Quote Originally Posted by Tetsuwan Convoy View Post
High ceiling/ventilation for the heat.
For those TFS near the cieling, where the heat will collect. I was a friends place after not being there for a while and his G1 Grimlock's gun had melted due to the accumulated hot days/nights and the gun had been pointing up the air.

Twas funny, Grimbo with a droopy gun

and a bit sad

But mostly funny!
This is something that worries me as I am setting up my huge garage too as a collection room. It appears to be rain proof but during a hot/sunny day, it can get very warm in there. I probably won't have my G1s there but I worry about my CHUGs/others.


This is an idea to keep things cool:


I have a portable aircon unit, what I can do so it doesn't cost me a fortune is plug it in to a programmable power point like the one linked so it only turns on for a limited time a couple of times per day, enough to keep things cool during summer.