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Thread: The X-Files: 6-part mini series

  1. #1
    Megatran Guest

    Default The X-Files: 6-part mini series

    The X-Files mini series is airing on Channel Ten with the first episode on last night. The second episode is on tonight. It follows on 13 years (or was it 14 years?) from the previous series.

    What are people's thoughts?

  2. #2
    Join Date
    23rd Sep 2010


    I never saw heaps of the original x files, I've been watching the selected episodes over the last few weeks. still a few to go.

    we watched the first of the new episodes last night and I thought it was pretty good. clearly a setup episode though, I'm expecting the story to be more involved in coming episodes.
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  3. #3
    Join Date
    29th Oct 2015


    The first two episodes are solid, not great, but a good re-introduction. I felt, particularly in the first ep, that both Duchovny and Anderson were rather tired (as actors rather than as their characters), although this was somewhat lifted by the second episode.

    Having just finished watching the third ep -- which is very, very good by the way! It seems they've gotten back into the groove (in part because it's a fun episode), so hopefully this is sustained to the end of the mini-series.

    That said, the Ford product placement is a bit clumsy and intrusive.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    27th Dec 2007
    Chadstone, Vic


    Only seen the first two, as it's not fast tracked (silly move Ten, X-Files fans will pirate it) and I like it.

    But it does seem a bit dated. It feels like the show just contuining on rather than anything radically new or different. Which is a good thing / bad thing. It's giving fans like me who did watch it through to the end "a bit more". But some of the scenes where Mulder or Scully recited exposition felt too old school.

    The second episode suggests the series may be insividual stories tying to an overall theme and that's good with me. Will see of that's the case when ep 3 is on Sunday. No spoilers for those watching on TV please!

    Was also surprised they didn't update the opening credits at all.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    29th Oct 2015


    Quote Originally Posted by Paulbot View Post
    Was also surprised they didn't update the opening credits at all.
    Yeah, the least they could've done was update the character photos to match what they look like now.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    15th Aug 2010


    I used to love X-files back in the day! The first season screened in Australia in 1994 when I was in Year 12. There was only a small group of us who even knew about the show but there would be great discussions the day after any episode. I really enjoyed the second season too, but by the third season it had become mainstream and it seemed like everyone was watching it. The show clearly had more funding, but I kind of lost interest.

    I got really pumped when I saw this mini series advertised, and I probably won't get to watch it till it comes out on BR, but a 20 odd year break is what I needed and I'm really looking forward to seeing the whole series in one sitting!

  7. #7
    Megatran Guest


    Just watched Episode 3 on Channel Ten. Just silly really. Product placement is all that I remenber ... Ford badges, excessive screen time with mobile phones.

    Only 3 more episodes. It'll need to pick up exponentially for me to stay tuned to the end.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    29th Oct 2015


    All I remember is that scene with Scully...

  9. #9
    Join Date
    27th Dec 2007
    Chadstone, Vic


    They've not got a lot of episodes but was glad they had time for one of the light hearted Darin Morgan episodes. When I saw Rhys Darby I was a bit unsure but he helped make the episode and the flip side of the story. No one else could have uttered the line "As you can tell by the shape of it, it's rather rectangular" as well as him.

  10. #10
    Megatran Guest


    Quote Originally Posted by MEEEGGGAAATTTRRROOONNN!!! View Post
    All I remember is that scene with Scully...
    Tell him he's dreamin'.

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