I think that this was meant to be like a quasi-regeneration - the Doctor managed to hold himself back from fully regenerating. So it wasn't a full proper regeneration.

I fully agree with the Meta-Crisis thoroughly disproving the whole half-human thing for the Doctor though. I guess it effectively officially retcons the common fan-theory that the Eighth Doctor was suffering from post-regenerative trauma when he made the claim that he was half-human and that the Master was just downright fibbing when he made the claim... the dastardly villain that he is!!

Quote Originally Posted by roller
Daleks speaking doich , pure gold!!!!
Yes! Still doesn't explain why the Daleks speak English at most other times when they're not in Britain though... e.g. on Skaro (-_-) I wonder what Dalekese sounds like.

Quote Originally Posted by roller
I haven't seen Torchwood season 2 yet, is it set after Dr Who season 4?
It's set after this season.


Quote Originally Posted by roller
Where do the Sarah jane adventures tie in?