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Thread: New Rescue Bots cartoon & RID replacement called Cyberverse

  1. #1
    Join Date
    24th May 2007

    Default New Rescue Bots cartoon & RID replacement called Cyberverse

    It was revealed a few months ago that Boulder Media Studios in Ireland was taking on Hasbro properties to produce cartoons for them, and now we know that they are going to be doing two Transformers cartoons - Rescue Bots Academy (which would be the next season of the Rescue Bots cartoon), and an as yet unnamed Transformers cartoon which is likely to be the next season or series after season 3 of RID.

    It's good news for Rescue Bots fans who thought that the series had wrapped up at the end of Season 4 last year.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    4th Jan 2015


    As much as many traditionalist fans may not like it Rescue Bots definitely has a place in the universe and really is a great way to pull young kids into the world of Transformers since the characters, the figures and the cartoons can grow with them... unlike other characters such as Peppa Pig, Dora, etc and even Thomas, who kids tend to grow out of very quickly.

    My son loves Transformers (especially the G1 TV show) but every now and then, even at the age of 10, he'll put one or two of the Rescue Bots episodes on as a bit of light-hearted simplicity. It's one of the few shows he's always laughing out loud to.

    I think it is great they can grow the preschool line and the fact they are still invested in it must mean it is making money either directly or in throughflow as kids get older so one can only assume it is working to strengthen the franchise.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    30th Jul 2015


    And with links to rid cartoon, they have a pathway to the next age group orientated cartoon. In turn, transformers prime is referenced so it is actually a really good pathway into transformers for the youngsters.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    24th May 2007


    The Hasbro owned Boulder Media, is now looking to produce a Animated movies, and with one of the proposed Movie Universe ideas being said to be animated, maybe Boulder Media will be the one to do it.
    Their first movie is about to begin production, but it isn't yet known what property/brand it is for (with the current focus on movie 6 & 7, it isn't likely to be for Transformers).

  5. #5
    Join Date
    24th May 2007


    The other cartoon series has been identified, and it will be a new chapter to follow on from RID (which itself followed on from TFPrime).
    The new series will be called "Cyberverse", and Adam Beechen (showrunner for RID) has given us some brief details on the ending of RID, and that he isn't working on Cyberverse.

    Question: Are you working on the new cartoon [Transformers: Cyberverse] by any chance?

    Adam Beechen: I’m not working on the new series. Just like RID was a change from Prime, I think Hasbro wanted to try something new and wanted new voices for it.

    Question: Based on previous finales they all seemed to wrap up the show pretty well, without giving out what happens in Combiner Force, can you say it’ll wrap up the series fairly well?

    Adam Beechen: Do you really think I’m going to say, “No, it’s a terrible ending?” Of course we think it’ll wrap up the series well!

    Question: I just hope the end of RID wraps up all dangling plots (Soundwave, Stunticons, Steeljaw’s Pack and The Council).

    Adam Beechen: I think it wraps up everything that’s important, but ultimately, how good a job it does will be up to the viewers.”

    “Why is the show called Robots In Disguise when there was an old show with the same name?”

    “When I came aboard, there were a number of possible titles for the series (I won’t tell you what they were) and the one Hasbro settled on was RID. The creative team didn’t have input into their decision. I thought it was strange, too, given the earlier show of the same name, and the fact that our show wasn’t particularly going to be about our characters spending much time in disguise. But they chose what they chose, and certainly, when people think Transformers, many of them think of the classic phrase, “Robots In Disguise,” so maybe that worked a little in our favor and attracted some viewers. I don’t know.”

  6. #6
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    24th May 2007


    Another tidbit about the new Transformers cartoon by Boulder Media, from it founder at a recent animation convention...

    “We get free toys which is great. When [Hasbro] approached, they were looking for a studio that could bring great taste and flair to the projects. They basically gave the keys to the world of Transformers. ‘What would you do for the Transformers? How would you reboot Transformers?’ Which is amazing really. It’s like every geek’s fantasy. I could play around Optimus Prime”.

  7. #7
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    24th May 2007


    Some more details about the new cartoon to replace RID, which will be called Cyberverse.
    It sounds like Bumblebee has lost his memories this time (after just regaining his lost voice), and this cartoon appears to focus on recovering those memories, in order to save his friends and Earth.

    Cyberverse will star Bumblebee and his best friend Windblade, but the storyline will feature other popular Transformers as well. As you can see in the first image from the show, the art style and overall design is much more of a Generation 1 throwback than its predecessor Robots in Disguise, but this show carries over the Bumblebee focus.

    Of course, it wouldn't be a Transformers show without Decepticons, and they will be returning in force for Transformers: Cyberverse.

    "As each memory is repaired, another clue comes to light that will lead them both to complete their shared mission to save their friends and Earth… however, the Decepticons are hot on their heels and time is running out.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    7th Jan 2010


    Cant say I like the art style in the promo, Windblade is ugly, Bee looks 5, and unless they mean alt modes I dont see how it will be a G1 throwback in regards to artwork.
    Remember when Transformers involved two warring factions instead of centering everything around Bumblebee?
    I mean ok he's become a competent leader of sorts in RiD but still. Also I think the writers have been watching a bit too much anime lately, that plotline is straight out of one lol

    I'll still check it out though, just some first thoughts

  9. #9
    Join Date
    28th Feb 2009


    Quote Originally Posted by DarkHyren View Post
    Cant say I like the art style in the promo, Windblade is ugly, Bee looks 5, and unless they mean alt modes I dont see how it will be a G1 throwback in regards to artwork.
    Remember when Transformers involved two warring factions instead of centering everything around Bumblebee?
    I mean ok he's become a competent leader of sorts in RiD but still. Also I think the writers have been watching a bit too much anime lately, that plotline is straight out of one lol

    I'll still check it out though, just some first thoughts
    That's just development artwork, remember it will have some changes once the series begins to air. Also the cast as of this moment is 3 bots (and assume Starscream and Megatron) so the evergreen figures are probably to fill out the waves along with endless repaints, retools and the odd new figure

  10. #10
    Join Date
    2nd Jun 2011


    Not being much of an RID fan I'm happy for them to move on. However like many I'm suffering from Bbee burnout - don't need to see another cartoon with him as the main character, but given he is getting his own movie next year I'm guessing it's to be expected.

    Personally I'd like to see Hot Rod take the reins as the main protagonist (though I'm thinking more IDW than TLK).

    Rescue Bots is great for young kids and a half decent cartoon. Good to hear it's gonna keep truckin'

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