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Thread: Scalping 7 Devastators on ebay

  1. #11
    Join Date
    24th May 2007


    Quote Originally Posted by Viderzo View Post
    This guy has 7. Nice huh
    That is disgusting... grabbing 8 to resell 7 of them at $330 while fans are having trouble finding them at $198, instead of what most members do here and if they get an extra 1 or 2, it is for another member at what it cost them.
    Members here go to a lot of trouble chasing up toys for other members or contacting them if they are at a store an can get an extra one... and would usually try to sell a spare for profit when there isn't a massive number of fans here desperately looking for one.

    I hope that's him in the fourth photo, so we know who this scumbag is... as the items in the background match his ebay name.

    He'd better not be a member here... or at least, I'd better not know who it is if he is.

  2. #12
    Join Date
    14th Oct 2012


    Someone should buy one just to meet him in person as he says pick up is ok and you get to pick the best one. It would be nice to see him and offer our "thanks" for kindly holding one for us.

  3. #13
    Join Date
    24th May 2007


    Quote Originally Posted by doublespy View Post
    Unfortunately, that's just a fan at one of the south American toy fairs..
    Yes, the guy in the last photo in the white T-shirt is the guy from South America who posted up photos from the Brazilian Toyfair a little while ago... so he's not the Australian ebayer in Campbelltown scalping off these toys for $924 profit just to prevent 7 fans from being able to get one at all this week.
    (more will be coming out in Australia, but with a toy this fun, you don't want to be waiting, particularly if these 7 were still available in a Sydney store for non-scalper fans to get one right now)

    And they don't just scalp Transformers either.

    I'm just so mad about this blatant greed from someone who is clearly not a fan to do this to real fans.

    If they are this uncaring and disrespectful to real fans, they would not be welcome among collectors on fansites like this one, because how could you ever be able to trust them, especially with sightings, as they would use the sighting for their own benefit instead of passing it onto someone else who needs it.

  4. #14
    Join Date
    7th Jan 2010


    Campbelltown huh? Looks like I now know who's personally responsible for me missing out then, he would have raided all the stores local to me for those
    Don't worry lads, if I see this scumbag I'll "thank" him from all of us

  5. #15
    Join Date
    25th Sep 2013


    I'm more interested in the guy trying to sell an Evangelion MP10 for a little under a grand.

    Now that's ambition.

  6. #16
    Megatran Guest


    Quote Originally Posted by griffin View Post
    I'm just so mad about this blatant greed from someone who is clearly not a fan to do this to real fans.

    If they are this uncaring and disrespectful to real fans, they would not be welcome among collectors on fansites like this one, because how could you ever be able to trust them, especially with sightings, as they would use the sighting for their own benefit instead of passing it onto someone else who needs it.
    He's from Sydney. Enough said.

  7. #17
    Join Date
    27th Dec 2007


    I think people are blowing this out of proportion.
    These are just toys he is scalping, not an essential item like food or medicine.
    Is anyone really suffering because of this?
    And remember, scalpers only exist because people are willing to buy from them.

  8. #18
    Join Date
    29th Dec 2007


    Quote Originally Posted by Demonac View Post
    I think people are blowing this out of proportion.
    These are just toys he is scalping, not an essential item like food or medicine.
    Is anyone really suffering because of this?
    And remember, scalpers only exist because people are willing to buy from them.
    Quoted for truth. Just say no, have some patience and there shouldn't be an issue. Doesn't really help that Big W didn't have sufficient quantities to begin with but that's a different matter altogether......
    If I want your opinion, I'll give it to you

    My sales thread: Linky

  9. #19
    Join Date
    2nd Jun 2011


    Quote Originally Posted by griffin View Post
    That is disgusting... grabbing 8 to resell 7 of them at $330 while fans are having trouble finding them at $198, instead of what most members do here and if they get an extra 1 or 2, it is for another member at what it cost them.
    Members here go to a lot of trouble chasing up toys for other members or contacting them if they are at a store an can get an extra one... and would usually try to sell a spare for profit when there isn't a massive number of fans here desperately looking for one.

    I hope that's him in the fourth photo, so we know who this scumbag is... as the items in the background match his ebay name.

    He'd better not be a member here... or at least, I'd better not know who it is if he is.
    Quote Originally Posted by griffin View Post
    Yes, the guy in the last photo in the white T-shirt is the guy from South America who posted up photos from the Brazilian Toyfair a little while ago... so he's not the Australian ebayer in Campbelltown scalping off these toys for $924 profit just to prevent 7 fans from being able to get one at all this week.
    (more will be coming out in Australia, but with a toy this fun, you don't want to be waiting, particularly if these 7 were still available in a Sydney store for non-scalper fans to get one right now)

    And they don't just scalp Transformers either.

    I'm just so mad about this blatant greed from someone who is clearly not a fan to do this to real fans.

    If they are this uncaring and disrespectful to real fans, they would not be welcome among collectors on fansites like this one, because how could you ever be able to trust them, especially with sightings, as they would use the sighting for their own benefit instead of passing it onto someone else who needs it.
    Wow - think this might be the angriest I've seen you in my 4 years on your site Griff! Not that I blame you one little bit - it's a really scummy thing for this guy to do

  10. #20
    Join Date
    7th Feb 2013


    Quote Originally Posted by Zechariah View Post
    This is a wide spread problem in society where others pray on others weakness..........
    There is no weakness here apart from the need to "own a toy" (insert any other material object here) right now. Because God forbid, the sky would fall if we don't.

    The weak ones are the ones that buy from scalpers at inflated prices, not those that sell it.

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