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Thread: If you started a Political Party, what would it be called, and represent?

  1. #1
    Join Date
    24th May 2007

    Default If you started a Political Party, what would it be called, and represent?

    Us here in Australia are entering "election season" again, with several state and federal elections in the next 12-18 months, which will see a ramping up of politicians on media outlets, with promises, and b*tching about other politicians, leading up to the start of official election campaigns.

    With most political parties these days (here and abroad) trying to be as far from political centre(#) as possible, in order to differentiate themselves from their main opponents, it means most (regular) people/voters are pawns of major parties instead of being targeted or represented by them... prompting sudden support for idealistic people and parties (like Palmer United Party, Xenophon Team, One Nation), which can disappear just as quickly if they don't have rational objectives or party leaders.

    So it had me thinking, a bit like a school assignment, if you had to create a political party...
    - what would you call it,
    - what primary demographic or ideology would it prioritise with its policies (*),
    - what would be the 5-10 major policies your party would take to the election.

    (*) some examples of the primary demographics or ideologies of some of our major parties...
    - Labor - Unions
    - Liberal - Businesses
    - Nationals - Farmers
    - Greens - Environment
    (a lot of minor parties are obvious just by their name)

    (#) left-wing/centrist/right-wing is the overall position of political parties, based on how conservative or radical most of their policies are - for more reading about the political spectrum, go here.

    This topic isn't for debating or criticising existing political parties or politicians, so please avoid it unless noting something as an example is absolutely necessary to make a point with your posting.

    (BTW, if you want to post up something that isn't serious, please note it, even if it might seem obvious to you and most others that it isn't serious.)

  2. #2
    Join Date
    21st Jul 2014


    The Australian Common Sense Party. Name speaks for itself and is something clearly lacking at the moment... naturally a mostly centrist party targetting a demographic under 45.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    7th Mar 2012
    The Moon


    The "We Think More Than An Election Cycle Ahead" party.

    Centrist in nature. Every policy decision grounded in research and supported fact. I would allow lobbyists but transcripts of their meetings with politicians would be made public record after 6 months. No cronyism. No living the high life off the public purse.
    Dovie'andi se tovya sagain

  4. #4
    Join Date
    4th Aug 2008
    The 'Riff


    I'd create the Social Justice Warriors party. But not as you think. I'd form up an army of sword wielding fighters to crack skulls and bathe in the blood of our enemies. Who will be chosen to be cracked are the ones who can't show respect for one another and have a selfish behaviour

  5. #5
    Join Date
    29th Dec 2007


    'A Fair Australia for All' Party.

    Policy would be about nation building. Updating infrastructure, objectively looking at immigration policies (immigration is generally good if all cultures integrate to work together for a better future). Roads and speed rail across the state and hopefully one day, the nation.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    21st Jul 2014


    Quote Originally Posted by kup View Post
    'A Fair Australia for All' Party.

    Policy would be about nation building. Updating infrastructure, objectively looking at immigration policies (immigration is generally good if all cultures integrate to work together for a better future). Roads and speed rail across the state and hopefully one day, the nation.
    The only problem is that you cannot appease everyone all the time.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    29th Dec 2007


    Quote Originally Posted by Raider View Post
    The only problem is that you cannot appease everyone all the time.
    No you can't but you have to try to act on your vision of what is best for the nation. If you try to please everyone, you will never get anything done and you will not be an effective leader and the people would end up hating you more for it.

    'Please everyone' politics is a fallacy to begin with.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    21st Jul 2014


    It gets tricky though as what is best for the nation isn't necessarily the best for everyone or even the majority. Plenty of issues arise with a utilitarian regime too. It is a balancing act no doubt.

    let's just overhaul the whole system and appoint a benevolent dictator! That would get things done.

  9. #9
    Join Date
    12th Jun 2011


    No idea what I'd call the party but I know what I would do.

    -Increase tax for the rich while give tax breaks to the poor.

    -Replace the mess that is the current NBN with a minimum of a gigabit network using either fiber or fixed wireless with no bandwidth caps. (wireless is depended on the technology proving itself, but since Google Fiber is switching from fiber rollout to gigabit wireless it may well be ready)

    -Set a national science policy

    -Invest heavily in public schools with an emphasis on STEM subjects.

    -Invest in the public health system

    -Increase wages of public school teachers and public hospital nurses.

    -Invest in Universities and the CSIRO to research and create new technologies to make Australia a leading exporter of intellectual property.

    -Replace fossil fuel power plants with solar and wind power plants.

    -Set a framework for self driving vehicles to be tested and eventually implemented on roads.

    -Do not make fossil fuel burning vehicles illegal, but make them pay for damage they are doing to the environment therefore making electric and hydrogen vehicles a cheaper option.

    -Enact laws on immigration and jobs similar to Canada's strict rules on the subject.

    -Bring Australian IP laws into line with other western nations and allow for Fair Use.

    I'm guessing that would make my party the STEM Party or something like that.

  10. #10
    Join Date
    21st Jul 2014


    Quote Originally Posted by DELTAprime View Post
    No idea what I'd call the party but I know what I would do.

    -Increase tax for the rich while give tax breaks to the poor.

    -Replace the mess that is the current NBN with a minimum of a gigabit network using either fiber or fixed wireless with no bandwidth caps. (wireless is depended on the technology proving itself, but since Google Fiber is switching from fiber rollout to gigabit wireless it may well be ready)

    -Set a national science policy

    -Invest heavily in public schools with an emphasis on STEM subjects.

    -Invest in the public health system

    -Increase wages of public school teachers and public hospital nurses.

    -Invest in Universities and the CSIRO to research and create new technologies to make Australia a leading exporter of intellectual property.

    -Replace fossil fuel power plants with solar and wind power plants.

    -Set a framework for self driving vehicles to be tested and eventually implemented on roads.

    -Do not make fossil fuel burning vehicles illegal, but make them pay for damage they are doing to the environment therefore making electric and hydrogen vehicles a cheaper option.

    -Enact laws on immigration and jobs similar to Canada's strict rules on the subject.

    -Bring Australian IP laws into line with other western nations and allow for Fair Use.

    I'm guessing that would make my party the STEM Party or something like that.
    All fantastic ideas but how would the government afford all of that? Increasing taxes on the rich would cover nowhere near all of that.

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