View Poll Results: Will TW Fort Max stand on top of your shelves?

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  • Of course... I'm a completist

    10 25.64%
  • Yes, can't wait for this awesomeness

    17 43.59%
  • Only if the sales are good

    5 12.82%
  • [Parent voice from childhood] how much??? No... Put it back... NOW!!!

    7 17.95%
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Thread: Toy Review - Titans Return Fortress Maximus

  1. #41
    Join Date
    24th May 2007


    Please don't pick on the newbies... check first if they've been here long before pointing out if they haven't done something the senior/active members don't even think about, and please mention it to one of the staff instead of publicly posting about it for the whole world to see. You will scare them off, and anyone else thinking of joining, if we aren't welcoming, forgiving and inviting to the new blood here (especially ones like this who is really excited and keen about this new toy of theirs... they may not want to do it again now).

    I'll eventually get around to merging duplicate review topics when I see them, but I'm not on here every minute of the day.

  2. #42
    Join Date
    7th Feb 2013


    (Insert non combative general preface here) yeah.... really not doing anything for me.
    I just can't find anything to like about this figure. The Headmaster gimmick raised the heart rate about two beats, but the rest just seems so... bleh.

    Also, is it possible to rotate him at the waist and then rotate his thighs around so that his crotch piece is the same as Metroplex's?

  3. #43
    Join Date
    27th Jun 2008


    Quote Originally Posted by Sinnertwin View Post
    (Insert non combative general preface here) yeah.... really not doing anything for me.
    I just can't find anything to like about this figure. The Headmaster gimmick raised the heart rate about two beats, but the rest just seems so... bleh.

    Also, is it possible to rotate him at the waist and then rotate his thighs around so that his crotch piece is the same as Metroplex's?
    Yes it is.... As long as the helipad/gun turret is removed

    The strangest thing is.... The legs are still attached the same way as metroplex.... So after you rotate the waste, you spin around below the knee.

    In other words... Metro left lower is FM right lower.... And Metro right lower is FM left lower

  4. #44
    Join Date
    11th Mar 2009


    His robot mode looks good and Cerebro looks to be a really good stand alone figure- I absolutely love the quirky Rebirth faithfulness. If he had a better city more and more involved engineering, he would be a perfect classics-verse Fort Max. It's a shame really.

  5. #45
    drifand is offline Rank 6 - Dedicated Member
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    20th Jul 2013


    Quote Originally Posted by Sutton View Post
    So opened him up today, and got to say he's a bit disappointing, and not just in the ways that you can see in the pictures.

    The build quality doesn't seem as high as Metroplex for starters. Getting Cerebros into his 'tower slot' for the alt modes is a bit frustrating, and both alt modes look quite incomplete without him in there, meaning opportunity to have Cerebros himself out on display is a bit limited.

    The feet/toes are difficult to lock in place in alt mode, and don't sit flush with the floor - that means they spend a lot of time not properly locked into place hanging at an odd angle. For that reason alone, the fan-made G1 Fortress Mode is actually more secure once you set it up nicely.

    There's also no denying that both alt modes are a robot lying down, or a robot lying down doing the splits. The shared engineering between Metroplex and Fort is also a little odd - the legs retain the ability to splay open like on Metroplex, but for no purpose whatsoever (except for the marginally more satisfying fan mode). Also, the right arm still has the ratched hinge for it to become the tower behind Metro's helicopter pad. It has no function here at all (can't even fan mode it!). Seems like a waste of materials that could have been better used to have the legs transform more.

    Another annoying thing is that Fort's hands are pinned this time. Some might see that as an improvement, but it was quite useful being able to easily remove Metro's hands and therefore improve the look of City mode. At least Fort's are coloured the same as the arms and blend better.

    As it is, I can only recommend Fort Max for completist CHUG fans. I wouldn't recommend it as a fun toy for kids either, which Metroplex was. Here's hoping that Hasbro does a better job on Trypticon!
    I am so glad I skipped this piece. Your review verified my thoughts.

  6. #46
    Join Date
    31st Jul 2008


    Quote Originally Posted by drifand View Post
    I am so glad I skipped this piece. Your review verified my thoughts.
    So, I'm still glad I've got him - it's still an impressive, imposing piece overall - but just think that for all the retooling it's a bit of a let down. And think about it further, one of the things I liked about Metro's alt mode was it's sprawl - in city mode, he takes up a whole bunch of the man-cave, whereas Fort Max is very tight and compact. You're not feeling the same sense of awe.

  7. #47
    Join Date
    31st Jul 2008


    Now, I'm not going to claim this as an ingenious fan mode by any stretch, but I do think this is a much cooler looking fortress mode than the standard config, and goes some way to eliminate the look of a headless fallen robot. It has the look of a very strong impenatrable fortress/maximum security prison, which works.

  8. #48
    Join Date
    31st Jul 2008


    Just another couple of little shots of some things:

    First up is the tank mode not mentioned in the instructions. It seems pretty obvious that this is meant to be a thing...

    ...except for these little annoying fins left over from the previous mold. They prevent it from sitting nice and flat and leave it on a tilt. You could cut them off of course, but it's probably why they left it out of the instructions.

    It's been shown elsewhere, but just again, the leg cannons can absolutely pop out and turn into dual pistols, which Fort Max looks pretty cool using John Woo style. They're quite hard to pull out the first few times, but the handles are unmistakedly intentional. Again, not mentioned in the instructions. The only catch with this is... leaves a bit of a hole in one of the legs, where Metroplex's service repair arm used to be. IMHO, it actually looks kind of cool, like a little trench for small dudes to hide in. But would it have been so hard to just leave the service repair arm in? Especially considering the next photo...

    Mystery ratchet joint FTW! There's a lot of material (and sturdiness!) built into this joint from Metro's old left arm, used to produce the tower behind the helipad. It serves no real purpose here at all, and due to the remolding doesn't sit flush or straight at all, so no good for fan modes either really. I suppose it could be used in this case as a really steep launching runway for jets, but that's a stretch.

  9. #49
    Join Date
    31st Jul 2008


    One last shot: by pulling the handles off of the cannons and flipping them the other way around, you get options to make the fortress mode have less static defenses and increase it's badassery:

  10. #50
    Join Date
    27th Jun 2008


    You could also rotate the arm with the red hatch to be another door in the front...

    And the little tank.... Emissary sits perfectly in the "hole" at the back if you have it red side up

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