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Thread: Gun-Formers (imitation weapons) laws and requirements for Australia

  1. #311
    Join Date
    27th Dec 2007
    Sydney NSW


    Quote Originally Posted by ILikeSoundwave View Post
    But what if it's moving between states? QLD to NSW?
    As a minor you're not old enough to obtain a permit. Perhaps one of your parents can obtain one and be the legal owner of that toy (and undergo safe storage requirements etc.).
    Quote Originally Posted by Starganderfish View Post
    Apologies if this has been asked before (tried to search the thread but couldn't find any definite results) but what's the deal with orange barrel plugs in Aus?
    Orange barrels (and the colour of toy guns) in Australia are legally meaningless. Toy companies include them as a courtesy to help make the toy look less identifiable as a weapon but they mean nothing.

    Here is a visual guide as to which kind of Gunformers are and aren't prohibited in Australia (and thus require a permit to import and may require a permit to own depending on where you live).

    You will notice that all versions of the Classics Megatron mould enjoy the same legal status in Australia (i.e. non-prohibited regular toys - the Platinum Edition one is currently available at Myer). Even though the Japanese versions have no orange barrels they are still equally legal. The protoype Hasbro reissue Megatron (blue and orange) was never released, but it too would be equally prohibited in Australia. The orange barrel may work in other countries like the USA but not here. So if you're going to get a prohibited Gunformer (after obtaining necessary permits if required of course), then you might as well just get the regular versions without the orange tip.

  2. #312
    Join Date
    10th Sep 2015


    Thanks for clarifying. And just to be clear, I was asking out of curiosity as to what to expect from PC, not as some way to try and get around the state legislation. As ridiculously stupid as these state laws are, they nonetheless are the law.

  3. #313
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    4th Jun 2016


    Quote Originally Posted by GoktimusPrime View Post
    As a minor you're not old enough to obtain a permit. Perhaps one of your parents can obtain one and be the legal owner of that toy (and undergo safe storage requirements etc.).

    Orange barrels (and the colour of toy guns) in Australia are legally meaningless. Toy companies include them as a courtesy to help make the toy look less identifiable as a weapon but they mean nothing.

    Here is a visual guide as to which kind of Gunformers are and aren't prohibited in Australia (and thus require a permit to import and may require a permit to own depending on where you live).

    You will notice that all versions of the Classics Megatron mould enjoy the same legal status in Australia (i.e. non-prohibited regular toys - the Platinum Edition one is currently available at Myer). Even though the Japanese versions have no orange barrels they are still equally legal. The protoype Hasbro reissue Megatron (blue and orange) was never released, but it too would be equally prohibited in Australia. The orange barrel may work in other countries like the USA but not here. So if you're going to get a prohibited Gunformer (after obtaining necessary permits if required of course), then you might as well just get the regular versions without the orange tip.

    Was the NERF-atron megs excepted because it was a retail release in this country? (meaning you didnt have to import it, you could just buy it).

    And I'm just curious, if a chain store like say TRU for example sold any of the Mp-megatrons, WITHOUT any kind of permit in say VIC, NSW, would that mean that legally the police could confiscate the entire stock?

    Assuming it had already passed through customs without been noted.

    And someone mentioned on the previous page, do all the same rules apply to the 3P megatrons such as Mightron etc? I assume so, seeing as their gun modes look like real guns.

  4. #314
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    27th Dec 2007
    Sydney NSW


    Quote Originally Posted by Batfan007 View Post
    Was the NERF-atron megs excepted because it was a retail release in this country? (meaning you didnt have to import it, you could just buy it).
    It's exempted because Nerf guns aren't classified as imitations/replicas. That's why Hasbro can sell Nerf guns. CHUGUR gun Megatron transforms into a Nerf Maverick.

