View Poll Results: How will you be planning to watch the TF5 Movie for the first time?

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  • Imax theatre

    3 7.89%
  • Gold Class (or equivalent) theatre

    5 13.16%
  • Cheaper, regular theatre

    15 39.47%
  • Will wait for the DVD and buy/rent/borrow it

    2 5.26%
  • Will wait for it to be on TV (free TV, Pay TV or net streaming)

    1 2.63%
  • Will download a pirate copy to watch for free

    6 15.79%
  • Not planning to see it at all

    4 10.53%
  • Other

    2 5.26%
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Thread: How will you be planning to watch the TF5 Movie for the first time?

  1. #11
    Smint is offline Rank 6 - Dedicated Member
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    3rd Feb 2014


    Will watch the HD supercut of all the fight scenes on youtube.

  2. #12
    Join Date
    16th Mar 2017


    There is a cinema near where I live where they have recliners and serve you food such as pizza. The screen is massive and the sound is crystal so that's how I'll be watching the film

    "Autobots, roll out!"
    "We rollin'"

  3. #13
    Join Date
    24th May 2007


    My first time is likely to be in a regular theatre... but at some point I will see it in IMAX, which will require flying interstate to do it, just to keep up the tradition of seeing all of the Transformers Movies on IMAX (which obviously isn't cheap, even when I don't stay overnight, so I imagine I'm probably the fan who spends the most just to see each Transformers movie).

    Now to decide if I go Sydney or Melbourne for the IMAX viewing, as the Melbourne screen is now the largest in Australia, but Sydney is cheaper/easier to get to.

  4. #14
    Join Date
    14th May 2008
    Back in Brisbane


    Now I am back in Brisbane I am keen to do the big movie fan thing and see it as soon as it comes out. I may even take the day (or day after) off work if a OTCA group viewing happens. As I don't recall trying either of those things before.
    "I am not a gun. I'm hitting people with a hammer. On Mars."
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  5. #15
    Join Date
    13th Feb 2014


    Honestly I haven't decided yet. I've watched them all at the cinema previously but I might wait for this one to hit TV. I really felt angry and let down after AoE it seemed like a lot of wasted potential and the product placement was ridiculous. At the very least I will read some reviews and thoughts on here to see if anything sways me.

  6. #16
    Join Date
    27th Dec 2007
    Sydney NSW


    In that case I recommend that you read reviews from non-fans, because as fans we all have predisposed biases (myself included). Non TF-fans who are less emotionally invested in Transformers may be more likely to give a more honest or unbiased opinion.

    Because a good movie should be one where a person who has very little (if any) knowledge or interest in the source material should be able to view the film and still enjoy it (and fans would enjoy it on a whole 'nuther level). The first live action Transformers film was pretty much like this - I know a lot of non-TF people who went to watch the movie and enjoyed it. The sequels not so much - the best I've heard from non-TF people was praise for the visuals, but nothing beyond that. Although with AoE I haven't even heard that - as that movie had some pretty damn lazy visual effects.

    Revenge of the Fallen gave us that visually spectacular transformation sequence where the Constructicons merged for form Devastator. A scene so massive that it literally crashed ILM's computers in animating it! Age of Extinction on the other hand gave us that really bland looking "flying white blocks" transformation for the Decepticons and the "half the vehicle disappearing into sub-space" transformation for the Autobots. Even when you look at the first movie there was some really nice animation done, like Optimus Prime transforming in front of Sam and Mikaela for the first time. It's so cool seeing all those parts moving and sliding into position. Same with Bumblebee etc., but Age of Extinction was just so lazy. If you watch AoE Optimus Prime transforming frame by frame you can see the entire rear section of the truck literally being sucked into his lower back. It's little wonder that the toys end up with unsightly backpack kibble because the screen model literally leaves them with nowhere else to put it!

  7. #17
    Join Date
    7th Mar 2012
    The Moon


    Quote Originally Posted by griffin View Post
    My first time is likely to be in a regular theatre... but at some point I will see it in IMAX, which will require flying interstate to do it, just to keep up the tradition of seeing all of the Transformers Movies on IMAX (which obviously isn't cheap, even when I don't stay overnight, so I imagine I'm probably the fan who spends the most just to see each Transformers movie).

    Now to decide if I go Sydney or Melbourne for the IMAX viewing, as the Melbourne screen is now the largest in Australia, but Sydney is cheaper/easier to get to.
    Melbourne it is for you. Sydney IMAX closed recently.
    Dovie'andi se tovya sagain

  8. #18
    Join Date
    24th May 2007


    Quote Originally Posted by Trent View Post
    Melbourne it is for you. Sydney IMAX closed recently.
    There are three small sized IMAX theatres in Australia now, with one being in Sydney (near the Fox Studios).

    That's the dilemma I face - go to the cheaper Sydney option for the smaller IMAX screen, or spend more money and go to the large size IMAX screen in Melbourne.

    (this is of course assuming that the TFs movie will be at all of them, since it's big gimmick is being filmed for 3D IMAX viewing)

  9. #19
    Join Date
    17th May 2014
    Terra Australis


    "Cheaper, regular theatre" for me and hoping it's better than it's predecessors.
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  10. #20
    Join Date
    7th Oct 2015


    IMAX for me; these theatres were built for Baysplosions! movies.

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