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Thread: The Doctor Who thread

  1. #621
    Join Date
    27th Dec 2007
    Sydney NSW


    With the new series about to start, the internet is flooding with so many negative comments about how Jodie Whittaker will ruin the series forever. So I decided to trawl through comments about the previous Doctors, and lo and behold I was able to find negative criticisms on each Doctor. At the end of the day, people thought that each actor would ruin the series forever, but this was clearly not the case. Anyway, good to see that Transformers isn't the only fandom that experiences "RUINED FOREVER."

  2. #622
    Join Date
    2nd May 2009


    Andrew Cartmel, the script editor for Sylvester McCoy’s three seasons as the Doctor, thought Sylvester McCoy “ruined Doctor Who forever”?

    That’s the first I’ve heard of that.

    The only reference I could find using the quote attributed to him was in reference to the writers of McCoy’s debut story, not the actor.

  3. #623
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    Yeah, it was really a quote about the story rather than the actor (as explicitly stated in the quote itself). Anyway, the point I wanted to make was that with each new Doctor Who actor there have been people saying that the franchise is ruined forever. Whether because they feel that the actor themselves will ruin it or because the writing or other production issues related to that actor's run will ruin it (this is what I get for making memes and posting at such ungodly hours ).

    Anyway my basic point is that all the negative comments that has already surfaced about Jodie Whittaker's Doctor, despite the fact that Episode 1 hasn't even aired yet, seems to be more like the "RUINED FOREVER" mentality that we see with Transformers and other fandoms. i.e. new things will ruin the franchise forever.

    With each Doctor there have been people who cast doubt, but ultimately those doubts were disproven. Except for Paul McGann. And again, not a criticism of the actor but the writing (again, as shown in the actual quote attributed about him). I say this because it's a fact that the Doctor Who series died after McGann's short run in the Doctor Who movie, and it would be 9 years before Doctor Who returned to the screen. So it's obviously not impossible for the franchise to die after the introduction of new Doctor - it's happened once before. But I think it's a tad immature to make this judgement when the show hasn't even started yet.

    I mean, as much as I dislike Cyberverse, I'm not going to start claiming that it's going to spell the death of the Transformers franchise. I don't think it's terribly helpful, but we'll be fine.

  4. #624
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    27th Dec 2007
    Sydney NSW


    spoilers ahead

    So what did people think about the first episode of the Thirteenth Doctor?

    I like how the Doctor was more of a mystery-solving sleuth, something that was endearing with Classic Who that some might say was not as strong in the New Who series (which have been more action based). Also interesting to see the Doctor attempting to crack this mystery and save the world all while dealing with post-regeneration stress/trauma. I like how the new companions are just random people who, through circumstance, are now with the Doctor. Hopefully it won't be revealed that they don't turn out to be some form of universal fate spanning Gary Stus/Mary Sues, which is something that we had with some of the more recent companions. And I hope that none of them will fall in love with the Doctor, cos that's also gotten old. But so far so good.

    It was also cool seeing the Doctor attempt to solve the plot complications without immediate access to Time Lord technology (e.g. Tardis, sonic screwdriver). She had to rely on her wits, which was compounded by her post regenerative trauma. I also liked how the show hit a balance of not making the Doctor's gender change a big deal but at the same time also not completely ignoring it. The advantage of having all new companions is that they've only ever known her as a woman. They mostly cannot imagine the Doctor as a man. But at the same time, the Doctor realises that she's had a gender change - but of course, this is a natural thing for Time Lords to do (as we've seen happen with other Time Lords like the Corsair, the Master/Missy and that Time Lord General etc.). And there are minor things that the Doctor needs to contend with such as having shorter limbs, getting used to wearing women's clothes etc. The gender change is acknowledged but it's not a huge deal.

    And importantly, we can still see elements of the Doctor's core personality being retained. Especially when she admonishes Karl for attempting to kill Tzim Sha (or as the Doctor kept on calling him, "Tim Shaw" ) - "You had no right to do that."←possibly one of the most emotionally powerful moments in the episode, said in a short, simple sentence.

