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Thread: SPOILER THREAD: SW: The Force Awakens

  1. #171
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    16th Mar 2015


    They didn't destroy CorUscant, they destroyed the new 'Republic Homeworlds' which was a seperate Solar System.
    "Save the rebellion! Save the dream!" - Saw Gerrera

  2. #172
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    Quote Originally Posted by drifand View Post
    Ren is stupid, he should have clouds everyone judgement and went back to alliance base and kill them all yes including Leia. lousy sith.
    Kylo's couldn't if he wanted to anyway, he's about as useful as tits on a bull.

    The only thing that he is good at is striking down defenceless old men standing/kneeling down in front of him.

  3. #173
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    I agree with that assessment of Ren... he might have been very powerful with the force but sucked with his saber skills, to have two newbies who had never held a saber before, be able to duel against him for a while, and one actually defeat him.

    I also thought that the CGI face of Ren's master (as a hologram) looked very fake (like JarJar), so should have been a real person in a mask (like in the original Movies).

    And they still haven't been able to master CG snow yet, as the crashing Falcon throwing up snow on the destroyer planet looked really bad.

  4. #174
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    I think that he definitely needs more work on his force skills, as Rey did manage block and use his force mind power in her favour, and again when they were both reaching for Luke's lightsaber.

    Come to think about it, I'd be pretty frustrated if I was proudly strutting around as the poster boy for long lost Sith Lords, only to be bested by an amateur who'd discovered the force 3 minutes ago

    Speaking of CGI, I didn't notice the Falcon snow, but I also thought that Snoke was represented poorly.

  5. #175
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    Quote Originally Posted by Sinnertwin View Post
    Speaking of CGI, I didn't notice the Falcon snow, but I also thought that Snoke was represented poorly.
    He looked like a mixture between Gollum and agog from the hobbit films. Very disappointing as I think Gollum forum the LotR films over a decade ago looked better.

    Having re watched the original trilogy and this new film, I must say I am disappointed by the limited light sabre fight time. I think I've been spoiled by the clone wars series!
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  6. #176
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    The film was good... not great. But still better than a typical Transformers movie

  7. #177
    Megatran Guest


    Quote Originally Posted by Robzy View Post
    The film was good... not great. But still better than a typical Transformers movie
    Hard to disagree with your Transformers reference. Doesn't take much convincing.

    All this talk of Luke Skywanker being Rey's father. I don't ever recall Luke ever getting married or laid for that matter. For all we know, he's the 40 year old virgin. My bet is on a plot twist with Luke being Finn's father, albeit through sperm donation. Let's see scripwriters working that into the script.

  8. #178
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    Quote Originally Posted by Megatran View Post
    Hard to disagree with your Transformers reference. Doesn't take much convincing.

    All this talk of Luke Skywanker being Rey's father. I don't ever recall Luke ever getting married or laid for that matter. For all we know, he's the 40 year old virgin. My bet is on a plot twist with Luke being Finn's father, albeit through sperm donation. Let's see scripwriters working that into the script.
    Always good for a laugh!

  9. #179
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    Quote Originally Posted by i_amtrunks View Post
    He looked like a mixture between Gollum and agog from the hobbit films. Very disappointing as I think Gollum forum the LotR films over a decade ago looked better.
    Someone on this thread also mentioned Snoke looks like Voldemort and looking at Voldy's appearence in the first Harry Potter movie, he has a point.

  10. #180
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    Quote Originally Posted by griffin View Post
    I agree with that assessment of Ren... he might have been very powerful with the force but sucked with his saber skills, to have two newbies who had never held a saber before, be able to duel against him for a while, and one actually defeat him.
    To be fair though, he had just taken a shot to the side from Chewwies crossbow and was fairly wounded, which is why he kept striking himself and couldn't concentrate during their fight.

    In hindsight the man shouldn't have taken off after Rey in his condition.

    Also in my opinion I believe they're eluding to Rey being much more powerfully naturally, similar to the Sith-Ari version of the light side.

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