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Thread: High resolution images of upcoming 25th Anniv/Animated figures

  1. #31
    Join Date
    27th Dec 2007
    Sydney NSW


    But there's nothing inherently offensive about the word "Slag"!!

    The word "shag" isn't necessarily offensive either (e.g.: Shaggy from Scooby-Doo; not really an offensive name). As I said, it's all about context. "The Spy Who Shagged Me" is controversial because in that context they're clearly using the word "shag" as a vulgar synonym for copulation. You don't need to be conversant in UK slang to get that (I'm sure most non-UK audiences fully understand what Austin Powers means when he talks about "shagging").

    The words "slag" and "slapper" aren't necessarily offensive too, it all depends on the context in which you use it. It's not like the word "slut" which doesn't have a non-negative meaning or at least, a meaning that wouldn't be widely considered suitable for a children's toy line. definition: "an immoral or dissolute woman; prostitute"

    The word "slag" on the other hand is a perfectly acceptable word. In fact, the name was originally used for Transformers for its original and true meaning.
    "A product of smelting, containing, mostly as silicates, the substances not sought to be produced as matte or metal, and having a lower specific gravity than the latter; -- called also, esp. in iron smelting, cinder. The slag of iron blast furnaces is essentially silicate of calcium, magnesium, and aluminium; that of lead and copper smelting furnaces contains iron."

    Quote Originally Posted by FFN
    *Shrugs* I don't like it either, but Hasbro is just covering all of it's bases now that Transformers is much more well-known. You would be surprised at how people get upset over something popular and mainstream as opposed to something obscure and niche.
    Yeah but this is going to the point of being unreasonable. At the Sydney Royal Easter Show - an annual family] event with lots of children around, there are lots of agricultural, horticultural and animal displays - one of which is a dog show with signs clearly using the word "bitch" (e.g.: "First Class Bitches"). It's not vulgar or rude, they're using the word bitch in its proper and appropriate context. I'm sure there might be some people who'd take offence to it... but what are they going to do about it? Complain? They could, but I doubt it would go very far. You can't take action against the Royal Easter Show for using the word bitch in its proper context. (-_-)

    Likewise other Transformer names which fans like to giggle at (with the exception of Scattor, it does not mean scatter unless you're illiterate) aren't really offensive because they're not used in inappropriate contexts.
    + Windbreaker: the one name in TFs that everyone likes to laugh at, but it's not as if anyone's ever made a serious complaint against Hasbro for it. The name is meant to be a reference to its aerodynamics as a sports car.
    + Night Slash Cheetor: sure, UK fans laughed their sides off at this name, but again, no serious complaints were made against Hasbro about it afaik.
    + Slapper: Much like Windbreaker, an unfortunate name choice but again noone's going to sue Hasbro for it.

    Should parents cover up their children's eyes whenever they go by or into a Dick Smiths store or product? Should we censor anyone with a surname like Bush to protect children from being exposed to what can be a vulgar term? In that case I think we'd be censoring at least 1/3 of the English language... (-_-)

    As much as some of us may like to have a bit of a laugh here and there at some names, so long as they're not used in an inappropriate context then it oughtn't be an issue.

  2. #32
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    why does legend starscream's face look so sour
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  3. #33
    Pulse is offline Rank 1 - New or Inactive
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    Quote Originally Posted by kup View Post
    I do not agree with Galvatron's size but since they have done it that way there is no choice but to run with it. It would suck to no end to have Cyclonus (and possibly Scourge) towering over him.
    I'm sure we all would have preferred Galvy to be in the same size class as Megs but eh... Galvy & Cyclonus being the same size is ok with me...

    Oh & that Scourge/Predacon Bruticus is looking like he's not gonna be a new mould but rather a repaint of the Cyb figure which for me = pass

  4. #34
    Join Date
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    Quote Originally Posted by Sky Shadow View Post
    Unless Galvatron could fit in Cyclonus's cockpit so he can shake his fist at passing Dinobots. That would be awesome.

  5. #35
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    I'll probably get called a heretic for this but I'm somewhat dissapointed in Cyclonus. I've always loved the character and had a big thing for the G1 toy but I don't like the fact that classics Cyclonus has such a chunky alt mode. The robot mode is fine - very cartoon accurate - but the alt mode just looks stubby and there are gaps everywhere in it. I genuinely prefer the G1 alt mode. I don't mind the fact that Cyclonus is deluxe sized but I'm still smarting over the fact that Galvy is a deluxe. All I ever wanted was a voyager sized Galvy to put up against my Prime/Ultra magnus/Titanium rodimus. I get annoyed just thinking about Galvatron.

  6. #36
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    Quote Originally Posted by Sky Shadow View Post
    Unless Galvatron could fit in Cyclonus's cockpit so he can shake his fist at passing Dinobots. That would be awesome.
    Well said!

    While I to would have liked Galvatron to be a little larger the fact that TF's have never been in scale and frequently change scale make his size not that much of an issue for me. So often Hasbro make a big toy that is really just a small simple toy scalled up with some electronics added (Silverbolt looks to be a good example of this). Ironicly the new Galvatron mould is intricate enough that it would have made a nice voyager, doh well.

    So far I only have 2 Universe toys Octane and Galvatron, I prefer Galvatron of the 2 he's pretty cool. Neither are my favourte classics style toy, but they aren't at the bottom either.

  7. #37
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    Yeah, Cyclonus's alt mode is really chunky, he should look sleek and streamlined. Pity, cos his robot mode looks great and doesn't look like it would have suffered from a more streamlined plane mode.

    The only one I'm really interested in is Ravage who's only pictured in his crumpled box alt mode.

    Whoever designed Cheetor needs a new career parh...although the cheetah's head is nice tho.
    Which brings us to where we are today...

  8. #38
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    meh, Universe Cyclonus' alt mode looks fine to me in those pics. Remember that Classics/Universe isn't about making G1/G2-accurate replicas (that's what reissues are for ) but to make a new line/series for G1/G2 (and now BW) characters. A "Transformers Generation 3" if you will.

    Universe Cyclonus' jet mode doesn't look substantially more or less accurate to his original form than most other Classics/Universe Transformer.

  9. #39
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  10. #40
    Join Date
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    While for the purposes of my collection, I would have preferred Cybertron Scourge to be repainted as G1 Hun-Grr, I enjoy the awesomely obscure homage of RID Bruticus. As Walky said on the Wiki, it beats out Acid Storm as the most unlikely homage of this year., the Transformers Wiki - Serious intellectual discussion about transforming space robots.

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