  5. #625
    Join Date
    28th Feb 2009


    I like the fact 13/14 (don't @ me remember, war doctor) was more creative and resourceful than RTD and Moffat's iterations of the doctor, making her own sonic! I'm hoping she gets the tardis back later than sooner because I'd like to see what else she'd make.

    I also like the fact that Whitaker underplays 13's grandstanding, her shouting voice softer than 11 and 12

  6. #626
    Join Date
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    Quote Originally Posted by SMHFConvoy View Post
    I like the fact 13/14 (don't @ me remember, war doctor)
    Well, 13/15. Remember that there were 2 10th Doctors. Thirteenth is really a Regeneration Title rather than a Regeneration Count.

  7. #627
    Join Date
    9th Apr 2008


    I enjoyed the show. Should get better after the "intro" shows. Curious where they take the characters and show.

  8. #628
    Join Date
    23rd Sep 2010


    I enjoyed it, I thought the speech she made at Tim Shaw was a bit on the nose about change, dealing with things being different etc. blah blah. It felt like a written apology to the fans who've been up in arms since the announcement of a female doctor. I feel that if it were made 5 episodes in, or by a previous doctor it would have had a very different tone.

    I always take a few episodes to get accustomed to a new doctor, I felt fairly comfortable with her by the end of this first one. I really liked how this wasn't a save the world/universe' episode but actually a 'save one person' episode. I find more merit in episodes that are more personal like this. There have been entire seasons dedicated to saving the universe in the 'new who' and it does get tiresome when everything is always on the line.

    I'm hoping we see a male Master rock up and be all confused by her, before becoming Missy.

    I look forward to next weeks episode, and the one after that. etc.
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  9. #629
    Join Date
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    Spoilers but

    My only complaint is that the promo materials should have featured Grace as much as the other new companions. I spent the whole episode waiting for the moment she'd be taken out of the picture, and would have preferred that to been a shock twist.

  10. #630
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    Quote Originally Posted by UltraMarginal View Post
    I enjoyed it, I thought the speech she made at Tim Shaw was a bit on the nose about change, dealing with things being different etc. blah blah. It felt like a written apology to the fans who've been up in arms since the announcement of a female doctor.
    I agree, but it was pretty brief so it didn't bug me too much. It's unfortunate that they felt the need to address the issue, but looking at the plethora of hateful comments that continue to spew forth online it's not surprising why. I think that comment speaks more about the fandom than the show.

    I like how the Honest Trailer for New Doctor Who points out that the Doctor changing gender is one of the least weirdest things to have happened on this show.

    Quote Originally Posted by UltraMarginal View Post
    I really liked how this wasn't a save the world/universe' episode but actually a 'save one person' episode. I find more merit in episodes that are more personal like this. There have been entire seasons dedicated to saving the universe in the 'new who' and it does get tiresome when everything is always on the line.
    ^This so much! I also like how the companions seem like just ordinary people. None of them have a crack on the wall that happens to lead to the destruction of the universe. None of them are impossible. Just a rookie bobby, a young man dealing with a disability, and a retired bus driver. Ordinary people embarking on an extraordinary adventure! I hope that they keep it that way and that none of them turn out to be Davros in disguise or some stupid thing like that. And having one of the companions actually die was also really intense and reminds both the characters and the audience that going on an adventure with the Doctor can be extremely hazardous.

    Quote Originally Posted by UltraMarginal View Post
    I'm hoping we see a male Master rock up and be all confused by her, before becoming Missy.
    I wouldn't mind if they just gave the Master a rest during this Doctor's run. I'm sure that some fan favourite villains will return, but I'm more looking forward to seeing what new complications the Doctor will encounter. And hopefully the Doctor might bump into some old friends too -- it'd be really interesting to see how some of her past companions would react.

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