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Thread: Scalping 7 Devastators on ebay

  1. #41
    Join Date
    27th Dec 2007
    Sydney NSW


    Quote Originally Posted by Sinnertwin View Post
    I enjoy collecting Transformers, I enjoy discussing them with our members, but it also saddens and frustrates me that people feel they have to pay scalper prices because of the need to have it -that small part of the human psyche that scalpers are very well aware and take advantage of.
    for new/current toys

  2. #42
    Join Date
    2nd Jun 2011


    Quote Originally Posted by Viderzo View Post
    I apologize if I stirred many angry feelings here. Just joined this forum (long time user though) and making everyone angry is the last thing that I want to do. I hate scalpers but in the big scheme of things that ebay seller is not the worst (although his smugness posing in front of the pile of Devy that I AM sure he got from a BIGW insider doesnt help one bit). On top of my head PS2, PS3, iphone 5S gold etc etc were some of the worst one.

    Let's move on. Forget that pathetic ebay seller. I went to BigW southland at 7 AM Thursday and was one of the first (top 10 at least) who put my name there. I was told that they will give me a call later on. Lucky my son's birthday is still a month away

    I will call them tomorrow to see what is going on and will post the update. good luck to everyone here!
    It's all good mate. This is usually one of the most relaxed and laid back TF fan sites out there. Heated discussions do happen but are not a daily occurrence. I hope you stick around to enjoy Ozformers further

  3. #43
    Join Date
    30th May 2011


    Quote Originally Posted by Sinnertwin View Post
    Thank You.

    I'd like to think that toys are a luxury that we are fortunate enough to enjoy and not have a major impact on our lives.
    They are not an essential part of our lives and I'm quite certain that our standards of living will not diminish if Devastator is not sitting on our shelves.

    My point regarding the "weakness" was the fact that I feel that some people need these toys in their lives right now and feel like they don't have a choice but to pay scalper prices, then get angry because they do.

    I enjoy collecting Transformers, I enjoy discussing them with our members, but it also saddens and frustrates me that people feel they have to pay scalper prices because of the need to have it -that small part of the human psyche that scalpers are very well aware and take advantage of.

    It's just like the Bay movies, every fan complains hard about them but they will be first in the door to watch it at the cinema, thus encouraging the continuing poor movie output
    (Silly comparison for shits and giggles)
    I still function.....................while killing threads. ;-)

  4. #44
    Join Date
    18th Jun 2012
    St Clair


    Quote Originally Posted by Zechariah View Post
    Love my hobby though would burn my house down tomorrow if it would free me of my attachments to things that do not matter in life.
    To enjoy life is great when there is respect and understanding which in our debate/difference of views was foreshadowed when you went on to attack me and say that I am a drug user, you are wrong in this assumption and safe in the knowledge that we will probably never meet which still leaves it to chance we might. Life is full of surprises and I am seldom surprised to see the reaction of those who I sooner or later catch up with.
    Not sure if you meant it but that sounded like a veiled threat.
    If it is then that's not on

  5. #45
    Join Date
    27th Dec 2007


    Zechariah and Sinnertwin you have both had your say on the matter of scalping. So perhaps remain on the topic of discussing the toy sale and not the people who will exploit it.

    This includes other members as well. This thread will be locked if it continues.

    Thank you.
    Which brings us to where we are today...

  6. #46
    Join Date
    2nd Jun 2011


    Quote Originally Posted by Zechariah View Post
    I take it you will not be accepting my friend request
    At the time you and I had never conversed and I don't think I had even seen any of your posts. As such I didn't really understand why I was receiving a friend request and so I must admit to deleting it. Hope this did not cause offense.

    Back to the topic, it would be interesting to know just what percentage of our members that tried to get a Devastator managed to do so. Sounds like it may be less than 50% which would be a real shame

  7. #47
    Join Date
    7th Mar 2012
    The Moon


    Geez. Spend a night sleeping and look what I missed. I could have escalated that arguement to a whole new level

    Anyway, SCALPERS RULE!!!!!!!!

    (I added this because despite me being a member here for a few years now, apparently if I don't use emoticons people can't discern sarcasm. I wonder how the world coped before emoticons?)
    Dovie'andi se tovya sagain

  8. #48
    Join Date
    15th Jun 2015


    Quote Originally Posted by Trent View Post
    Geez. Spend a night sleeping and look what I missed. I could have escalated that arguement to a whole new level

    Anyway, SCALPERS RULE!!!!!!!!

