Quote Originally Posted by BigTransformerTrev View Post
Seriously Griff, you need to make a sticky for this topic somewhere mate. About 3 times a year this topic with the same queries comes up.

Seriously - has ANYONE in Aus actually gotten charged for owning an MP Megatron? And if so was it even remotely recent? I really don't think with all the heavy stuff going down in our communities than anyone except the most pedantic of cops would care. And I bet no one is checking houses for them. All my neighbours own REAL guns - the coppers round here couldn't give two shits that I own a little toy robot that turns into a fake firearm and I would get openly laughed at if I brought it to their attention.

My advice, just don't worry about it. Unless you make a massive deal of it I don't think anyone in authority gives a crap - they have bigger fish to fry.
I remember about 7-8 years ago a shipment of MP Megs coming into the country got impounded by customs... and my mind is like a steel trap... A really old steel trap that has been left out in the weather and rusted.