Despite all of the rapidly increasing number of announcements of cancelled events around the world, this one still surprised me for some reason - the Florida TFCon next weekend has been cancelled.
Just like other events that have been cancelled at the last minute, there will be a lot of people losing money over this. People will be getting refunds of any packages or dealer tables they pre-paid, but those who pre-paid any of their trip or paid for cheap non-refundable tickets, lose out... as do all of those vendors and dealers who need these events to earn a living or pay staff. Not to mention dealers who would have bought up extra stock, to sell at the event, now have to move that extra stock some other way.

And this was one that I almost went to as well, if certain things had gone my way last year. Glad I didn't, as I probably would have been flying over this weekend, to spend the week at the themeparks before the convention next weekend. There were a number of guests I wanted to meet, and it was in the city that I've been to twice before, and would love to go back again for Disneyworld and Universal Studios.
I hope they try to do it again there next year, as I should be more able to go next year.