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Thread: The Doctor Who thread

  1. #461
    Join Date
    2nd Jun 2011


    Last nights episode was...ok. I have to say though, when the Doctor shared his mind with the Dalek I thought "Ok, I bet that it starts off all nice and then the Dalek discovers that the Doctor is all angry and warmongering deep down". And surprise surprise thats what happened. Same as the first of the new seasons several years ago "You would have made a good Dalek". One of the things I've liked about Dr Who is it hasn't been that predictable, but you could certainly see where last nights episode was going.

    It seems one of the few new personality traits of the new Doctor is he is a bit more, I wanna say callous but it's more that he is realistic, about human life. He was able to save one life from the original ship getting blasted but not all, and he knew the guy was already dead once the Dalek antibodies scanned him. He didn't get all weepy and "NOOOOOO!" about it, just accepted the reality of the situation and moved on. I don't mind this on the whole, though it makes him a tad drier and less melodramatic character which has its pros and cons.

  2. #462
    Join Date
    24th May 2007


    (it's repeated tonight and next Saturday if anyone wants to watch it before they read this post)

    So they finally did it... and set a dangerous precedent to appease a vocal minority of fans.

    The topic of Timelord Gender-swapping between regenerations, which has been thrown around since about the sixth Doctor (if I recall), has been done on another Timelord instead.
    It doesn't answer the "demands" for a female Doctor, but does now make it canon that a future Doctor can be female... and increase the calls for one. (and knowing marketing strategies, it will happen if ratings fall, just to spice things up a bit)

    I was one who was opposed to the idea, and hate that it gained enough traction to end up becoming part of the Dr Who lore... because I think gender shouldn't be something that should change, as it would theoretically be very problematic in a "real world" sense.
    Like, how does it work if one is pregnant and then regenerates into a male... does the baby get lost because there is now no womb for it to grow from? Or how about the peer pressure from other kids if a child or teen regenerates into the opposite gender? Or if there was a married couple and one changes gender, what if the other isn't willing to go gay?
    It makes for an interesting plot device (like how it hid the identity of the villain in today's episode), but the ramification or reality of a one-off plot device is being ignored... mostly because it is not something they might have to deal with for a long time if Gallifrey remains lost.

    I was really hoping it was a different Timelord who knew him, like the Rani... but no. It makes the whole passionate kiss seem even weirder.

    You know, I can't remember if there was a Cyberman in last week's trailer, but when the doors closed to reveal the Cyberman eyes, that was a very well done lead up to a hint at what was about to come.

    I laughed at the wifi and Ipad bit...
    "you have Ipads in the afterlife?"
    "we have Steve Jobs."

  3. #463
    Join Date
    27th Dec 2007
    Chadstone, Vic


    The thing you're fine with is a made up science fiction plot device and the thing that would be very problematic in a "real world" sense is something that actually happens in the real world to real people and has those consequences. Except for the "if one is pregnant and then regenerates" bit because that involves the made up thing again and since regeneration tends to happen to the dying and involves all the cells of the body changing (right?) I'd doubt a baby would survive a dying Time Lady regenerating anyway.

    I'm left wondering from this episode if there will be a connection to a certain other regenerating woman who 'died/was saved' in a certain library a few years ago.

  4. #464
    Join Date
    24th May 2007


    Yeah, it's a bit difficult to argue semantics on a "fiction" story.

    It just seems a bit melodramatic now for him to claim sympathy of being the last of his race (which he used just a couple episodes ago), when there are now a number of Timelords and "offspring" floating around now.

  5. #465
    Join Date
    28th Feb 2009


    Can, Moffat just leave now? The last couple of eps were actually decent and this episode just wanders everywhere and the big reveal...

  6. #466
    Join Date
    27th Dec 2007
    Sydney NSW



    So did the Mistress kill the real Osgood, or was it her Zygon duplicate?

  7. #467
    Join Date
    24th May 2007


    I was actually a bit saddened by her death, thinking that it mustn't have been real, because she was like the on-screen representation of Dr Who nerds - knowing all about Dr Who, and wearing things to honour him. It was actually an unnecessary death, in terms of the plot, in that nothing afterwards required her death, and added to the darker direction the show has taken this year. (deaths of many innocents, who wouldn't normally die with previous doctors and seasons)

    If it was the Zygon, I think it would have morphed back to fend off the Mistress. Besides, we're not sure if the Zygons stayed on earth, and if they did, I think for security purposes, UNIT would have forced them to take on new human disguises.

    The more interesting question, which is always answered with "no", is... is the Master/Mistress finally dead. She was zapped by a Cyberman before the Doctor could zap her.

  8. #468
    Join Date
    27th Dec 2007
    Sydney NSW


    I thought she was transported away. <shrugs> But let's face it, s/he's survived worse.

  9. #469
    Join Date
    24th May 2007


    Quote Originally Posted by GoktimusPrime View Post
    I thought she was transported away. <shrugs> But let's face it, s/he's survived worse.
    I wasn't sure at first as well, since we didn't see the Cybermen shoot anything in that episode to know what it currently looks like.
    It didn't look her other transportations to or from the Nethersphere, so I'm just going by what the episode guide on one of the wikis mentions.

    Not that it matters though, as the Master has "died" several times already.

  10. #470
    Join Date
    2nd May 2009


    The reveal of Missy puts an interesting spin on the Bill and Ted movies....

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