    (I added this because despite me being a member here for a few years now, apparently if I don't use emoticons people can't discern sarcasm. I wonder how the world coped before emoticons?)
    I wonder about this as well...rolleyes is the emoticon though I perceive it as pondering a thought

  9. #49
    Join Date
    24th May 2007


    Posts from the BigW mid-year sale have been moved here in the discussion section... but it doesn't mean future replies can be disrespectful or hostile to others, as the board rules still apply in this section. These posts were only moved because they were off-topic to the Sale Catalogue topic.

    Quote Originally Posted by BigTransformerTrev View Post
    Wow - think this might be the angriest I've seen you in my 4 years on your site Griff! Not that I blame you one little bit - it's a really scummy thing for this guy to do
    Yes... and I'm sorry for being the catalyst for the news topic going off-topic.

    It just made me so mad that I'm putting in all this time and effort to help members here get this toy, with postings, tweets and phone calls to BigW, and then this person comes along and rubs it in the faces of all those fans still struggling to find it, that he has snapped up 8 of them and is trying to get almost double the price for them off anyone who doesn't know that more are coming.
    If he'd only posted up one at a time, we'd have never known about it, and wouldn't have cared... but seeing 8 flaunted like that without it being for the benefit of anyone else but himself contradicts what we do here (organising or offering toys & help to other members/fans for what it cost us to get them because friends help friends)... so it annoyed me to think that he might have used this site (news or sightings posts) to help him prevent members here from getting one in the first round.
    It might seem a bit precious to expect to get a "mere" toy early or at all, but when you have your friends all enjoying the feature toy of the year at the same time, it spoils your fun a little if you have to wait a couple weeks or a month to get one... and if this site only exists because we are finding fun in toys and Transformers, then this is an element of who we are. We are a little selfish to ourselves in getting a toy first for ourselves and fellow members (over kids, or parents buying random toys for others), but I'm proud to know that we here on this site are not selfish to clear out stores to prevent both kids and collectors from obtaining the toy at regular retail.
    (which is why I'd be unimpressed if this person was a member here, or used our news and info resources to do what he did)

    It might not be illegal, but it isn't ethical at this time to be boasting about having 8 of them when they could have been discreet, and they'd have never been known as more than just a person trying to sell a single Devastator for $320. It comes down to timing (this week was the worst to be found with 8 of them), and the target audience of the listing (particularly if they have ever claimed to be a fan themselves but have intentionally prevented fans in that area of Sydney from enjoying the toy at the same time as other fans).

    Quote Originally Posted by Demonac View Post
    I think people are blowing this out of proportion.
    These are just toys he is scalping, not an essential item like food or medicine.
    Is anyone really suffering because of this?
    And remember, scalpers only exist because people are willing to buy from them.
    Yes... but fansites for toys, TV shows, movies, race cars, music, etc exist because we are "fanatic" over something that is not exactly rational behaviour to other people who aren't fans.
    We need an outlet like these communities and fansites to make the drudgery of life worth living... as long as it isn't at the sadistic or selfish expense of others.
    Scalping does exist, and I wouldn't have had a problem with this if he was just selling one toy on ebay for $320 (like the person that Burn noted on Seibertron)... as it would likely end up being bought by an American fan who can't wait until their August release in that country (being the first with high-profile toys is a big deal over there), and doesn't impact on local fans as much as clearing out 8 from one cluster of suburbs that a particular BigW was catering to.
    It's why some of us take toys to BotCon to trade, that aren't easily obtained over there, to take advantage of the more desperate fans who will pay a little extra on a toy... but we (you and I) don't clear out the stores here before local fans have had enough time to get one at the cheapest price possible. (I took four JP Stinger toys with me this year, which had been sitting at TRU near me for over a month, and I still left four behind... so that I wasn't being greedy.)
    Capitalism works in many ways, and excessive scalping like this guy is what members here have an issue with, not the reselling of one or two items at a mark-up... which isn't scalping.
    Scalping is the removal of all available stock to prevent people in an area from being able to buy it for Retail pricing, even temporarily like Devastator who should be seeing a second wave at BigW... but no one knows when that will happen.
    Toys shouldn't be seen as an investment by non-fans who don't even own the product to enjoy it, otherwise we will have a second group of people constantly competing with us to get to certain high-demand toys, which we will at least own and respect... before we ever end up selling it (if at all).