    Quote Originally Posted by Batfan007 View Post
    And I'm just curious, if a chain store like say TRU for example sold any of the Mp-megatrons, WITHOUT any kind of permit in say VIC, NSW, would that mean that legally the police could confiscate the entire stock?
    Yes. Although more likely Hasbro would be made to recall the product, as happened in 1984-85 here (do you not remember this, or did you live in a place where the toy was never released at all? ). I remember seeing Megatron on shelves for a while and then it was recalled. There was even an article published about the recall in the newspaper because my mum told me about it. I knew a few people who managed to find Megatrons interstate after the NSW recall - one kid in my school did this and was the only person I knew in the 1980s who owned a G1 Megatron toy.

    Now this happened over 30 years ago when Customs weren't even looking for this toy (that didn't happen until 2007). Hasbro evidently managed to get their stock through and even distributed into stores until they had to do a product recall. I highly doubt that it would happen today. Hasbro's own legal department would most likely block the idea before it ever happened, and there have been quite a few other examples of potential ideas being blocked by Hasbro Legal. e.g. Hasbro was unable to release Brave Maximus in RiD2001 because that mould no longer complies with contemporary toy safety standards (it fails the drop test). This is also why Hasbro will never be able to reissue Fortress Maximus either. Heck, look at the blue and orange G1 Megatron in the graphic that I posted. A prototype was made (which is in the photo) but the toy itself was never put into production because it never made it past legal. Even with all that orange it still failed because the shape of the gun is still a Walther P38 - colour is irrelevant.

  5. #315
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    4th Jun 2016


    Quote Originally Posted by GoktimusPrime View Post
    It's exempted because Nerf guns aren't classified as imitations/replicas. That's why Hasbro can sell Nerf guns. CHUGUR gun Megatron transforms into a Nerf Maverick.

    Yes. Although more likely Hasbro would be made to recall the product, as happened in 1984-85 here (do you not remember this, or did you live in a place where the toy was never released at all? ). I remember seeing Megatron on shelves for a while and then it was recalled. There was even an article published about the recall in the newspaper because my mum told me about it. I knew a few people who managed to find Megatrons interstate after the NSW recall - one kid in my school did this and was the only person I knew in the 1980s who owned a G1 Megatron toy.

    Now this happened over 30 years ago when Customs weren't even looking for this toy (that didn't happen until 2007). Hasbro evidently managed to get their stock through and even distributed into stores until they had to do a product recall. I highly doubt that it would happen today. Hasbro's own legal department would most likely block the idea before it ever happened, and there have been quite a few other examples of potential ideas being blocked by Hasbro Legal. e.g. Hasbro was unable to release Brave Maximus in RiD2001 because that mould no longer complies with contemporary toy safety standards (it fails the drop test). This is also why Hasbro will never be able to reissue Fortress Maximus either. Heck, look at the blue and orange G1 Megatron in the graphic that I posted. A prototype was made (which is in the photo) but the toy itself was never put into production because it never made it past legal. Even with all that orange it still failed because the shape of the gun is still a Walther P38 - colour is irrelevant.
    FUN FACT FOR KIDS: In 1985 I was 5 years old and living in New Zealand - too busy watching the cartoons and stuff to be concerned about being shot my Megatron. Shockwave always seemed scarier anyhow, he never said much and you always KNEW he was up to something.

    I've never seen the G1 megatron toy, nor even half of all the G1 toys that got released here, I saw a few in stores back in the day, owned 4 or 5 between the ages of 0-12, then I had like an odd mix of g1/g2 when I as about 14, perhaps 20 or so from a friend.

    One time when I first lived in perth a guy had a collectibles store that had old loose g1 toys on display in a big cabinet, don't remember what, but that's the most different g1 TF toys ive seen in one spot , other than fast forwarding to the modern day where i but em like candy, and browse lovely amazing collections over at TFW, such as Griffin's EPIC! collection.

    I plan to buy a reissue (non ko) G1 megatron at some point, which is why I started reading this thread, but I've also been tempted by the various 3P gunformers and now of course MP Megs 2.0 - Back in Style!

