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Thread: The Doctor Who thread

  1. #651
    Join Date
    24th May 2007


    I'm just waiting for the episode that has them visit a flooded Earth (or similar planet) due to global warming, as they've ticked off just about every other left-wing and environmental issue in the current series.
    And the short 2 minute tease of Captain Jack, who is apparently not to returning this season (according to Whovians)... so why have him at all? The message he gave them could have come been from any other source along the way, which would have felt more natural, as that scene felt really disjointed and out of place. I was really looking forward to seeing more of him in that episode and upcoming episodes, but he just seems to have been thrown in to bump up the percentage of minority demographics in this series, which if forced into the flow of a story, will only hurt the reason for including it for making it too obvious.

  2. #652
    Join Date
    27th Jan 2008


    Chibnall's first season - There will be no season long arc!
    Fans - BOOOOOOO! This season was terrible!
    Chibnall's second season - Oh you want a season long arc? How about I bring back Captain Jack and introduce a brand new Doctor, none of which I'll explain until a season or two from now!

  3. #653
    Join Date
    28th Feb 2009


    Quote Originally Posted by Burn View Post
    Chibnall's first season - There will be no season long arc!
    Fans - BOOOOOOO! This season was terrible!
    Chibnall's second season - Oh you want a season long arc? How about I bring back Captain Jack and introduce a brand new Doctor, none of which I'll explain until a season or two from now!

    That one lone voice: I actually didn't mind season 1

    The Timeless Child was mentioned in the 2nd episode of last season though, so they must have had some sort of arc planned.

  4. #654
    Join Date
    9th Apr 2008


    Hopefully it will be explained in the last episode. I think it could be a carry over ibto next season

  5. #655
    Join Date
    9th Apr 2008


    Well what do we think of the last episode? Blows the mythos out of the water.

  6. #656
    Join Date
    27th Dec 2007
    Chadstone, Vic


    Quote Originally Posted by Autocon View Post
    Well what do we think of the last episode? Blows the mythos out of the water.
    Didn’t think it really did that much. I expected more, this is all a concept that can be explored or ignored.

    There’s other things that bothered me more about the episode but issues that have been recurring since Bad Wolf.

  7. #657
    Join Date
    2nd May 2009


    I was only half-listening to the news this morning and thought Australia's chef de mission was called Ian Chesterton.

    It's Ian Chesterman.

  8. #658
    Join Date
    24th May 2007


    The Seasonal special is on tomorrow night (Saturday JAN 2nd) on the ABC, at 7pm Brisbane time - The Revolution of the Daleks.

    After a short season at the beginning of the year, this has certainly snuck up on me without any fanfare or advertising (at least for me, and I watch a fair bit of ABC programming).

    I kinda wish that they had re-played the last few episodes to refresh the memory on what happened at the end of the last season... which to me was rather controversial, almost like a reboot, as we again have the doctor faced with a completely lost Gallifrey, but this time it is actually shown to be destroyed, rather than just missing and assumed destroyed.

    Apparently two of the TARDIS crew are leaving next season, so could leave in this episode, or in one of the first episodes of Series 13.
    If history has anything to say about the new era, Series 13 could be the last for the current Doctor... as none of the new Doctors have survived more than 3 series. Which is a shame, because I think one of the reasons the 3rd and 4th Doctors were so popular was because they were in the role for 5 or 7 seasons.

  9. #659
    Join Date
    24th May 2007


    That felt like a 30 minute episode padded out to 80 minutes... it was soooo boring in parts. So much talking.
    And the thing that really frustrated me, was how much emphasis was made on the 3 humans feeling "abandoned" for 10 months, but they were too selfish to even find out what happened to the Doctor all that time. They were wanting the Doctor to show up within an hour of disappearing, and had no interest in hearing about what she had to endure, or for how long (I'm under the impression that it was for decades, based on the scratches on her prison walls and what Captain Jack said when he was rescuing the Doctor (he was in there for 19 years, so she could have been in there years before that)... and they used the TARDIS to travel back in time, but missed it by 10 months). Not a single question or sympathy about her being locked away without any friends or real company for a very very long time... while the 3 humans had each other, and the rest of their friends and family to live with during that 10 months.
    So, every time one of her crew confronted her about it, it really annoyed me that the writer(s) were making them appear so selfish and oblivious of what the Doctor had to endure for many months or years.

    Saying that (which spoiled a fair bit of the episode for me), the idea of "pure Daleks" hunting down and eradicating impure Daleks was interesting... but as the Doctor pointed out, it seemed it a bit ironic, since they are all mutated creatures. But for me, it is the decades of having the Daleks returning from unusual sources that have resulted in different "races" of Daleks, making it difficult to know what a "pure" Dalek really is... and where did this ship of "SAS" Daleks come from? Or more importantly, have they existed throughout all of those times that the Daleks were said to be totally eradicated?

    Meanwhile, this incarnation of the Doctor is definitely more willing to kill than any previous version. I always hated the more recent Doctors being written into situations that required an adversary to be killed off, with the writer knowing that the Doctor can't do it, and has to create a situation that has the Doctor doing something really complicated or bizarre... or resulting in a companion doing the dirty work, making the Doctor seem rather impotent. In the original series, deaths were not a solution. If they occurred to remove the antagonist, it would be an accident, or by their own hand.
    I guess it wasn't very realistic to have world-destroying races or individuals being defeated without the Doctor getting his hand's dirty.

    Two of the human crew did end up leaving at the end of the episode, and I'm glad one of them was the old guy, as the roles should be by actors who aren't already well known, as it is very distracting, expecting them to behave like their pre-existing character (this old guy is a well known gameshow host, while David Tennant had a year with a red-headed lady (Donna) who is a fairly well known comedian in the UK). In my opinion, if you are already famous, and want to be on Dr Who, it should be a guest role.

  10. #660
    Join Date
    27th Dec 2007
    Chadstone, Vic


    Sounds like you won’t like their replacement on the Tardis then, also a well known UK comedian.

    But companions shouldn’t be already famous? Forgetting that all of the reboot Doctors were already famous or well respected actors. Let alone Billie Piper being a very famous pop star

    Catherine Tate’s Donna was my favourite of all of 9-10’s companions and Bradley Walsh as Graham was the only member of the fam I’ve been interested in (and I liked the idea of the Doctor being a woman and their companion being an older man in contrast to most Who and leading to Jack’s mistaken assumption).

    The one thing that bugged me in this episode was that it took the Tardis five mins (at least) to travel to Japan for no reason except to allow for the deep and meaningful?

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