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Thread: Final FunPub Club sale - everything must go

  1. #41
    Join Date
    24th May 2007


    Bought the four Custom Class toys I don't have that they still have in stock (2007, 2008, 2009, 2011). The older three will probably still be in stock next week (which would be another US$90 cheaper), but the 2011 toy might not... and they average out to be about US$100 each, which is close enough for me.

    Postage was still the expected excessive amount, at US$75 for what is basically 4 Deluxe toys in baggies... so should be half that.

    Now to see if they arrive, and see if I can build them... and then do up a photo review of the 23 years of BotCon toys.
    (this will leave me with just five American BotCon/Club toys I will be missing, which are five other Custom Class toys, from 2004, 2006 x2, 2010 and 2012)

  2. #42
    Join Date
    24th May 2007


    Quote Originally Posted by Raider View Post
    Has anyone asked them directly?
    Judging by the comments on the TFW topic I linked to above, for instructions, it sounds like they do... and one of the items in the Club Store says that it doesn't come with any "Hardware", which I assume means the screws and pins.
    From what I (vaguely) recall from the Custom Class, the screws and pins are inside the sealed bag. The one on the Club Store that I think is missing them, might have been taken out for someone in the Custom Class who was missing something, or lost something.

  3. #43
    Join Date
    27th Nov 2012


    I am still waiting for the final showdown :P

    There are several that I want to buy

  4. #44
    Join Date
    27th Dec 2007
    Chadstone, Vic


    A couple of things I was looking at have sold out (or are in speculator's carts). Going to try again tomorrow.

  5. #45
    Join Date
    24th May 2007


    After holding off for a week or two (after promising to drop the prices every week), they are now down to 10% of their original* prices.

    (*price at the time of the start of the sale)

    Only 129 different items left available (could be less, as people are getting messages of items being out of stock when they try to cart them)... and only two toys were left being listed that I could see - the Waruder 4-pack (no surprise there) now only US$16.90 for four Deluxe Waspinators... and the Depth Charge on card (a big surprise to me) for a tiny US$3.90.
    (I tried to cart a single unit of both of them, but it said that they didn't have enough stock of either... so it looks like no toys are left)

    At those prices, their excessive shipping would probably be bearable.

    It's probably worth noting that they still have their "GIJoe" Transformers exclusives in-stock at full price, as they were moved over to their GIJoe store before this sale... but expect to go through all this again in 2019 when they have to sell off all their GIJoe stock (including these Transformers items) at progressively cheaper prices.

  6. #46
    Join Date
    27th Dec 2007
    Chadstone, Vic


    I was holding out for one more price drop! Wondering if some of those things are in people's carts as people try to test the system for quantities remaining...

  7. #47
    Join Date
    24th May 2007


    Quote Originally Posted by Paulbot View Post
    I was holding out for one more price drop! Wondering if some of those things are in people's carts as people try to test the system for quantities remaining...
    I think that's a flaw of their online store... as I've seen people on TFW say that they carted items and were waiting for another price drop, as if they were able to keep them carted for a lengthy period of time.
    We might see a stocktake in the next week (which shouldn't take long), and have any missed items added.

    It was odd to see the Waruders all go at once, as they had about 500 sets of the four packs a week ago... but they might have been bought up for something like a convention, as I heard that Petes Robot Convention is having a custom class that will be using the Club pretenders, which is why their big amount disappeared overnight a few weeks back.

  8. #48
    Join Date
    26th May 2013
    Gold Coast


    Bugger, I picked up the Waruders only a week ago. Got them for $33 US. Postage was quite reasonable at $25.

    I may need to get another set 😬

  9. #49
    Join Date
    26th May 2013
    Gold Coast


    Waruders have arrived, should have grabbed a second set they look really cool.

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