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Thread: Power-Con 2017 - MOTU convention in LA

  1. #1
    Join Date
    24th May 2007

    Default Power-Con 2017 - MOTU convention in LA

    For the really keen MOTU fans, a convention is on in Los Angeles on the weekend of September 9th & 10th, with three guests already announced (including Garry Chalk from Transformers, for a number of MOTU voices he did in the New Adventures and the 2000s cartoon).
    The other two guests so far are voice actor Michael Donovan, and actress Meg Foster (Evil Lynn from the live action MOTU movie).

    Attendee, non-attendee, and exhibitor registration for Power-Con 2017 will open on Saturday, April 8th at 9:00 AM Pacific / 12:00 noon Eastern here on the Power-Con website.

    • Saturday, September 9th Only: $25
    • Sunday, September 10th Only: $25
    • Weekend, Both Sep 9th & 10th: $40
    • POWER PASS* Weekend, Both Sep 9th & 10th: $150

    The Power-Con Masters of the Universe Classics exclusive 3-packs will be available at $105 US each for Attendees and Exhibitors. Attendees and exhibitors must be present at the convention to pick up their exclusives; they will not be shipped.
    (I only came across this thanks to Ultra Marginal's MOTU music CD topic, doing a search on it... so I don't know if this is the first MOTU convention by these people, or if there have been others.)

  2. #2
    Join Date
    19th Jan 2015


    One of those exclusive 3 packs contains the long-demanded Mini Comic Trap-Jaw figure. The price this figure and the three pack will demand on the second hand market has all but excluded anyone not going to Power Con from getting one. Its a massive kick to the bollocks for MOTUC fans who have been with this line since '08 and and a poor start to Super7's newly acquired stewardship of this toyline.
    "Once you have them by the balls, their hearts and minds will soon follow."

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  3. #3
    Join Date
    30th Dec 2007
    Japanicus Minimus


    Quote Originally Posted by Chevron Action Flash View Post
    One of those exclusive 3 packs contains the long-demanded Mini Comic Trap-Jaw figure. The price this figure and the three pack will demand on the second hand market has all but excluded anyone not going to Power Con from getting one. Its a massive kick to the bollocks for MOTUC fans who have been with this line since '08 and and a poor start to Super7's newly acquired stewardship of this toyline.
    Nothing has really changed then has it? I really anted a Shadow Weaver, but, being a sub exclusive and already having had a delivery "returned due to being undeliverable" despite it not making it to Australia.... Is MOTUC just cursed?

  4. #4
    Join Date
    19th Jan 2015


    Not cursed. Just poorly managed. Mattel's sub model sucked. At least Super7 are implementing a pre-order system which should work better for everyone but it's gonna be expensive and hard to cherry pick figs. BBTS will be the place to get the ones you want I reckon.
    "Once you have them by the balls, their hearts and minds will soon follow."

    Please check my toy blog:

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