    I also have family/relatives (and toys) in VIC, so if I buy something there, didn't want to have it confiscated by the fruit police at the border. I drove here to my most recent relocating to WA, so went through the actual border thing, the guy was super nice - more so than those grumpy airport types!

  6. #316
    Join Date
    24th May 2007


    Quote Originally Posted by GoktimusPrime View Post
    Yes. Although more likely Hasbro would be made to recall the product, as happened in 1984-85 here (do you not remember this, or did you live in a place where the toy was never released at all? ).
    Not everyone here has been a collector since the 1980s, and as one who was, I didn't even know about this either until at least a decade later, as I wasn't even aware of it being an issue at the time... considering how many loose Megatron toys I found during the 1990s at flea markets and garage sales. I ended up having 3 or 4 junkers at one stage, before getting a minty fresh one several years later, probably one of the early millennial reissues.

  7. #317
    Join Date
    27th Dec 2007
    Sydney NSW


    Batfan007: NZ may have actually released more G1 Transformers than Australia. There were a few toys which were never released here which the Kiwis got, one of them being Shockwave! So as a kid growing up in NZ you may have seen Shockwaves in store, but we Aussies never did. The closest we had was "Shackwave" (pre-Transformers version) - I personally grew up playing with a "Shackwave." We also never got Chop Shop, Barrage, Ransack or Venom in 1985 whereas NZ did!

  8. #318
    Join Date
    1st Jun 2011


    Does anyone have any news regarding attaining MP 36 Megatron legally without having to pay close to $190 every three years.

    I never received a response from the Department of Justice and Regulation, despite a representative of the Firearms Appeals Community claiming to forwarding it to them. I've since asked for the Department of Justice and Regulation's email address so I can follow up myself. Last time I checked their website this email address was missing, which was why I ended up sending my query to the wrong department.

    I really just want to get this all sorted out because it'll suck if I'm not able to keep my Megatron despite paying for it at PC, and I doubt they'll be willing to give a refund.

  9. #319
    Join Date
    24th May 2007


    Quote Originally Posted by bakakun View Post
    Does anyone have any news regarding attaining MP 36 Megatron legally without having to pay close to $190 every three years.

    I never received a response from the Department of Justice and Regulation, despite a representative of the Firearms Appeals Community claiming to forwarding it to them. I've since asked for the Department of Justice and Regulation's email address so I can follow up myself. Last time I checked their website this email address was missing, which was why I ended up sending my query to the wrong department.

    I really just want to get this all sorted out because it'll suck if I'm not able to keep my Megatron despite paying for it at PC, and I doubt they'll be willing to give a refund.
    When I get more replies back from the relevant departments I will post up the information and updates... so that it isn't just a trickle of information that people will lose among the feedback posts.

    Even though it takes time to get replies and action from them, especially at this time of year, there is still a fair bit of time before the new Megatron is released... and I am trying to petition to have a "registered toy collector" exemption for states like Victoria (like NSW has).... but if they get too many people asking the same questions about the matter, they might start ignoring you and me, because it is just an easier option for them (our toy collecting is not a priority to the Criminal Justice System).

  10. #320
    Join Date
    1st Jun 2011


    Quote Originally Posted by griffin View Post
    When I get more replies back from the relevant departments I will post up the information and updates... so that it isn't just a trickle of information that people will lose among the feedback posts.

    Even though it takes time to get replies and action from them, especially at this time of year, there is still a fair bit of time before the new Megatron is released... and I am trying to petition to have a "registered toy collector" exemption for states like Victoria (like NSW has).... but if they get too many people asking the same questions about the matter, they might start ignoring you and me, because it is just an easier option for them (our toy collecting is not a priority to the Criminal Justice System).
    Thanks for doing this and responding. The legal issues with this toy just has me on edge.

    It had been almost a month since my last email to a relevant department so I only sent one this evening to show that I was still interested in the issue. I'll follow your advice and not email regularly.

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