of one of the Diaclone toys that became the most iconic Transformers toy - Optimus Prime.
    In Diaclone, the toy was called Battle Convoy... and aside from some changes to the trailer, it was mostly identical to what Hasbro would box up and sell as Optimus Prime.
    This reboot toy of Battle Convoy has some similar themes to it, with a "truck" that turns into a robot, and a trailer that opens up into a base... but it is definitely a futuristic, alien looking set of vehicles.

    DA-65 is said to be about US$300, which would be a bit over AU$400.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    27th Jan 2008
    Gold Coast, Queensland


    That?s really expensive just to buy for the cab part, but it LOOKS like a Covoy so it?s telling me to buy........
    On the lookout for MISB Headmaster Highbrow, Takara or Hasbro. I'm sure I could make you a sweet deal!

  3. #3
    Join Date
    4th Jan 2009


    The original 'Car Robots' subline featured contemporary looking vehicles that converted without significant part-forming. While i expected a non-realistic alt mode for this Battle Convoy (i wasn't expecting Takara to compete with its own TF products), I was disappointed that Convoy uses modular conversion like much of the reboot Diaclone line to date. I prefer the conversion schemes to reflect that of the original figures.

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