    Quote Originally Posted by Burn View Post
    Sadly, I had to approve this post. Part of me REALLY didn't want to but he's not breaking any of the site rules unfortunately.
    I think they are only selling one? Which isn't like cleaning out a store, or boasting about them having 8 when there are probably 7 other fans in their area of Sydney still desperately looking for one thanks to their actions.
    A single toy listing isn't something I would be that fussed about, or consider it "scalping", as most stores are getting 8-12 units, and it aimed at someone overseas who is silly enough to spend that much on a toy they could wait a couple months to get it in their own area. The $300-320 sale pricing these people are asking are not likely to be bought by an Australian who knows that they are out here for under $200.

    Our site though does have an anti-scalping rule... but it hasn't been put to the test yet, because I think our close-knit community of members would never do that to their friends, and newer members would probably be too afraid to risk it...

    19 - Toy Scalping on this forum is prohibited
    If you are found to be buying up hard-to-find toys and reselling them at a huge markup on this forum, your sale postings will be deleted, and you may be removed as well if that is the only reason you are a member here. If it is proven that a member is locating certain figures from our sightings section, to sell elsewhere, they will also be removed. We discourage toy scalping in general, as this community has prospered from fans helping fellow fans find items without having to pay a scalper extra for it.

    Quote Originally Posted by Zechariah View Post
    Spoken like a true scalper
    Quote Originally Posted by Zechariah View Post
    I have to laugh at being the new guy and having members dislike me and possibly gang up on me, and I have drank a few beers and know myself well enough to not entertain your smartass comment.
    Anyway I will learn from situations like this when dealing with cocky people on line in the comfort of their reality which is anyone's guess to what type.
    As the "new guy", please refrain from launching into opinions and comments about the existing members here until you have gotten to know them first, either by lurking or limiting your postings to news comments, sightings and positive opinions on discussion topics.
    When you have had a bit more experience here, or on any site, then commentary can be more subjective or personal if people know you better or are seen to be tolerant of those kinds of opinions.

    This goes for anyone new to this site, not just you... this site is often commented on as being the most friendly and welcoming fansite (and sometimes internet site in general), and that's because members aren't made to feel like they need to be top of a pecking order, or "shout" to be heard, or prove yourself in any way. Most of the active members here are quite close to each other, because we have people looking out for toys for others and share sightings on things that we can't personally help out with.
    Enjoy your time here, as it is ultimately just a community site for toys... kids toys... so enjoy them and your time here as if you are a kid, but just don't behave like a kid.

    Quote Originally Posted by Starscream77 View Post
    Well for all us sydney siders we can have a chat with mr scalper personally as he always has a table at Penrith Fair, I recognise him as he always has Star Wars stuff and a tub of loose transformers and a universe countdown he has had for $70 for like 3 years
    I am sure he will have these out next Sunday for sale
    If this is the same person, it is best that members here are not to confront him if you are in a group of other members from here, as a mob mentality can end up occurring (group courage)... and it is likely to come back to this site as being an advocate of harassment or bullying.
    Approach him as an individual to express your personal feelings if you really want, but just not as a group, as it will defeat the point of what you want to say to him, and will give us a bad name.

    Quote Originally Posted by Viderzo View Post
    I apologize if I stirred many angry feelings here. Just joined this forum (long time user though) and making everyone angry is the last thing that I want to do. I hate scalpers but in the big scheme of things that ebay seller is not the worst (although his smugness posing in front of the pile of Devy that I AM sure he got from a BIGW insider doesnt help one bit). On top of my head PS2, PS3, iphone 5S gold etc etc were some of the worst one.
    Don't worry about it, as none of this was your fault.

    If anyone is to blame, it is me for stirring up the issue.

  10. #50
    Join Date
    4th Jan 2015


    Griffin, honestly I think you just expressed what a lot of us are feeling.

    Buying an additional one or 2 for friends or to stove away is one thing... buying out one or more stores on purpose to hike the price up like that is pretty bad form.

    I don't think I would confront the guy though. The one experience I've had with a scalper from the US was pretty scary... almost mafia-like... and I wasn't confronting him - he was showing off to me how he had brought all the Transformers stock in some city in Florida. I honestly don't think scalpers care as to them it is all about the monopoly on the market and they have an arrogance to them that they don't seem to care about those around them.

    I do have to say of all the forums I've experienced Ozformers is the most tolerant, welcoming and friendly. A little heated discussion every now and then but nothing as volatile as the American boards where saying you've just brought a figure can get you hammered with abuse/accusations of lying.

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