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Thread: Nuremberg Toy Fair News - CW Computron, Defensor...

  1. #21
    Join Date
    19th Oct 2014


    I wouldn't be surprised if the next wave they give us an entire combiner figure (Defensor) but following that we just get random releases until next year - Scattershot and Onslaught as voyagers, but not all of their dedicated team/limbs, either the random Autobot cars rumoured, or some of those, and 1ea of the Technobots/Combaticons

    Reason being we'd already have three full sets of limbs, and can mix and match as we see fit (remember to look at this from a child's point of view, rather than a collector if possible) and get the rest of the proper limbs the following wave(s)

  2. #22
    Join Date
    8th Jun 2012


    I just hope that they don't abandon the great case assortments. 4 figures, 2 of each in a case is glorious.
    Seeking the Following:
    - CW Brawl
    - Earthrise Runabout
    - Earthrise Thrust

  3. #23
    Join Date
    24th May 2007


    Quote Originally Posted by Bidoofdude View Post
    I just hope that they don't abandon the great case assortments. 4 figures, 2 of each in a case is glorious.
    The case assortments have certainly been great for importing Generations Deluxes and most Voyagers throughout 2014.

  4. #24
    Join Date
    27th Dec 2007
    Sydney NSW


    Quote Originally Posted by TAAUBlaster View Post
    Those strange coloured Blitzwing and Astrotrain reissues have me stumped.
    Could they possibly be just packaged test shot figures that Hasbro rushed so as to get them into Toyfair?
    ^That's what I'm thinking^hoping.

  5. #25
    Join Date
    26th May 2013
    Gold Coast


    Quote Originally Posted by Zommael View Post
    Thanks. That makes me think the four full combiners are Superion (confirmed), Menasor (confirmed), Defensor (seemingly confirmed), and Computron (rumoured out of Nuremburg). It stands to reason that Hasbro would prefer to have more Autobots than Decepticons, especially given that all of the leader class figures and the sole Titan are 'cons.

    The six voyagers are Optimus, Silverbolt, Motormaster, Hot Spot (confirmed by the app), and two unknowns. If I'm right about Computron then I'd suggest that Scattershot would be one of those two, and could possibly be a heavy retool of Silverbolt. That leaves the other one, which I'm still leaning towards being Onslaught as a redeco of Hot Spot, since Hot Spot's mould actually already looks more like a military vehicle than a fire truck.

    The deluxes are where the real uncertainty seems to come in. We have eight of those 16 confirmed. Defensor would seem to be a given with an Alpha Bravo redeco for one limb, and First Aid and "Rook" also confirmed. Assuming the rumours and product listings are correct, Defensor gives us the other four limbs. If I'm right about Computron, that then gives us the other four. However, the real uncertainty is regarding the rumour of certain other G1 characters being deluxe redecos of other Autobots (which has the recently revealed Legends Hot Rod backing it up). If that rumour is true - and there's more evidence for it than there is of Computron - then it blows that theory right out of the water, and leaves us with an unconfirmed Voyager yet again.

    The resolution to that uncertainty might be that the full versions of Computron and Bruticus are not intended for release this year, since we know for sure that at least the fan-built combiner is intended for release next year. It would be odd for Hasbro to have those torsos out before their respective limbs, but not impossible given that they've so far chosen to mix up limbs for Menasor and Superion.

    That does still leave the rumoured Slingshot and Wildrider redecos floating in the wind. I guess they could be exclusives. The existence of Slingshot, at least, is confirmed by the TakTom release but not necessarily its inclusion in Combiner Wars.

    To summarise, my guesses based on the available information right now are:


    Optimus Prime - confirmed
    Silverbolt - confirmed
    Motormaster - confirmed
    Hot Spot - unofficially confirmed via app
    Scattershot - unconfirmed
    Onslaught - unconfirmed


    Eight already released or confirmed to be part of wave 1 and wave 2.
    Protectobots (4 deluxes)
    Season 1 Autobots (4 deluxes) - could also include Slingshot and Wildrider alongside two other redecos instead.

    Now I guess we just have to wait for Toy Fair, and then I can finally decide which CW toys I'll be buying!

    The only other one which could be of conjecture is the combiner image which had the Hot Rod chest. Chances are this is the masquerade Autobots with Optimus. However, I am still hoping for some sort of IDW tied in story of a Lost Light Combiner with Ultra Magnus.

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